
My Red Queen

She is a walking iceberg apparently. Then another iceberg came and become her husband. Both heir of the powerful company have secrets. Both living a double life. What will happen now?

Claryn_AS · Teen
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25 Chs


By the power Lexi has now, no one can stop her. Now that she has her husband that loves her very much, he support whatever her doing as usual, never stopping her or scold her by her actions. She is free and powerfull. Not even her dad cares about what she is doing by using the Hemingson name. Now that she has a deal with Linda Thompson, she will fulfilled that deal. She is a man of her words. Now what she has Maya in her basement, she quickly change her clothes. Lucas is confused as he never need to change his clothes when torturing people. The only thoughts he has is that Lexi is a woman and had at least a class in torturing people.

When Lucas was about to enter, Lexi stop him as he is not wearing the special suit. Lucas is confused as everyone strongly asked him to wear. Lucas then wear it and follow Lexi to the basements. He was shocked when he enters the basement. This is not a basement he thought, this is pure hell. What he was looking at was a very restricted room, consisted of laughing gas and citric acid gas that can melt one's skin. Now Lucas understand why. It's for safety.

Then Lexi starts her torture. She becomes a different person when she tortures. She keeps smiling every time she has a prey in her fingers. She starts with waking up Maya from a slumber sleep. She woke up with shocked and tremble. Seeing people holding dangerous object and wearing special suit around her. Then the pain hits her. The citric acid starts to burn her skin slowly. It starts with hot that eventually will starts to melt her skin. She is in panicked when she realized she can't move at all. She was tied down to a torturing chair. She was locked in all way, preventing her from escaping. Her fears and screamed bring pleasure to Lexi's ear.

Lexi: "Dear Maya Thompson.... It looks like your time is up. *evil grin*

Maya: Who are you?! Let me out of here! You are not qualified to touch me! The only who can touch me is Lucas Maxwell! I am also powerful! You guys are messing with the future Mrs. Maxwell here! You wanna live right? You don't want my man to find out right? He will end you if he knows you did this to me. Do you hear me?!

Lexi: *annoyed* Are you sure about that? *reveal her face* Hai Maya, can you repeat that? Lucas what? *tease*

Maya: *scared* Lucas is mine, he will end you if he knew that you are torturing me! The future Mrs. Maxwell!

Lucas: *reveals face* You sure are getting annoying ugh. It's better to end you now. I will let her end you without punishing her. She can do as what she please. She will be the only Mrs. Maxwell for me and no one can replace her.

Maya: you must be joking... you love me.. come on Lucas... save me... your love.... your future wife... *begging*

Lucas: *disgusted* Ew no. You try to hurt my wife. So you must die. *cold*

Maya: *shocked* Come on Lucas.... do it as a favor to my father then please...

Lexi: It's no use begging for your life since I got the final say. This is also a favor for someone you know. She would love this. *cold*


Linda: *coming in* Are you sure Maya? I don't think so. Young lady, can i ask a favor to end her sooner? I have done your request young lady. *bow*

Maya: *feeling betrayed* You... How could you?! Daddy will end you bitch!

Linda: I don't think so. He started to hate you the moment you become a model cause you are a spoiled gold digging brat. You also took my throne. Die. *cold*

Lexi: Ok, with that being said. Goodbye Miss Maya Thompson. Have a a nice day in hell. *press the remote to fill the room with acid rain and sleeping gas*

Linda: What a nice view.... *bow* thank you young lady. I will take my leave now. My father has ask for a gathering. Goodbye for now.

Lexi: *smile coldly* sure. Go ahead.

Lucas: *concerned* Um babe? Are you sure you gonna let her walk home alive?

Lexi: *cold* Of course not. Just wait for half an hour to finish her. I'm making a death gap for those sisters to not look suspicious.

Lucas: *confused* What are you planning? Then what is the bribing for?

Lexi: I planned to send their bodies to the Thompson anonymously. I will tell them that it is their daughter, but with the acid rain melting her skin, she is not unrecognizable. They must think that she is either dead or missing while she has been under their nose. I make her look like she disappear so when their family look for her, this place will not be questioned.

Lucas: *amazed* wow.. my wife is.. AWESOME!! *kiss her cheek* muah muah muah

Lexi: *giggles* stop it hahahaha *blushing*

Lucas: *hugs her* Then Linda?

Lexi: Her.... she is not.. that bad but still I hate her. She will realize that I planned this. So, I bribe Ronda to disabled Linda, preventing her to speak up and make Maya as our scapegoat. Maya is "missing" and she wants to revenge. Ronda will manipulate Linda into believe it was Maya's plan before dying. So I guess killing 2 birds with 1 stone. I also provide them a fake evidence of Maya's actions to kill Linda.

Lucas: You did great honey. *kiss her forehead* Let us rest for now.

Lexi nodded and they head home. Lexi continue working from home since it was interrupted by the Thompson sisters. Lucas too was calling from time to time, getting a lot of business invitation and offerings. Until a phone call interrupted. It was Max.

Max: young lady. The plan is success. Linda is in a car crash. She was disabled by her right hand and both feet. Ronda broke her right legs. And the people we hired to hit them, has flew back to other islands as instructed. I also has bribed the doctor to disabled Miss Linda and killed her slowly with poisons so she has enough time to give us the shares of 27% before death.

Lexi: great job Max. I will double your salary this month. *smile coldly*

Max: Thank you young lady. I also has sent Miss Maya to their mansion with your messages. Lady Maya wake up in time her father ask their maids to threw her out. They also gave out search party for Miss Maya.

Lexi: *grin* so, everything goes to plan. Well done Max. *hangs up*

Lucas is shocked to see his wife's power. A very domineering evil side he never sees. He was turned on. He is motivated to not get on her bad sides as she is actually the Red Queen. Red Queen is known to be the most meanest, evilest killer out there. Nobody ever dared to speak about her. And no one dares to challenge her, even the Maxwell family. But a sighed of relieved comes from Lucas as he has already married Lexi, the 2nd most powerful person after him, and he most powerful no.1 killer in the Bat Town (the underground, name for the dark side of LA.) Red Queen. Lexi just laughed looking at her husband's shocked and scared face.

Lexi: Scared love? *giggles*

Lucas: yes I am, but I still love you. Now I can be the Red King. *muzzled up to her neck*

Lexi: Is being the Red Queen's lovers a good thing to be proud of? *pat his head*

Lucas: Of course it is. You don't know how much my family is scared at you. Look at how you make Maya and Linda a simple disposable trash like that, but you are my lovely sexy smart wife now. Love you *kiss her cheek*

Lexi: *giggles* I know... I love me to.... *proud* (Now those problem solved, I can rest.)

Maya and Linda, soon vanished from this world. After 2 weeks of poisoning, Linda finally died after giving the 27% shares to us and hunger finally killed Maya by the 3rd day in the Thompson's basement. A sad ending it is for the Thompson family who lost both their daughter in a tragic way.