
Your Majesty's Wisdom

"Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"

"Your Majesty is wise."

The citizens, fervent as modern-day fans encountering their idol, were ecstatic.

In the current era of abundant rain, favorable winds, and bountiful harvests, the people thrived, enjoying a life of stability and prosperity.

The introduction of academies furthered their happiness, providing an opportunity for their children to acquire education.

It felt like a dream—happiness had arrived so suddenly, it seemed almost unreal.

This dream of happiness was brought about by the man standing before them, the current Human King, Di Xin.

"Your Majesty, there are too many people. Should we disperse them?"

Huang Feihu was bewildered by the overwhelming enthusiasm of the citizens.

The spectacle was immense, unlike anything they had witnessed when the King used to leave the palace.

"They are all citizens of the Shang, my people. They shall not be dispersed. Open the carriage curtain; I wish to speak with them," declared Di Xin, recognizing the success of his diligent efforts.

"I, as the Human King of the Shang, pledge to safeguard the well-being and prosperity of all citizens. I vow to ensure abundant food and clothing, allowing every citizen to have a home to return to. The Shang will continue to experience favorable weather, free from diseases, disasters, and calamities. I will promote literacy, ensuring that no one from the Human Clan is oppressed. We will unify this vast land and make it the domain of our people."

His words left the entire street in a prolonged silence.

The people were stunned by Di Xin's proclamation.

The normally bustling street became eerily quiet.

After a moment of silence, thunderous cheers erupted, creating waves of excitement and admiration.

"Long live the great King! Long live the Shang!"

Countless citizens, their veins bulging with excitement, fervently hailed Di Xin, their voices resonating like a tempest, overwhelming and awe-inspiring. The cheers echoed through the heavens, dispersing even the clouds.

The unity and determination of the Human Clan were so immense and captivating that it altered the celestial mechanism. In this subtle transformation, only the venerable elder in the Zixiao Palace could perceive the change.

Huang Feihu, Bi Gan, and Shang Rong, witnessing such a spectacle for the first time, were left dumbfounded. Their liege, the Human King of the Shang, possessed an unprecedented charisma.

Watching the cheering crowd, the various civil and military officials firmly believed that everyone would be willing to do anything for Di Xin, even sacrificing their lives.

At this moment, it seemed that Di Xin had transformed into light, and his enemies were nothing more than stepping stones, destined to become the nourishment for Di Xin's growth.

The exuberant citizens accompanied Di Xin's ceremonial procession out of Zhao Ge and refused to disperse.

The purpose of the procession was to reach the Mountain of the Academy, chosen by the Bureau of Astronomy for its abundant spiritual energy—an ideal location for the construction of the academy.

Huang Feihu swiftly made a decisive choice and directly erected the academy there, renaming the original auspicious spot Huyang Terrace to Mountain of the Academy.

The slope of the Mountain of the Academy was gentle, with beautiful scenery, making it an excellent location for the academy.

The dormitories were already established, and the main structures were renovated, appearing somewhat simple due to being single-storied.

Di Xin was satisfied; despite their worn condition, these structures were remarkable for their era.

Before long, several beams of light descended. The visitors were none other than Grand Minister Wen, accompanied by his Taoist friends Deity Wuyun and the Four Sages of Jiulong Island.

"Could this be the academy? It's so shabby! Did his Majesty summon my Taoist friends from afar to witness this joke?"

“System, place the Taoyun Academy at the center of this academy.”

Watching the approaching ones, Di Xin conveyed to the system in his mind.

[Preparations for the Taoyun Academy are complete; it is about to descend.]

[Five, four, three, two, one.]

The system interface appeared, accompanied by a dazzling beam of golden light directly descending from the sky.

This Taoyun disturbance startled all corners of the world, leaving even the Four Sages of Jiulong Island dumbfounded by the dazzling golden light.

The terrifying aura emitted by this treasure was astonishing, frightening all creatures in the cosmos.

The divine beings from the Mount Ling, the Biyou Palace, the Yuxu Palace, the Doumou Palace, the Zixiao Palace and the Nuwa Palace were all alerted, extending their majestic awareness to observe.

Initially, they had hoped to seize such a peerless treasure for themselves. However, upon seeing the word “Human” on this treasure, they had no choice but to abandon their ambitions.

Although this item was a rare find, it carried too much karma and variables. Instead, they focused on preparing for the upcoming event of sealing the gods and measuring the heavenly calamity.

As the Taoyun Academy descended, all living beings trembled, and the earth shook. At this moment, a majestic voice resonated through the heavens, penetrating the Ninth Heaven.

"The sacred land of the Human Clan, the Taoyun Academy."

The nine-tiered academy settled on the Mountain of the Academy, standing grandly, an imposing presence in the vast land.

The Taoist friends brought by Grand Minister Wen, witnessing the magnificent and majestic descent of the Taoyun Academy, were in awe, unable to regain their composure.

Just moments ago, the Four Sages of Jiulong Island were still complaining about the seemingly humble and shabby nature of this place, barely finishing their sentences before this divine palace descended from the heavens.

The aura emanating from the Academy carried an ancient charm, a blend of the five elements.

Anyone with discerning eyes could recognize it as a priceless treasure, an absolute divine artifact.

They had initially thought of teaching in this impoverished place, considering themselves at a disadvantage.

Although the Jie Religious Sect claimed to have an inclusive teaching philosophy and equality for all beings, this doorstep service was unprecedented. It felt quite embarrassing to come knocking on the door themselves.

If it weren't for Grand Minister Wen's persuasive efforts and the assurances of equality and support from the wise Human King, they might not have considered it.

The Four Sages of Jiulong Island and Deity Wuyun had their minds thoroughly influenced and were itching to join.

Initially disappointed by the apparently dilapidated condition of the academy, they had low expectations—just a mountain top forcibly occupied, a few shaky buildings for teaching, and nothing more.

No auspicious clouds, no rare mythical creatures, no grand entrance, nothing. Not even a divine glow or celestial herbs.

It felt as if they had been greatly deceived. The promises were extravagant—world's top company, fantastic benefits, and the support of the wise Human King.

They were led to expect a grand spectacle, only to be brought to what seemed like a thatched cottage in the middle of nowhere.

The psychological gap was like a roller coaster, an instant shift from sky-high expectations to a disappointing reality.

However, with the descent of the Taoyun Academy from the heavens, their mood experienced a dramatic turnaround.