

As people say life may be so unpredictable that situation applied to Michael also arriving at the country were he had to attend a three days meeting believing that he'd have a free time for himself but guess what the universe had some other plans the moment he arrived e received a call from Ian telling him that there was some rich guys who wanted to have a meeting with him to and guess what they are all friends but they want to have separate meetings and he will have to be in the country for two more weeks it devastated him but the best part of him was how he loved his work .

Michael: Jones check out with Mr Robbin and tell him I'd be there at 9:00am without delay


Something feels fishy but I don't know what for the past two days since my stay here I have been receiving weird kinda special treatment in this country but anyways good for me cause I like everything perfect but the weirdest part is I have been trying to crack deals in this country for a very long time but nothing went as I wanted and as if blessings follow me the moment I arrive they all come running looking for me someone might say I hate money maybe but no the vibe I'm getting from this deals don't give me the peace I want .

Client 1 : It's my pleasure to work with you Mr.Houston I hope the construction will start very soon I'm so excited .

Michael : The pleasure is mine sir ,I have tried for years to get in contact with you so thank you for this .

Client 1 : It's okay I must say you have very good people around you who root for you dearly . Without waiting for my reply he left just like that ,but what did he mean .I left also afterwards ignoring all the lingering feelings in me .


For almost an hour now this old man has been complaining to the extent I don't understand anymore ,what does he want for heavensake .please can someone take him out I have a lot to do and I really ......

Ian : Whatever you want you ain't going to get it Suzie ,you can't be doing this to me ,Suzy you are my ex and Michael is my best friend

Suzy : We have no proof to your blabberings Mr whatever ,the only thing we did was to hold hands we have no baby proof that you are my ex you better say we are friend's or else you know what I'll be doing with that little law firm of yours .

Ian : I mean what does Michael have that I don't ? if it's money I'm loaded if it's the looks I have them perfectly good ,what else I do care about you but why my bestie out of all men out there .huh ?

Suzy : You have no blue eyes (while giggling) .

Ian : (Shocked ) Huh? Seriously? I can add some lens then if it's what you want.

Suzy : You have no those type of feelings for me anymore then why are you so worked up mhh?

Ian : Cause I know you won't get what you want ,he is the great Casanova ,he has women kept for him all over the city

,and you think keeping him busy can keep him from his nature huh?

Suzy : Do I look like I care ? The moment he becomes mine I'd remind you of your stupid complaints .Now scram !

Ian : With all the help I gave you at least take me out for lunch cause my heart is bleeding all because of you .

Suzy : Oh really all i did was call and you came here running as if I said I'd be giving you money you better say good words about me to him when he is back or else byebye law firm .

Ian : Do I have to remind you that we are not only exe's but also childhood friends ,how can you do that to me ?huh?

Suzy : Thank you for the reminder now byebye .

Ian has been my friend since childhood he left for his studies and came back all grown we missed each other and mistaked that for love but at the end nothing worked between us we ended up becoming friends again and here I had to emotional blackmail him to help me and here my sweetbaby to be will be busy for two weeks more while I keep planning my plans on how to get him.


While walking throughout out the office premises I came across the male clothing area and I was shocked to see them designing a lot of male clothes while I don't remember receiving that order.

Suzy : What are you guys designing ? I don't remember this order .

Designer : Mam we received orders this morning while you were in the meeting they need them by the end of the month .

Suzy : Huh ? what do you mean end of the month ? we have a lot of orders before today why did you guys stop on them and worked on this are they so special?

Designer : Mam they are our number one customers in our country and we always give them the special treatment o'er your order .

Suzy : Huh !? And who are they ?

Designer : It's the heir of the Houston mam we have been there designers since the beginning .

And at the mention of the Houston's my heart raced a weird type of race huh ? we have always been designing his clothes and I never knew ,I mean I have a lot of customers that I don't remember even the special ones but I should have remembered his name right ?how bad of me .....But this is the moment to start extracting my plan .

Suzy. : Mhhhh okay then you guys stop there I will design all of them myself and you guys should get ready and start designing other customers outfits in thirty minutes everything should be in my office and tell his male stylist to come see me .

Designer : Mam he hates males stylist he always required a female one .

Suzy : Then let her come (This man how can he think of sleeping around with the stylists worry less Sweetheart I'll be your personal stylist ) .

I left in a hurry so as I can start working to provide the beauty with something that has never existed God I hope he loves everything that I'll prepare for him here we go fighting Suzie .....

*************AUTHOR'S NOTE PLEASE READ .*******

Thank you guys for 200 reader's and more you guys are the best I love you all ,So guys I promise I'll be updating frequently when I get a free time but I can't promise how many chapters per day Cause I'm a veterinary doctor by profession so please guys comment down below how you have seen the book so far and I promise I won't drag much this story won't be too short neither too long hope you will love it .......

Yours Aggy ❤