
My Road to Becoming A Demon Lord

The story follows the exploits of Suzuki Souta a solo adventurer who dreams of become the strongest adventurer in the world. On his way to a raid, some high level monster somehow find their way down to the lower dungeon where as he has no choice but to beat them in order to ensure his survival and ends up almost being killed. On the brink of death he suddenly awakened a hidden skill which allows him to beat the monsters. With the new powers he had attained his dreams of becoming the strongest adventurer in the world had now become a reality. ¶ PS This is my first time on web novel and I'm still learning how it works but I'll promise you this "My Road to Becoming a Demon Lord" gets interesting with every passing chapter ¶ What to expect •Plot twist •Character development •Daily update •Add this novel to your library •Show appreciation by voting on it •Give me reviews and constructive criticism aimed to inspire ma •Stick with me till the end of the novel

Mangaque_ · Action
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17 Chs


"Urgh," Souta groaned slowly getting up from bed with his left hand placed on his eyes and quickly remembered what happened in the dungeon "I'm…alive?" he wondered. He suddenly heard the sound of plates crashing onto the floor before Souta could make out what was happening someone immediately hugged him from behind only for him to look down and see Hina

"Souta, is it really you?" she asked

"Yes Miss Hina," He said while smiling a bit

"I'm so relieved, I thought I lost you" she sobbed squeezing him tightly

"I'm sorry I worried you, but Miss Hina….I can't breathe also your boobs" He replied quickly gasping for air. She instantly apologized with a nervous look on her face

After the heartwarming reunion Souta told her everything that had happened, Hina decides to give him a quick check to make sure nothing was off with his body and they were both surprised by the result.

Hina explained his new skill "GREED" to him and how it allows him to gain a unique ability or gift from anything he kills, she also stated how it was the cause of Souta's rapid increase in strength and durability to level D. Despite the level of the stats Souta was still happy because for the first time since he started raiding his stats finally started increasing. A few weeks later Souta had finally recovered from all his injuries and was finally fit to start raiding again. Hina suddenly noticed that Souta wasn't with his dagger and remembers that he lost it and volunteers to take Souta to a store in the city to purchase a new one


Hina and Souta finally arrive at the weaponry store whereas they are greeted by Hina's friend Eris a beast person with a long blonde hair.

"Hina you didn't tell me that you were coming here with your boyfriend," she said smiling

"B-b-b-b-boyfriend, Souta is just a member of my guild" she stammered as she puffed up glowing beet red

"Then you wouldn't mind if I borrow him for a bit?" Eris asked giving Souta a seductive look causing Souta to blush, A bit flustered by what was going on Hina immediately grabs Souta by the hand running away with him into the elevator which leads upstairs to where the weapons are displayed.

After searching for half a day Souta and Hina left the store without buying a single thing because Souta didn't find any weapon which suited his taste or fighting style, some were ok but were just too expensive with the price at nothing short of 14 million Lev with at their current status they couldn't afford


The next morning while Souta was cleaning Hina's room he stumbled upon a box which he opened only to see a strange dagger inside. He gives it a swing to test it, it wasn't too heavy or too light it was a perfect fit for him.

"Miss Hina, look at what I just found, I was wondering if it was yours and if I could borrow it for a bit," He said in excitement as he ran towards her waving the dagger in the air

"It's not mine, it belongs to an adventurer I once knew but you can keep it," she said smiling

Souta jumps all over the house in excitement and pecks her on the check-in expression of his gratitude causing her to blush as he quickly ran to finish his chores and head out to raid. After he was done he makes his way into the adventurer's guild, he happily marched towards Ai and shows her the new present he got from Hina and immediately runs into the dungeon and heads down into the 10th floor

"If what Hina Is saying is true I should be able to increase my level for every monster I kill, yosh lets begin" he said as he warmed up by stretching his body when suddenly an orc popped up behind him and tries to smash Souta in with his fist but Souta immediately makes leaps out of the way avoiding the fatal blow. The orc gave a loud shrieked and charged towards Souta as Souta quickly readied his fist landing an uppercut on the orc which sent it flying a few meters into the air and crashing on the round.

*Did they get weaker? No that's not it, I got stronger* he thought as he stared at his hand. Suddenly more orcs came walking out of the caves, Souta slowly draws his dagger and charges towards them and started killing every one of them one by one, and the more he killed the more they kept on coming. Though it felt a bit abnormal for this many orcs to be on a single floor Souta wasn't bothered


"Phew, I think that's the last one. This is getting a bit easier" he thought to himself after killing at least 100 orc's, suddenly he felt an ominous aura coming from the 10th floor. He wonders what it was because the 10th-floor boss had already been defeated he decides to take a quick look around to be sure when suddenly he stumbles upon a huge door which was the source of where the aura was coming from.

Souta was a bit scared but wanted to put his skills to the test to see how much he has grown so he places his hands on the door and pushes it open, as soon as he walked in the door closed shut and magic candles immediately lit up brightening the whole place up only for him to see two times the orc's he had defeated outside of the bosses room all gathered in one place bowing down at the statue of the orc king and his two generals but they didn't seem like much of a threat to him cause they weren't moving. So he quickly dashed into the horde of orc's killing every single one of them one by one till none was left

"Though my levels may increase it seems like my energy is still human, thankfully I'm done" He said breathing heavily and sweating.

He walks towards the dungeon door but it doesn't open when suddenly the whole place starts rumbling only to turn back and see the king of orc's and his two generals had somewhat come to life.