
I will end my life.

Rachael runs continuously on the streets of New York, she runs until she reaches the bridge she stops and struggles to catch her breath, breathing continuously with her heart struggling to come out.

“I think this is the end of my suffering,” she said and stand on the narrow end of the bridge looking into the water.

People gather around the bridge begging her to come down causing a traffic jam in the process.

“Miss please come down why will you try to end your life, you are still young and beautiful and there is a lot to live for.” a woman said

“No you don’t know anything about me, you don’t know what I go through every day,” Rachael replied crying continuously as her tears slide down her pale cheeks and fall into the water.


She put a leg forward to jump as she jump just in time, Steve cut her hand. and started feeling a tingling sensation from their hands. she is hanging on the bridge if he let go of her hand she will fall into the water. She look at him with her eyes filled with tears.

“Why are you trying to kill yourself,” he asks struggling not to let go

“Let go of me it’s my life I want to die there is nothing no leave for on this earth,” she said using her second hand to push his hand away, he grunted his teeth striving not to let go as sweat started forming in his forehead.

“Don’t be like this, I can’t let you die like this,” he said with his eyes blood red, he continue holding her hand as she kept on resisting.

“Why do you choose to end your life, what about your parents don’t you think of them and stop this madness.”

He declared clenching his teeth with his vein being exposed.  

“I have no parents am alone in this cruel world let me die and join my mother,” she said crying

“Someone please help me pull her up, Steve said to the crowd two men come forward and join him. they pull Rachael out of the bridge. And she tries to jump inside again. Steve carry her on his shoulder and walk to his car.  

“Put me down,” she said hitting his back continuously.  Steve carry her into his car and lock the door, she struggles to come out of the car but don’t know how to open it. Steve sat on the driver sit next to her and drive off.

“Let me out,” she said banging the glass of the car.

“Calm down you can cry all you want but trying to end your life is so stupid.” He stated.

“I don’t care if it’s a wise decision or not I don’t want to leave this life of misery any longer she cries out.” Hitting the door of the car

“What’s happening to you that you feel dying is the only option?” he inquired  

“That’s not your problem and why are you helping me,” Rachael ask staring at him as the tears continue to escape her eyes.