
Chapter 107: Vasaksat Vanguard

Kresito tapped several points on the smoke layer, marking various locations with flags with numerical identifiers.

She spoke solemnly:

"What I'm about to tell you is the Holy Place's top-secret information. Only the mages of the Inner Palace know about it. Even Masters of the Outer Palace, such as Adanavados and Rexasor, are unaware of this secret. You must promise me to keep it confidential."

Xia Zhou nodded and said seriously, "You have my word, my dear. I will keep this secret safe and will not breach my promise."

Kresito summoned strands of Silver Sand, forming different sand models and placing them on the flags with numerical identifiers.

"The Inner Palace is not ignorant of the origin of the Starry Sky's pollution." Kresito pointed to the flag numbered 1 above the Pillar of Genesis:

"The polluters invading our Starry Sky are a demon army called the 'Vasaksat Vanguard'. The Inner Palace simply refers to them as the Demon Vanguard.