

Aisling Murphy has had it tough in life. Apart from her friend Susan and her pop career, there's pretty much nothing fascinating about her life. Suddenly, her million follows dropped, meaning the end of her stupid bet with Linda. Clever enough, she comes up with an hilarious plan. First, there's Micheal, her very best friend. But there's nothing going between them both. Next, there's a fellow star but Aisling's got nothing to do with him. Funny enough, he kind of have something on her. And there's her high school Senior, Davis. He's had a secret crush on her and is ready to win her heart. This time for real. Aisling's got a month to have her boyfriend parade. Now the question is will she fall in love along the way. Battle between four hearts, only two wins in the end. " Will you be my boyfriend? "

irelandprincess · Urban
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10 Chs

The Board's Decision

" Is it true that you staged the show accident to prostpone the show? "

" Did you prevent the show from going on cause you wanted to be the winner? "

Hell, Aisling got tired of the numerous questions. Trust the paparazzi to always bug their way into creating headlines.


" Mr Miles said to come to his office right away "

Susan had called her a while ago which was why she raced to the office. Unfortunately, the paparazzi had to welcome her with questions, ones she wasn't interested in answering.

I feel sorry for her.

The poor girl thought she could beat Crystal.

Yeah, only in her dreams that is.

She even staged the accident to postpone the show.

" Why must a bunch of jobless people go about making nasty comments about others? "

Susan said angrily, walking into the office. Aisling turned to her with a small smile.

" Sussie pie! "

She called a little over excitedly.

That's weird.

" You sure are in a good mood "

Susan said still angry. Aisling tugged at her

" Oh common, that's not the end of the world"

"Yeah, bit the end of your Pop career "

Susan said with a sigh. Aisling smiled

" We still have time Sussie. We can fix this "

" I don't know Trouble maker. Remember the board's decision "

Aisling face hardened immediately.

" You're right. We have to be one step ahead of Linda. "

" Speaking of which, we better head straight for Mr Miles office. It sounded urgent "

Susan said taking Aisling's hand.

Aisling knew what was at stake here and she wasn't ready to lose.

" Knocky knocky"

Susan said sounding like a kid. Mr Miles answered from inside.

" Come on in Aisling "

He sounded rather.... He sounded somehow,. like he was forced to speak.

" Knew you'd be late "

Linda's ugly voice was the first thing that greeted them.

" Sometimes I wonder how you're a singer with that terrible voice "

Susan said rolling her eyes. Mr Miles coughed

" It's called talent Piggy "

Linda said giving her a mischievous smile.

" You girls need to stop this useless interjections. Expecially you Linda "

Mr Miles said frowning. Aisling scoffed.

" And we're here to.... "

She said already irritated by the sight of Linda.

" Yes. I need to know what happened yesterday ladies. "

Mr Miles said turning his chair. Linda laughed.

" There's actually nothing to explain. It was all planned by Aisling to postpone the show "

She said with a devilish smile. Aisling laughed.

" We both know I wouldn't do that "

" You're wrong Aisling. We both know you did it "

Linda said staring at Aisling. Susan felt blood surge through her.

" You're really a two-faced witch "

She said angrily. Linda smirked.

" Witches are not real Piggy so snap out of your fairy tale "

She snapped raising her voice. Aisling frowned.

" I'm warning you Linda, you'd better keep shut "

" Or else what, you don't scare me "

Linda said rolling her eyes.

" Enough! "

Mr Miles finally got their attention.

" You three should smarten up. Now is not the time for you to start arguing. You should team up"

He said looking straight into their eyes

Aisling scoffed.

" Like that will ever happen "

" Hell, it won't "

Susan interjected. Miles frowned nodding.

" The board's decided "

He finally said and this time, Linda got quiet.

" Decided what? "

She suddenly asked breaking the cold silence that evaporated the office. Susan rolled her eyes.

" Quiet will you "

" Just shut up Piggy "

Susan shot her a deadly glare and looked back at Miles.

" You two can't be retained here "

He said, this time with an heavy heart.

Oh no, this was bad

" Is that all you got to say? "

Linda once again spoke with her ever so irritating voice.

" Would you for once listen! "

Aisling suddenly cut in already annoyed with her annoying attitude, not to mention her ugly voice that sounds like a broken gramophone record.

"So, we've decided that since none of you won the contest..."

" That's a lie Mr Miles, we actually almost won it "

Susan interjected still angry with the fact that Aisling lost due to Linda and Crystal's nasty trick.

" And how can you prove that? "

Linda cut in giving her a devilish smile.

Oh, I will prove it. Just you wait.

" Susan "

Aisling softly said, holding her hands. Susan sighed dejectedly.

" Susan, I understand what the whole thing meant to you but you can't just say that without having solid proof "

" Exactly "

Linda interrupted Miles rudely still wearing a mischievous glint in her eyes.

" Mr Miles, that's done and over with

We however have a serious issue on ground "

Aisling spoke camly.

" This is actually a piece of cake for me. There's nothing serious about this_ at all "

Linda said sticking her tongue out.

" Serious or not, you two have to be ready. This time, it isn't just about the board's decision. "

Mr Miles said sternly. Susan's eyebrows furrowed.

" You don't mean..... "

" But I do. It's the audience or should I say your fans and followers that'll do the trick. "

He said and Linda's face turned sour.

" Now this is starting to be interesting "

Susan said now looking at Linda's pale face. She deserved it.

" Why, cat got your tongue? "

She said teasingly. Linda glared at her and She laughed.

" Don't be too sure "

" Oh, we aren't. Just waiting to see what other tricks you've got up your sleeves "

Aisling said glaring back at Linda.

 " Oh trust me, I have more tricks up my sleeve "

Linda said rolling her hair. Aisling gave her small smile.

 " Well then, I'm looking forward to seeing them "

She said making sure Linda knows that she's ready, and ready she is.

Linda stood up and walked away.

 " Never seen such an annoying fellow "

Susan muttered under her breath. 

 " Aisling"

Mr Miles called softly causing Susan to look his way.

 " I'm rooting for you" 

He said giving her a soft smile. Aisling smiled back.

 " I know you are"

She said as she stood up. Susan laughef.

 " Miles will always be Miles"

She said making sure he heard her before running away.

 " And Susan will always be Susan " 

Miles said letting out a dry laugh.

As soon as Aisling got out, she met a pair of ugly looking eyes.

 " Let me propose a deal"

Linda said touching Aisling's shoulders. Susan immediately drew her back.

 " Back off Witch "

She said ready to punch her face. Linda laughed.

 " Don't worry, I'm not going to eat your heart out_ at least not this time "

She said dropping her facade 

 " What kind of deal? "

Aisling said with furrowed eyebrows. Linda smirked.

 " I give you a month to win back your Follows "

She said, this time with a hint of mockery in her tone. Aisling frowned.

 " What do you mean win back... "

 " You can see for yourself. "

Susan brought out her phone instantly causing her to smile.

 " Later_ that is"

She said and Aisling wasn't buying it anymore.

 " You're just too good aren't you "

Aisling said already understanding her last statement. Linda shrugged.

 " You can say that again "

 " Why you..... "

Susan proceeded to pull her hair but Aisling stopped her.

 " I'll leave you to figure it out "

Linda said smirking.

So hi_ya!

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And I say in French, Merci Bouicoup

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