



        “He was always coming back late and when I confront him, he tries to wave it off and he... “

        Faith was looking at the woman talk but she wasn't really listening to what she was saying. She didn't even know how she had managed to make it to work that day. She wasn't okay, she wasn't in her right frame of mind. In fact, her heart was brewing with tears, she was just trying very hard to keep from bursting out. 

        Noah had dumped her last night. He had said she wasn't what he wanted. She could still replay the scene in her head and it was still very clear to her, his face, his expression, how he left. She had called him back, she hadn't believed it at first, she still didn't believe it now.

      Noah had come back that night while she made dinner and he had grabbed her from behind. He had been all sweaty and he knew how much she hated it when he comes back and touch her without having his bath. He had kissed her neck and despite the fact that she didn't like it, she had allowed him to kiss her all over her neck. 

      But he had wanted more, he had been horny that night and she wasn't in the mood for it. She was already tired from work and was making dinner with the last ounce of strength in her. He had turned her to face him and she had protested. 

       “Uhm... Noah, I...I think you need to go shower okay.“

       Noah had moaned and continued kissing her while he mumbled on her neck. 

        “Come on, babe, not now. I need you.“ He had grabbed her breast and she had roughly pushed him away from her. 

      “Stop it! You don't need me right now, you need to have your bath!“ She had not known if her voice had sounded as irritated as she felt. 

       But, Noah had watch her coolly for a while and had straightened himself, looking so frustrated. 

       “You always do this,“    he had said and started out of the kitchen. 

         “Always do what? “  she followed him. 

          “You always, always make me feel filthy around you.“

         “What? I make you feel filthy...?“

          “You're always about having my bath before touching you, brushing before I kiss you, I can't keep my shorts on the bed, I can't even breath around you! “

        “Are you being serious right now?! It is called being hygienic! It prevents you from getting diseases...“

       “Well, you're being hygienic to a fault!“

        “Noah, how could you even say that to me?“

       Noah had raised his hands in exasperation. 

        “You know what? I'm tired." 

       "Tired of what?" 

        “Tired of this...your constant naggings...your hygiene... I wanna live, I wanna breathe, you know... “

       Faith had chuckled.  “I nag?“ When Noah didn't say anything, she had continued.   “I choke the breath out of you now?“

       "I don't stink, Faith." 

        “Who said you do?“

        “You keep insinuating that and you keep making it look like I'm not worthy of you. I think we better end this...“

       Faith had ran to him and held him. 

        “Hey, it hasn't gotten to this. I...I...“

      Noah had looked at her hands on his shirt and had looked at her. 

        “Now, you can touch me without me taking a shower? “

         She hadn't known what to say. He had gentle loosened her grip on him and had left the door. 

       “Where are you going to?!  Noah! Noah! Noah, come back here!“ she had called. 

     But, Noah had walked out on her without looking back. She had cried and begged him to come back but it had fallen on deaf ears. She had stayed up that night, waiting for him to come back, waiting for him to walk in through that door, but he didn't walk in and she had fallen asleep on the couch by three a.m. 

       She had woken up that morning and had check round the whole house but he was nowhere to be found. There was no sign that he had come in last night. She had checked her call logs, but he hadn't called her and when she had called, she had been put on voicemail. That was when she had been hit by the sudden reality that he had left for good.