
My reflection in your eyes

Du Ru Ran became an orphan at the age of 5 years old after a deliberate car accident. She was then taken in by her uncle. Life was truly tragic but being a smart girl, she managed to turn the tides around. She plans to avenge the death of her parents and her little brother who she did not get to meet in this lifetime. At that time, thank her lucky or unlucky star, she met a pair of mother and son, who gave her some warmth in her moment of total darkness. Years later, when they meet again, he stuck to her like a fly she could not get rid off. He kept insisting she took advantage of him when they were young and insisted that she take full responsibility for him. 20 years ago: "Little girl, you really need to take responsibility on this young master when we are older. I am never going to let you go." He whispered into her ears. Due to his illness, he somehow grew up a little mature than peers his age. Hence, it wasn't a normal for him to be thinking about his future at such young age. In fact, since he was three years old, he had been groomed to be a fine young man in order to prepare him as he is the next heir of his prestigious family. He fell asleep with a smile on his face. At the present: She thought a dumb cupid made a mistake by accidentally release an arrow and the arrow went straight to a 7 year old boy and now, 20 years later, he is delusional. "Why can't you leave me alone? I really have no time, no room for another person. I am pretty occupied with getting my revenge. Go and fly away," she said while making the hand gestures of shooing a pesky fly away. "You really don't need to work hard on my behalf, I am touched that you worry about my well being and feeling. As long as I get to see you, that is all I require. You really don't have to do anything." Ru Ran felt her head is going to explode, shameless, when did I, how on earth did he manage to lift himself so high that even direct language don't get to his thick skull? Fine, if you don't want to leave, I will walk away. True to her thoughts she walked away huffing and puffing, fuming at the fly she can't get off. "Wifey wait up!!!" "Seriously, what do you see in me?" she asked impatiently. Instead of answering her immediately, he spun he around to face him, pushed her to lean against a nearby wall, locked her body with his legs and arm in order to stop her from escaping. His facial expression turn serious, gone the silly demeanor he had put up earlier. Her heartbeat increased and her palms started to sweat. She stuttered, "What.. What.. Just what do you plan to do?" "I am going to answer your question. Look me in the eyes. I see a beautiful lady, a stubborn one, cold exterior but inside she is kind and afraid to get hurt. She gave me a kiss 20 years ago and gave me the strength to live and from that day onwards, I have given my heart to her." A story about love and revenge. (I hope so) Updates: 1 chapter / day occasionally can go up to 2 chapters a day depending on my creative thoughts as well the time that is available for me to write P/s: cover is not my own work.

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150 Chs


Ken could not help himself but rush over when his men informed him that Ai Sha been encircled by a group of young noble ladies. He had the urged to punch that Young Master Han's face earlier when he saw that Young Master Han wanted to reach out to Ai Sha.

Ken stopped in his track to pick up Ai Sha's phone and a smile bloomed on his cold face when he saw it was his number that she was about to call. The observing people could not help but be mesmerised by his charming smile. He held Ai Sha closer to him after picking up her phone, instead of handing it over to her, he placed it in his coat pocket.

Ai Sha meekly followed his lead. She could not help but feel glad that it was him that extended to her an olive branch. The more she thought about things, the more she felt she needed to go and find herself. Maybe... Just maybe.. Hopefully, if it is fate.. Then... Her world is suddenly lit up with hopeful feelings.

Instead of bringing her home, they went straight to the hospital, after a series of test, it was concluded it was just some soft tissue injury. In the car, after the hospital visit, it was filled with silence, both deep in thoughts, and when they spoke at the same time, they both blushed and cleared their throat.

"You go first," Ken said.

"I want to thank you, somehow you get to get a glimpse of me at my lowest point of life. I am embarrassed that I no longer feel I can show my face to you," she said and as he was about to reply she continued to speak, "Earlier, I was contemplating if I should go, but now I have made up my mind to go. I plan to join the Youth advocate program under Unicef. The country I'll be going is Africa, a lot of teenage pregnancies and the HIV cases are rampant there. I want to take this opportunity to change my life as well as the life of others. Do you think, I'd be able to do it? "she asked softly. Her earlier enthusiasm had lessen and replaced with anxiety. His heart felt a tiny scratch when he heard the doubt in her voice.

" I believe you will excel in whatever you do,"he said for firmly.

A smile broke out on her anxious and serious face.

"Alright, after a year, I'll be back and I will treat you to dinner," she said while twisting her fingers. She was afraid he's said there is no need or he did not want to see her.

"Deal!" he said with an equally blooming smile.

She could not hold back and dived into his chest and gave him a hug.

"Alright!" she smiled against his broad chest and quickly pushed herself away to create some distance between them.

He was taken by surprised that he did not even had time to react, by the time he wanted to hold her, she had already returned to her original position.

The atmosphere at the cafe was not as warm as the one in Ken's car. The two ladies that came with Lian Se had already excused themselves when they realised the grim look on the couple's faces.

"Cheng er.. We are engaged and soon to be husband and wife, you didn't help me out and even tried to help Ai Sha up! What is the meaning of this?" she said in an aggrieved voice.

Looking at the disappointment in his face made her want to wail out loud. If it wasn't for him meeting that woman up in secret, she would not have created a scene today. Why is now it is her fault?

She started to sob pitifully, attracting a few onlookers stares. Han Tian Cheng could not help but feel even more irritated but he suppressed it and pleadingly look at Lian Se and said, "Lian er.. Be good, let's head back, I will definitely give you an explanation," he could only concede in order to avoid anymore attention. If this news were to spread, his parents would flipped and it would do no good if his reputation was to ruin.

"I want to know what is your relationship with her? I won't leave until you give me an answer" she said willfully.

He took a deep breath in and finally he spat out the words, "She is no one to me, happy? I am leaving, you can leave on your own once you feel like it," he said as he felt his rationality and his patience all drained by Liam Se willful behaviour. He could not help but recall the scene that Ai Sha broke down in front of Ken. She had never once let her guard down in front of him and yet why does she act so casual with other men?!! He has been the one all these years, chasing after her, telling her how he felt and yet in the end, he is just a stranger to her. He felt the need to have her and punish her. Since she is just a lowly woman, how dare she turn down his offer?! He would teach a slut like her how to behave. His mind no longer have any love for Ai Sha but hatred.