
My roommate’s secret..

Alaster_Official · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The beginning of a mistake..

"Agh! Ally! Ally wait!"

(A screaming voice echoed through the halls and caught young Ally's attention..)

"Clyde!? W-why aren't you in class!? Mr.Trink is going to be furious seeing you late again!"

(Clyde ran up to Ally that was about to send some books back to the library)

"You..ugh! Wait- give me a second- I need to ugh..

ow my legs..wait!"

(Clyde collapsed on the floor huffing and puffing from exhaustion. As you can see..he doesn't do sports..)

"Ugh..you forgot your lunch!"

(He handed a lunch bag to Ally and Ally was a bit surprised that she forgot her lunch at home since she's such a neat person..)

"Jeez..sorry for the inconvenience buddy! (She rested her hand on Clyde's shoulder and chuckled a bit) I promise I won't forget my lunch again.."

"Good!" (Clyde got up) "Do you know how hard I have to make that lunch! Thank god I woke up late and saw your lunch bag on the dinner table..uhm..aren't you supposed to be in physics class right now?"(Clyde asked Ally)

"Well..class got canceled because the teacher was "sick""

"Ohh yeah..Mrs.Petersons always doesn't come to work! Last week..she said she had the plague! And she sent us all a video of her coughing and showed her hand "blood" that was totally not drawn on her hands by a red sharpie marker.."(Clyde joked)

(The both best friends laughed)

"Oh god..How much I hate and love this place is ridiculous.."(Ally wiped a tear from laughing so hard)

"Yeah! I know right! I can't wait to get out of this dump and have freedom!"(Clyde shouted through the halls)

"Don't say it out loud you dummy! Ahaha! Well..we still have a year left till we graduate..so better be ready for the outside world and start studying.."(Ally nudges her elbow at Clyde's arm referring him to study more..)

"Ugh!"(Clyde rubs his arm and rolled his eyes) "Fine..I'll start studying for now on..happy?"

"Very.."(Ally smiled from the reply Clyde gave her)

(The both of them we're friends since they were in middle school..when Clyde was 10, he saw little 10 year old Ally standing alone at gym class crying and went up to her and comforted her there..10 years later..they dicided to move in together and became roommates and got in the college and never got separated since..)

(Ally is a neat person, she's very intelligent and kind towards others but a little quiet..but even though she's a top student she has a passion for art..she would doodle some little drawings beside her notes and spend her time outside drawing in the college park with Clyde her best friend..Ally's family is a mystery and she never told anyone about her family and her past even to Clyde but Clyde respects her privacy and never asked her about again..

Clyde in the other hand, he likes to be friends with everyone and always be stuck with Ally..he likes Star Trek and a loves computer class! He would go on and on about the coding and how interesting it is to people. A lot of people didn't care about the facts Clyde would tell them but only one person enjoys Clyde's rambling about his interest and that is Ally..Clyde has a Mother but he never met his father since father died from an accident he had while on patrol..his mother is a nurse and is 54 years old and his late father was 50..)

(The bell rang and students ran out the classrooms and filled in the halls in just a minute..Ally pulled Clyde quickly in the library and started doing her work..Ally accidentally forgot about her pen drive falling from her bag and dropping on the floor of the halls leaving it a chance for someone to take it..but unfortunately the pen drive had something in it that was very important for Ally's part time job..)

"Hey! Stop pulling me so hard bro..you have a strong grip girl..you work out or something!? Damn.."(Clyde rubs his arm from soreness after Ally pulled him in the Library)

"Sorry! I was just rushing to put the library books back.."(she sighed)


"My pen drive!"(She opened her bag wide and scattered in the bag searching for a blue pen drive of hers) "No! No! His going to kill me!"

"What! Who's gonna kill you! No one's is going to lay a finger on you! Hmph!"(Clyde forms a fighting form for trying make Ally laugh a bit and calm down)

"No..no!" (She slams her head on the counter) "ugh! Ally you clumsy idiot!! How could you drop it!?"

"Huh! The halls!"

(Ally ran out the library leaving her scattered stuff on the library floor with confused Clyde)

(Ally looked around the halls and no sign of pen drive)

"Fuck! Ugh!..no.."(she drops to the floor devastated and covering her face in shame..Ally never felt this feeling before in her life!..it was a feeling of failure..she didn't know how to handle the feeling and just.. cried..)

"Ally! Are you okay!?"(Clyde asked concerned and dropped to the floor rubbing Ally's back trying to comfort her) "hey..what's wrong..is everything okay?.."

"No! Everything is not ok! I lost the damn pen drive and chief is going to be pissed at me and now I failed him and his going to be.."(she looked up with her eyes widened with tears all over her face)"..disappointed!! Aaaagh…"

"Hey! Hey..it's going to be fine..I'll help you find that pen drive okay?.."

"R-really?..you'd do that for me?"

"Yes! Of course..I'll do anything for you..And I will find that pen drive until it's in your hands again..okay?.."

"Okay..thanks Clyde!"(Ally hugged Clyde tightly not letting him go..but Clyde didn't even said a word and hugged her back..)