
My resistant Alpha

Emily skywalker finally turns eighteen and gets the chance to attend the annual pack party with other pack members, her aim was to stay low and remain unnoticed but that became impossible after she ran into Alpha Asher of the notoriously known silver pack. Alpha Asher was yet to fully overcome the loss of his mate and was still grieving when he bumbs into Emily from a rival pack and felt his dead heart move again. Asher is annoyed at the joke fate was playing with him, he decides to keep his new found mate away from him but this mate has decided to prove she's more stubborn than anyone he has ever met.

Be_Noni · Fantasy
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5 Chs

whatever this is....

The sound of whispers from my surroundings woke me up from my daze, my brain awakened and I pulled out from his embrace, it turned out to be harder than I thought. It was at this moment that I realized it and he realized it too because the moment I started struggling he pushed me away, I was confused as to how I kept standing on my feet.

I looked at him, his once clear eyes that I admired wholeheartedly at first sight were no longer hazed and in shock instead it held something else; anger. I was strangely concerned as to whether this anger was directed at me or someone else.

Someone pushed their way through the crowd which surrounded this man I was yet to identify and me. Reene's father, Alpha Alvin and my father; the beta of dark creed pack came forward along with the guests from silver pack and officials from other packs.

My father spoke first, his face held no emotion unless his creased eyebrows counted as a show of his disappointment in my display, "What happened here, Alpha Asher?" Alpha? I looked at the man beside me and wished to melt into the ground. I was acting all out for no reason on my first party with an Alpha? One I should be avoiding??

Alpha Asher's face that did not look good became even worse after hearing my father's question. What did my father expect him to say? That I was the new mate he wasn't happy about? Or how he most likely wanted to turn back time to the moment before he decided to come here? I bet my father would understand how he felt about getting a new mate while still grieving.

Asher didn't reply to my father and we all stood there in silence with every ones attention being on us, while in a stale mate, a pair of hands yanked me from my position and pulled me along. I let out a small scream in surprise as I stagger; following the direction I was being pulled towards.

It was my big brother or rather Reene's brother, Jasper whose face had always held his emotions on it and right now it showed anger and a hint of fear that if I did not look closely I wouldn't see it. But before Jasper could take me far, a growl came from behind me and I was taken away from Jasper's hand.

It was from Asher, he stood between me and Jasper, shielding me from Jasper's reach and Asher's hand against mine kept sending light currents down my arm making me shiver. Jasper spared me a glance, his eyes unclear and it made me feel like I betrayed him, a betrayal I clearly was not responsible for.

"Let go of Emily, you son a bitch." Jasper charged at Asher, his entire body advancing with full force. However, before he could get to him, Derrick and a couple others rushed to hold him down before a fight between Alphas started.

"Stop it," Alpha Alvin said calmly, I didn't know when he arrived but he seemed well informed, he nodded at Asher. "Take him down, there will be no fighting tonight," Derrick and a dozen of my pack members took the struggling Jasper towards the pack house. I stared in the direction they left with, perhaps hoping for something to happen. The room resumed its chatter and people kept focusing on the matter after all the catalysts of tonight's event where still standing still.

Alpha Alvin turned towards Asher, "we should have a talk," and looked at my father, "And you too, Lukas." Asher let go of my hand and left me to his pack member to watch over like some kid.

He, Alpha Alvin and my father walked away to discuss only God knows what and I stood there waiting for them. Everyone else had somewhat lost interest in whatever it in that was going on with me and went back to minding their own business.

My father looked at me every now and then while they were conversing with his brows furrowed, I watched their every move and saw my dad nodding in agreement to whatever Alpha Alvin said to him.

Their conversation came to an end and Asher and my dad came back to me while Renee;s dad stood behind, my dad placed a hand on my shoulder, "You'll be fine in due time."

I was confused. I'll be fine in due time? What was about to happen now that I will be totally okay with later? While in my state of confusion, Asher had walked back to my side.

Alpha Asher muttered something under his breath, and his pack members nodded at him and began to move towards the exit, Asher grabbed me tightly and I could swear on anything that blood wasn't flowing through my arm any more as he pulled me towards the exist with him.

"Let me go." My voice shaky as neither did my father or Alpha Alvin made a move to stop him. I was resisting but it wasn't obvious as Asher was clearly stronger than me. I looked around me desperately for someone to help me but no one was looking this way although they could all hear me.

Renee. I searched for her while struggling to break free from his hold. Where was she? She was always missing when I needed her, for once I wanted this time to be different.

"We need to leave…" Asher said and continued to force me over to the makeshift packing lot where a black SUV pulled up waiting for him.

"I want to say goodbye to my family first! ...let me go!" I yelled at the stop of my voice, forcefully twisting my arm out of his grip only for his to take hold of both arms with ease, I was scared and didn't want to leave with a man I met forty minutes ago in the name of him being my mate.

My only option was to get physical with him, I spun around so fast and gave him a kick in the face and this resulted in me cursing as I felt extreme pain in my left leg, it was probably fractured. While my leg suffered the heavy and intending blow, his face was unscratched and so was the hand in which he used to block it.

I was unable to struggle any further with my leg in such pain, Asher stepped into my personal circle, and "I hope you will never try that again." I was shoved into the van and Asher climbed in after me, slamming the door shut and checking if the one on my side was locked.

"Drive," Asher glanced at me before commanding his subordinate sitting at the driver's seat. The car was filled with strangers who sat in silence but all had their eyes on me, watching me more ferociously than Asher did.

I held my swollen ankle and sobbed quietly on my seat, everything was happening too fast that I couldn't comprehend the speed at which it was going and my tears rolled down faster, probably at the same speed in which the car plunged into darkness. I could feel Asher attempting to drill a hole into my head in the dark; I wished him good luck because I was a step ahead of him.

I had fallen asleep on our way back to the silver pack territory and even when the car came to a halt I did not awaken to highlight from it. I was exhausted and drained to the point I couldn't afford to move and my swollen leg was not helping issues.

My eyes were closed hence my hearing was more heightened and the car door on my side opened and I felt some one's arm lift me up from the car seat, it felt foreign and the contact pricked my skin and was largely uncomfortable.

Five steps were yet to be taken when a ferocious growl erupted nearby and the arms holding me weakened responsively.

"Relax Ash, I was just getting her out of the car," a feminine voice came from the one holding me, "Here you go, no need to get defensive."

I was exchanged like a sack of potato and the new arm felt comfortable and warm, and as I snuggled closer, I perceived pine wood and knew it was Asher immediately. My palpitating heart relaxed as I found the perfect position in his arm.

His strides were slow and intentional like he did not want to wake me up and before I could doze off from comfort. I was placed on a bed and the arm I so much enjoyed was gone. A blanket that smelt like Asher was placed over me and I adjusted a bit for comfort, Asher's voice could be heard speaking to someone, "George, send for Ari and ask her to spend the night in this room, no one else but Ari. Got it? I am going to ask Ray to explain tonight's events more clearly to me."

George, in question spoke softly, "Yes Alpha but…" their voice drifted out of my hearing range and having nothing to listen to anymore, I opened my eyes. There was nothing to adjust to as the room was plunged in darkness; I blinked a couple times before succumbing to the wave of sleep that hovered above my head.