

Kanare · Fantasy
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3 Chs

My Regret Is Loving You.

Kill me, please, I'm begging you.

Under the stary sky, somewhere in a dark dense forest there was a cave hidden by the bushes, from outside the cave looked like any other ordinary cave which cannot shelter even a group of five people, but things were different from the inside.

There was a hidden passage going downward from the opposite side of the cave wall which was hard to notice.

From inside the cave looked ancient and very spacious, and the orangish reflection from several burning flambeaus made it look somewhat majestic. There were several statues of beasts and angels carved on the cave wall.

At end of the cave there was a fire altar where the fire was burning with high intensity and just some distance away from the altar there was a stone statue of a man sitting on a rectangular stone in a cross leg posture holding an hourglass with one hand near his heart and eyes looking at the palm of the other hand.

The face of the stone statue was somewhat blury as if someone has deliberately tried to wipe off the face of the stone statue.

At front of the stone statue, near the fire altar, there was another statue of a bull but much more smaller than the man's statue nearly four or five feet tall.

Sitting against the statue there was a man in his late twenties in a badly dishevelled blood stained white robe, from the cloths he was wearing and the terrible state he was in, it could be concluded that the man was either badly tortured or had faught rough and a bloody battle.

Beside the man was a woman about same his age or younger who was wrapping a piece of cloth on his bloody and broken arm, tears were flowing off her eyes but the woman was not saying anything at all as if she was a mute. The woman was trying to wrap all his wound with teary eyes but the look in the man's eyes was of wrath and pure hatred.

Blood was dripping from the man's badly bruised face and one of his missing leg towards the stone statue.

Looking at his own injuries and missing limb he asked to the woman, Meg are you happy now. I lost everything I had, my home, my parents, my sister, my brothers, dignity, self respect I have nothing left so are you happy now. Are you happy that you finally made me his slave.

Everyone I loved and cared about is dead so please do me one favour, kill me, please, I'm begging you please kill me.he said through gritted teeth.

When he looked at Meg with his cold eyes she was crying with teary eyes but no sound was coming out of her mouth, kneeling and joining both her hands as if she was begging for forgiveness but the man just looked at her with eyes full of hatred and resentment as if he had been able to stand he would have slaughtered her then and there.

Saving your life was the biggest mistake I have ever committed in my life, he continued with indignation, I should have left you there to die.


Outside the cave a handful of men no more than seven were standing in armour with swords in there hands as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Just when a man in black armour with a tiny serpent symbol on the left side of his armour was about to get inside the cave a man in blue robe with the same but bigger symbol on the back of his robe landed there from somewhere with cold glint in his eyes.

All the men who stood there before his arrival assumed a kneeling stance holding there swords in one hand and placing one hand on there chest they shouted in unison Elder Rn we are waiting for you command.

Looking at the mouth of the cave with raised eyebrow he said so they are here.

The man kneeling closest to Elder Rn replied, Elder, we can't say absolutely but the traces of blood direct towards the cave and her horse is also standing over there so we decided to wait here for you. But we are not sure that's why I sent the rest of the juniors to search the forest thoroughly.

Elder Rn, its getting darker in the forest and beast are roaming, I think you should send me first, there is good chance that a beast is residing in the cave. And...

Before he could complete his sentence a hand grabbed his throat lifting him up from the ground, Elder Rn asked with sharp eyes, do you think I'm weak that I need your protection or I can't get inside without your help.

Are you teaching me what I should and should not do. I don't need you to educate me or tell me what to do or not. Keep your tounge in limit otherwise I'll cut it into pieces just like that bi#ches tounge.

I thought she was good toy to play with but that bi#ch, she didn't even know how to repay kindness, she was trying to teach me, just like others she was taking his side.

Throwing the man away like a piece of paper Elder Rn said furiously , next time do not try to teach me what to do, otherwise even the king of hells would not be able to tell how you died.

I'm sorry Elder Rn, the man stood up and bowed at Elder Rn. Scared he asked, what's your command elder.

Kill her horse first it should be punished for helping them escaping my grasp. But kill it slowly, I want to listen it crying and wailing, I want to see how much pain it can endure, he gifted her this horse I want to see how tenacious its vitality is.

Cut its tail first, then all its legs one by one than than ears then its neck, but do it slowly as slow as you can.

Gulpnig his saliva the man said, Elder, we are in the middle of the calamity forest, ferocious beasts are lurking around moreover they can come from anywhere and the smell of blood would make them go even crazier, this lowly servet think we should just check inside the cave quickly and get out of forest as soon as possible. Otherwise...

Just before he could say more a sword beheaded him in an instance, his head fall of his shoulders but even after death his face was filled with shock and horror.

Looking at the bloody sword in Elder Rn's hand the other men all took a step back gulping but none dare to say a single a word.

Wiping the blood stains off of the sword from the beheaded man's clothes Elder Rn asked, anyone else wants to say something or you have any other suggestions to give this is your chance to shine and accompany your brother to the hell anyone wants to come forward.

All of them remain silent thinking going forward ensure death, running away also ensure death and if we do not run without Elders protection beasts in the forest will eat us what choice we have other than heeding your command and staying silent.

Elder Rn continued, if no than do as I said, kill this filthy horse and find them.

The forest was resonating with the horses cry of pain and suffering and all the beast were running towards the source of this noise.

Listening the sound of upcoming beast all the armed men gulped their saliva, clenched their swords tightly got in stance to fight the beasts but Elder Rn questioned what are you doing I'm inviting those beasts for feast.

With a demonic smile he continued, I want to see both of them eaten alive, I want to see them suffering till their last breath and even after death he will be nothing more than a piece of beast shit just as he deserve.

Outside of the cave Elder Rn was laughing maniacally but inside just after listening the horse cry before its death gave Meg a fright she tried to stand up but kneeling and attending the wounds of the man made her legs go numb but somehow she still stood and tried to hold the arm of the man to support him to get up but the man just slapped her hand away.

Meg knelt down on her knees again wiping her tears she wrote on the cold stone surface, I AM SORRY. After writing these three words she looked at the man with eyes filled with resolution, a dagger appeared in her hand with which she stabbed herself in the heart blood started to gush out from the wound slowly she fell facing the back to the floor and died dejected and sorrowfully.

Looking at her dead face the man sighed, how selfish one can be, how shameless one can be, I gave you everything I had, I loved you every day and night, I hoped for your happiness everytime, and in return when I asked you to just give me death you didn't even gave me that much.

You know I regret doing alot of things in life, I regret not telling my family how much I love them, I regret rejecting Swa's love, I regret alot of thing but do you know what I regret the most, MY REGRET IS LOVING YOU.

Life is a journey,

Death is destination.

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