
My Refugee System

Mathias Kane, an average guy with a boring job and a lackluster life, receives a strange pop-up on his computer promising a new life in a world where refugees are welcome. Curious but skeptical, he clicks on the pop-up only to be sucked into a mysterious void that changes his life forever There, he discovers that he has been given access to the Refugee System, a powerful tool that allows him to rewrite his life as an adventurer in this new world. As he begins to explore this strange land, he befriends many people including a group of adventurers as he becomes involved in a quest to uncover the secrets of this dimension and its inhabitants. Along the way, Mathias discovers that this world is not as simple as he had initially believed, and that there are dark forces at work threatening the very fabric of reality. With his new friends by his side and the power of the Refugee System at his fingertips, Mathias sets out to make a difference and uncover the truth behind his unexpected journey. "The Refugee System" is a thrilling adventure tale that combines elements of fantasy and science fiction to create a unique and exciting world filled with danger, mystery, intrigue, and dont forget magic.

Crazymonkey232 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Mathias Kane was an average guy, working a mundane job in the IT department of a large corporation. He spent most of his days staring at a computer screen, troubleshooting software issues for his colleagues. He had always been content with his unremarkable life, never dreaming of anything more than the routine of his day-to-day existence. But fate had other plans for him, and soon he would find himself thrust into a world beyond his wildest imagination...

As Mathias was working on his usual tasks, he received an urgent email from his boss which was unusual. The email stated that there was a critical issue with one of the company's servers, and that Mathias needed to come to his boss's office immediately.

Worried about the severity of the issue,

Mathias rose from his desk and headed down the hall, mentally preparing himself for yet another long night of IT support. As he knocked on his boss's door, he could hear the sound of frustrated clicking and the occasional muttered curse coming from inside. Mathias knocked. "Come in," he thought he heard his boss call out, sounding irritated. When Mathias stepped inside, he was met with the sight of not his boss but his boss's son, a tech-illiterate college intern student, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him. The screen was covered in a chaotic mess of pop-up ads, seemingly endless windows opening and closing at random. Mathias sighed inwardly, recognizing the problem immediately. His boss's son had probably been using his work computer to browse some sketchy websites, and had downloaded a virus in the process.

Mathias took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm his frustration. He had been called to his boss's office to fix a server problem, only to find out that the issue was caused by the boss's son, who had used his work laptop for personal reasons and downloaded a virus. The screen was now covered in random pop-ups, making it impossible to use. As Mathias approached the computer, the son looked up from his screen and sneered, "Fix it by tomorrow morning or else."

Mathias clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to snap back at the entitled son. He knew he had to remain professional, but the deadline was tight. He had a lot of work to do, and this unexpected task was going to make his day even longer. Nevertheless, Mathias took the laptop and left the office, trying to keep his emotions in check.

As he walked back to his cubicle, he couldn't help but feel frustrated by the unfairness of it all. He had a mountain of work to do, and now he had to deal with someone else's mistake. He sat down at his desk and opened the laptop, examining the damage. The pop-ups were everywhere, and the system was slow and unresponsive. It was going to take him a lot of time and effort to fix this mess. Mathias sighed and began to work, determined to get it done by the morning deadline.

Later on in the day Mathias looked at the laptop screen in frustration. He had been trying to fix the pop-up virus for awhile, but it seemed like every time he made progress, three more pop-ups appeared in its place. He checked the clock on his watch and saw that it was already past his shift's end time. Sighing, he packed up the laptop and left the office, feeling defeated.

As he rode the train home, he couldn't help but think about the mess on the laptop. He knew that he couldn't leave it unfinished, not when the boss's son had specifically said for it to be done by the next morning. Mathias had never had to take work home before, but he knew to make an exception this time.

When he arrived at his small apartment, he set up the laptop on his dining table and got back to work. The hours ticked by as he tirelessly worked on the computer, using all the tricks he knew to remove the virus. He took a break only to grab a quick energy bar to eat, and then it was back to work.

Finally, as the sun began to rise, he was able to fix the last of the issues. With a deep breath, Mathias continued to click through the pop-up ads, his tired eyes glazing over the endless stream of marketing. Until he got to the final one, a pop-up with a background of a bustling desert town, and in bold letters, it read "Tired of a boring career? Looking for adventure? Click here! Refugees welcome." The ad had a flashy animation with moving arrows pointing to the "click here" button. He looked it over and laughed, I can't believe they think someone would be dumb enough to click on this crap.

Well anyways let's get this finally over with as he went to click the X button a loud car horn went off outside his house causing his finger slipped and inadvertently clicking on the ad. Immediately after clicking on it the screen went white. Oh Shit Mathias though im in trouble, then his entire room was engulfed in a blinding light, and the ground beneath him began to shake violently. He heard a deafening roar that sounded like the very fabric of reality tearing apart. The light faded, and he found himself in a completely black void, floating in time and space. The only thing he had seen in the light were flashes of sand and desert buildings before disappearing into the darkness.