
My Roommate Is Actually A Writer

I am Lan Xing and I became roommates with an infamous transfer student. But, when I lived with him, I proved the rumors are wrong. I also discovered something as I lived with him: I started liking him, in a romantic sense. I am Hong Yue and I became roommates with a famous athletic student. As we lived together, he showed me where I was wrong. I discovered something when I lived with him: I like him, in a romantic sense.

HuilongShenghou · LGBT+
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41 Chs

Chapter 21: Past might make up for the present, but doesn't speak for it.

Zhou Tianshan paced back and forth in his office as he dialed Huang Ziming's number. He's jittery since Hong Mengyun surfaced thus, he finally contacted Lan Xing.

Zhou Tianshan, Huang Ziming and Hong Weiheng were college buddies and they invested for Haifeng Mall as their project. They were nobodies, so it had been hard for them to save up money enough to make Haifeng. When the Haifeng's fame rose, they attracted attention. Hong Weiheng – as the most handsome among them three, caught the eyes of Li Ran. They married for business and Li Ran's family supported Haifeng, bringing the Haifeng customers.

Li Ran, coming from an aristocrat family, was displeased since her husband spent more time in business than her. Thus, he pulled him from his friends and made him work from home to accompany her. They can't say 'no' since Li Ran's father is the biggest shareholder. Zhou Tianshan, who has big ambitions, became the CEO while Huang Ziming remained passive.

Then, the time came when he and Huang Ziming fought. It was because of a woman. In the end, the woman chose Huang Ziming and their relationship cannot be fixed. Li Ran also had given birth to Hong Mengyun. He also met his wife and she gave birth to Lan Xing. The three of them became very busy with their lives they didn't have time to sit and chat over a drink like the old times.

Then, when Hong Mengyun was fourteen – a very fragile age, his parents died. He was also in the accident thus he developed a PTSD. He was forced to stop schooling since he still had nightmares and fears of the accident. For more than a year, he locked himself inside his room. When he decided to come out, it was found out he had lost his ability to speak, to eat, to walk, to write, and he even lost all his senses – most especially his sense of sight and hearing. He only had the IV to sustain the nutrition of his body.

When his condition finally improved, he used a hoverboard, only to get caught in an accident and almost had his body crushed under the car's tires. His condition came back.

As his father's friends, Zhou Tianshan and Huang Ziming wanted to take care of him. However, Hong Mengyun developed a crowd anxiety from the two major accidents of his life. Thus, only Song Xuqi was his company. The butler was the only family he was left with. Even the Li family, he couldn't recognize.

When he became 18 and was sober, they finally met. Only for Hong Mengyun to wear bombs. Fortunately, Song Xuqi responded and they found out they were only toys. Hong Mengyun was then sent to America and was home-schooled by Song Xuqi.

Meanwhile, Lan Xing who happened to be there at that time during the meeting was scared witless. He was still twelve. The fear was instilled in his mind and until today, he still thought Hong Mengyun carried real bombs. He cried for a week and had nightmares of Zhou Tianshan exploding. He slept with Zhou Tianshan during that time until his nightmares stopped.

"Is he really sane now?" Zhou Tianshan muttered as he waited for Huang Ziming to answer his call. Finally, the call connected. "Hey! Huang Ziming! Is Hong Mengyun really sane now?!" he asked.

"Yes, he is." Huang Ziming answered.

"Really?" Zhou Tianshan is still doubtful.

"Yes. Song Xuqi is reliable." Huang Ziming answered. "I forgot to inform you of his return since I have been busy. I'll send you his medical results later." He explained.

Zhou Tianshan sighed in relief. "Very well. I'll trust you." He told him before he ended the call.

"What did he say?" Ruan Cheng asked.

"Huang Ziming wouldn't lie." Zhou Tianshan said as he held his phone tight. "He said Hong Mengyun is sane now." He told him. "The butler also devotes his life to Hong Mengyun's well-being, so Hong Mengyun must be really sane." He explained.

"Then, it's good news." Ruan Cheng said as he did an image search of the Haifeng. "His privilege card's last transaction is with a restaurant. There's nothing after that." He told him.

"Could it be he's really just sightseeing?" Zhou Tianshan asked before he sighed. "Let him be." He said in defeat. "Haifeng is mostly his." He said.

Ruan Cheng nodded in agreement.

Haifeng Mall.

Song Xuqi emotionally ran his fingers through the name 'Hong Mengyun' in the card.

"Xuqi. What's wrong?" Huang Anyi asked when he saw Song Xuqi fell silent. Lu Weijin went to the comfort room.

Song Xuqi just smiled as he kept the card. Then, he looked at Huang Anyi. "Young master is very fortunate to meet you." He told her.

"Huh?" Huang Anyi was puzzled.

Song Xuqi didn't elaborate. Huang Anyi was raised by Huang Ziming in America. When she was sixteen, she met the nineteen years old Hong Mengyun who had wandered around and escaped from Song Xuqi's sight. Song Xuqi was deathly worried of Hong Mengyun coming to harm than he would harm others thus he was surprised to see him calmly talking with Huang Anyi.

Song Xuqi realized, Huang Anyi resembled Li Ran with her air of an aristocrat. Thus, he let him talk with Huang Anyi. Huang Ziming also noticed that Hong Mengyun started to change because of the lively Huang Anyi. Huang Anyi seemed to like Hong Mengyun, too, which stemmed from pity at first. Then, she started to sing to him every day, told him all kinds of things.

What they didn't expect is for Huang Anyi to promise herself to Hong Mengyun. Though she brushed it off as a joke, but Huang Ziming and Song Xuqi could notice. She really likes Hong Mengyun.

"My young master..." he muttered.

"Huh? What happened to Yueyue? Didn't we see him earlier?" she asked.

Song Xuqi could only chuckle seeing the alarm in Huang Anyi's eyes. "Nothing. Young miss, I'll be taking my leave now." He said and rose from his seat. "I have to return this to young master, then I'll go back to the villa." He told her.

"Yeah. You take care!" Huang Anyi said and waved at him.

Song Xuqi bowed before he walked away.

"Huh? Where's that butler?" he still heard Lu Weijin asked.

"Manager. Don't tell me you like Xuqi?" Huang Anyi asked as she grinned at Lu Weijin.

Lu Weijin blushed. "I – I don't!" he answered. "I just – "

Huang Anyi rolled her eyes. "But, I'm hoping you would!" he honestly told him.

"WHA - !" Lu Weijin said and pointed her. "You... you – !" he said as his face reddened more.

Song Xuqi chuckled as he finally went out of the restaurant. Then, he hailed a passing vehicle for one then searched for Hong Yue.

The author has something to say:

Past doesn't define the present, but everyone still has to be responsible for their actions.

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