
My Reincarnated Mate

Viviano is the reincarnated lover of Adrian, 'Maximus' who was killed by an unknown force in his past life and he had sworn that he was going to be with his loved one no matter what, Maximus did not have a chance to be with his fated one, neither did Balsham who is reincarnated as Adrian. Even in this present world their love still seems impossible as Adrian is already married to the same person who made His and Maximus' love impossible. Maximus is reincarnated as Viviano, Alpha of Vancouver Pack, and he already knows Adrian is his mate. Destiny loves to play tricks with us and put us through tough times, but this time around was Viviano going to wait for destiny to take its course or he is going to rewrite his history and decide his and his lover's face with his own hands. Throw in some twists, darkness, jealousy and obligations dynamics into the whole messy situation of Adrian's life, as we watch out for love, acceptance and coming to terms with the truth.

ShatteredWaves · Fantasy
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151 Chs


||* VIVIANO *||

"Craig has been gone for too long, Jade, I need to go and get him," I said to my sister after I came back from checking the packhouse for the fifth time in search of Craig.

"Maybe, he doesn't want you to find him, Craig is a Beta, V, cut him some slack, he is no weakling," Jade said, looking at me weirdly,

"Why are you looking at me like that, I asked her,

" The way you are worried about him, one will think, Craig, is your mate," Jade said,

"What do you mean by that, Craig is my Beta and best friend, it is only right that I worry about him," I snapped at Jade getting a little bit pissed,

"I wasn't picking a fight with you brother, I was just stating my observations, why are you getting so worked up about a simple question?"

Jade asked me eyeing me up and down,