
My reflection in your eyes

Du Ru Ran became an orphan at the age of 5 years old after a deliberate car accident. She was then taken in by her uncle. Life was truly tragic but being a smart girl, she managed to turn the tides around. She plans to avenge the death of her parents and her little brother who she did not get to meet in this lifetime. At that time, thank her lucky or unlucky star, she met a pair of mother and son, who gave her some warmth in her moment of total darkness. Years later, when they meet again, he stuck to her like a fly she could not get rid off. He kept insisting she took advantage of him when they were young and insisted that she take full responsibility for him. 20 years ago: "Little girl, you really need to take responsibility on this young master when we are older. I am never going to let you go." He whispered into her ears. Due to his illness, he somehow grew up a little mature than peers his age. Hence, it wasn't a normal for him to be thinking about his future at such young age. In fact, since he was three years old, he had been groomed to be a fine young man in order to prepare him as he is the next heir of his prestigious family. He fell asleep with a smile on his face. At the present: She thought a dumb cupid made a mistake by accidentally release an arrow and the arrow went straight to a 7 year old boy and now, 20 years later, he is delusional. "Why can't you leave me alone? I really have no time, no room for another person. I am pretty occupied with getting my revenge. Go and fly away," she said while making the hand gestures of shooing a pesky fly away. "You really don't need to work hard on my behalf, I am touched that you worry about my well being and feeling. As long as I get to see you, that is all I require. You really don't have to do anything." Ru Ran felt her head is going to explode, shameless, when did I, how on earth did he manage to lift himself so high that even direct language don't get to his thick skull? Fine, if you don't want to leave, I will walk away. True to her thoughts she walked away huffing and puffing, fuming at the fly she can't get off. "Wifey wait up!!!" "Seriously, what do you see in me?" she asked impatiently. Instead of answering her immediately, he spun he around to face him, pushed her to lean against a nearby wall, locked her body with his legs and arm in order to stop her from escaping. His facial expression turn serious, gone the silly demeanor he had put up earlier. Her heartbeat increased and her palms started to sweat. She stuttered, "What.. What.. Just what do you plan to do?" "I am going to answer your question. Look me in the eyes. I see a beautiful lady, a stubborn one, cold exterior but inside she is kind and afraid to get hurt. She gave me a kiss 20 years ago and gave me the strength to live and from that day onwards, I have given my heart to her." A story about love and revenge. (I hope so) Updates: 1 chapter / day occasionally can go up to 2 chapters a day depending on my creative thoughts as well the time that is available for me to write P/s: cover is not my own work.

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150 Chs

First date

"Hey, there are elders present in the room. The two of you should have proper wedding not an instant registration," said Mummy Shen in protest

"I agree with anything my wife says," Shen Ha Jun said.

"Mummy, I know the best way to protect me is to announce my relationship with Yu but that would also put everyone including Wang Lei gege and his family in the spotlight. In addition, whoever it is that is behind the scene will be more careful and start plotting in secret against everyone I care. I don't think I can bear it if I cause everyone to be in danger. I can't afford to be the star of bad luck," said Ru Ran.

Ji Yu quickly gather her in his arm and hugged her.

"Sh. We had already discuss about that, I love you no matter what," Ji Yu whispered in her ear while giving it a playful lick.

Ru Ran who was initially sad became red and shy as the image of this morning reappeared in her mind. She pinched him on his thigh to show him her displeasure.

He just smiled at her lovingly instead as if her action did not even hurt one bit. Mummy Shen who wanted to say further received a nudge from her husband signalling her to stop interfering.

Ji Yu gave a grateful look to his father and left with the tomato face Ru Ran.

Ji Yu then called He Zi Fu, his assistant to submit their marriage registration and 1 hour later, Ru Ran look disbelief at the certificate in her hand, she is legally married to this man. The man who willingly go through many years of torment just to be with her. Her eyes turned misty again. How is it this man just manage to touch her soft spots easily?

With the marriage certificate in their hands, they made their way to Bruges, Belgium via his private jet. This was their first date as a couple as well as husband and wife. First, he made sure she was in comfortable footwear as they would be walking quite a bit for their date. She opted to wear flats as she really does not know how to walk in heels. They visited the city's remaining windmills, a famous tourist spot for windmill walk. Four old, romantic looking windmills are located alongside the old moat and medieval city gates, on Bruges' original city wall, covered with beautiful lush green grass. Many couples were seen having picnic while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

They did not visit all four windmills but ot managed to see one due to the time constraints. However, they managed to enjoy a tour of the romantic city by going on a Rozenhoedkaai canal ride service. She was happy she could observe the famous landmarks such as Beguinage, St. Johns Hospital, Church of Our Lady, Groeninge Museum, Belfry, Fishmarket, Old Palace of Justice and Burghers Lodge. He took many pictures of them enjoying themselves.

Just before the sunset, he took her to visit the Belfry. They climbed 366-step to reach the top of the Belfry. They witnessed the sun setting together and then were mesmerised by the dazzling and breathtaking night view over the entire city of Bruges and its surroundings. Originally built as part of the medieval town halls, the tower now houses the old treasury, the carillon and its 47 impressive bells.

Ru Ran could not believe that she is now Mrs Shen and today has been the happiest day of her life. She stared at her ring and then at the man who made the ring especially for her and said, "Shen Ji Yu, I am lucky to have met you, thank you for loving me unconditionally all these years, I can promise you that I'll do my best to make you happy so that you won't regret your choice."

"Missus, I will continue to love you and I promise to protect you and be with you forever as long as I live. Even if you were to reject me thousand times, I would still be right here waiting for you. Thank you for giving me a chance to love you, thank you for trusting me and thank you for giving me the strength to carry on. I love you Du Ru Ran and I want to grow old with you and I want to spend every single day, hour, minute, seconds and milliseconds with you." he said while staring at her straight into her eyes.

He hugged her closely not wanting to release her, finally she truly belongs to him. He tilted her chin up and gave her a kiss.

She responded back by deepening their kiss by moving closer, she can't seem to get enough of him. The kiss left her breathless and wanting more. There is fire ignited in her and she can't seem to douse it off. He ended the kiss and was eager to bring her away to their honeymoon suite for their wedding night. He carried her on his back down the 366 steps and then gave instructions to the driver to drive straight to the place they were staying. Throughout the horse carriage ride, he held her close to him, never once letting go.

Next chapter is NSFW. Warning for next chapter, only those mature enough should read.

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