
Doesn't Remember

Tick tock tick tock tick tock.

The clock in the wall was the loudest thing in this waiting room.

Noelia seemed tired but couldn't sleep. Oscar couldn't rest even when he would close his eyes. Every time his eye lids closed he would see Molly on the floor with all that blood. He looked down on his shirt and realized he had blood stains on his favorite black jacket.

"God please let this nightmare end..." Oscar said while looking up as though looking into the heavens. Noelia looked over at him as she thought to herself that he must be suffering for Molly. At that moment Oscar had already been looking back down to his jacket. When she noticed that she couldn't hold back on her frustration.

"Are you serious right now?? Your nightmare is blood on your jacket! How can you be like this when you saw Molly in that state? " Noelia wanted to slap him.

"No the fact that everything is happening. The fact that the blood on my jacket is Molly's. The fact that the person I care about is in that emergency room and we have no clue is she will be okay. All that is my nightmare." Oscar explained to Noelia as fast as he could so that she wouldn't actually hit him.


The doctor's had helped Molly's wounds and she was all bandaged up. She was being asked question after question. But she hadn't answer any yet. She just looked bewildered the whole time while every now and again she would glance down to her arms.

After a long time of not saying a word she finally spoke up. "What happened to me? Why am I here? Where is my sister? And my horse?"

The doctor was confused for a moment and back tracked a bit. "Molly what is the last thing you remember?" Doctor Gym was sure something wasn't right. while he was putting stitches and trying to bandage her wounds and tried speaking to her she hadn't responded. Instead she looked shocked to even be there. He was starting to think she herself wasn't aware of what was happening. He had to make sure though before actually speaking to her family.

"I remember that I was going to go riding on my horse. Um.. I remember walking into the stable but he wasn't there. Um after that I kind of just sat there wondering where he could have gone. And then next thing I know I am here and you are asking me a lot of questions that I can't answer because I don't remember." Molly answered as much as she could. With every detail she remembered.

It all made sense now to Doctor Gym. She had a blackout. she blocked out everything that had happened and had acted against herself with her not even knowing so.

Doctor Gym just comfort her and told her to rest a bit. That he would be back in a bit to check on her. On that note he walked out to go look for her family.

"Family of Molly Frank's please." Doctor Gym announced as he walked in to the waiting room. Noelia and Oscar got up and said "I'm her family. Is she okay?"

" Her physical wounds will be okay. But I have other matters that I'm concern about at the moment." Doctor Gym continued to speak, "For starters Molly doesn't remember what happened at all."