
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Basically Next Day

It was already next day, and we were preparing breakfast.


"Cut yourself with a knife again, Subaru?"

Subaru has just been failing every single job he has been appointed to. Not really that surprising.

"Nevermind me! How about you?! Have you been cutting your hands?!"

I raised my hand onto his face.

"H-How about the other one?"

I lowered my hand and raised the other onto his face again.

"N-Not even a single scratch..."

"Here's one more, look at that."

I pointed my finger to a tray full of neatly diced vegetables. Subaru looked very shocked to see this.

"Y-You're much better than me..."

"I gotta say Nasamu, your dices are really good. Have you cooked a lot?" asked Ram.

"No, I don't think so. I just watched Rem-san do the thing, and I just copied."

You know what they say, watch and learn.

"But wait, even though you just watched me do it, yours is way more better." said Rem.

"Is it? I barely even notice my own works sometimes."

I'm quite flattered by those words from a maid, actually.

"I haven't actually seen you peel some stuff before." said Ram.

"Want to see it? I don't really think I can impress you."

"Don't worry, I'll decide whether or not it has a passing grade."

"Sure, but first, let me watch you do it."

Ram grabbed a knife and a potato, which is called tatoes in this world, and started peeling it.

"This is how you do it. You should hold the knife still and turn the vegetable."


I was behind her all the time, watching. I guess it's not that considerably hard.

"Okay, let me try now."

I grabbed my own knife and grabbed a potato in Ram's side, and did the same thing.



"Yours is actually way more better than mine."

"Yeah... even I was immersed by it." said Rem.

"You two should probably stop doing those things. Masanu might not stop, you know?" said Subaru.

"Are you just jealous, Barusu?"

"N-No! Why would I be jealous of something like that?! Fine! Just watch!"

Subaru held his knife.

"My favorite blade, Shooting Star, will show you a thing or two!"

"I wouldn't go that rabbit hole if I were you."

Subaru took his really disgustingly peeled tatoes, and it happened.

"It sliced right through him."

We finished with breakfast and Subaru's job was to go with Rem to buy groceries.

"Bye. Make sure you go back before dinner is served."

Subaru and Rem walked out of the mansion, and the day went as normal. I helped with Ram do some work, rest, and it was already afternoon and Subaru and Rem has gotten back.

"M-Masanu...! Help me...!"

"Subaru-kun was tired of carrying the groceries, so I suggest you help him carry it all the way inside the mansion."

"Sure. I don't mind helping a weak rat." I said.


I carried the heavy stuff, like the barrel, and Subaru was just carrying light stuff.

"You can go sleep first." said Subaru.

"Why's that?"

"Well, it's just that I haven't gotten the time to chat with Emilia 'cause of her studying and my work."

"Yeah, sure. It's important to the plot, after all."

"Huh? What plot?"

"Nevermind. Anyways, bye."

I headed towards our room, an changed my clothes to my jacket. Instead of sleeping, I decided to waited for him.


"How has Subaru-kun and Masanu-kun been since then?" asked Roswaal to Ram. "It's been three days since Subaru-kun's arrival, and it's only been two days for Masanu-kun. We should be seeing something by now."

Ram and Roswaal is having a conversation about the two newly "hired" butler, and they were suspicious of both of them. It wasn't all that surprising, since the two of them suddenly wanted to work here.

"Cooking, Laundry, Cleaning... Barusu is useless at all of them."

Subaru isn't the type of person to do those stuff. He's an otaku.

"How strict of you. What about the other one?"

"Nasamu has been very good in ever single job he's been appointed to. We didn't see anything wrong with his work, and he is infact really good at everything. He's much more better than my sister."

"Hmm... and? What of their potential as spies?"

"Even though they don't really know each other, or at least that was from Rem's observation, the timing was almost too perfect. Nasamu arriving just before Barusu. I cannot deny it exists, but I believe the possibility is slim, at least for Barusu. The possibility for Nasamu however, is at its peak. For better or for worse, Barusu is too conspicuous."

"And if he's too conspicuous..."

Roswaal continued his dialogue with his hand, and swayed it near his neck. He seemed to want Subaru to be killed. They wanted the person that they "hired" to be killed.

"I gotta say, despite that possibility, be certainly is carefree."

Subaru isn't really that harmful. He's just weak, and he couldn't even do household tasks. That is why he is carefree.

"Masanu was more harder to observe, as he was always cautious. He was looking at every single direction that I was observing, and I had to look like working to not be found."

It looked like they were suspicious of both of them, but Subaru isn't the type of person who would fit the description as "spy". Masanu's cautious way of thinking is more likely to be found as a spy.

"As I personally see it, it would be wise to interfere."

They got to the conclusion to kill them.

"The three of them are only children. Even if we let them be, nothing will happen."

-----Back to Masanu-----

The door opened, and the person who went inside is Subaru. He looked as though he was just in an amusement park not too long ago.

"Yo. You sure took your time talking to Emilia."

"S-Shut up! I deserved to speak to her since I was working hard, and I even got a reward from her!"

I'm guessing it was a date, considering his really happy mood.

"Yeah, sure. Anyways, we gotta sleep now. There might be a big day tomorrow."

"Yeah, it's good you came to that conclusion."

Subaru changed into his tracksuit, I removed my jacket, and we went to sleep. There couldn't possibly go wrong tomorrow, right?

Spoiler: It did go wrong.

Note to Back at Masanu: I got lazy so I didn't continue it fully.

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