
Chapter 1

10 years later...

"Michael wake up!!!!" screamed My adoptive mother Joan, it's time to go to school. I slowly get out of bed not wanting to go to that hell hole. I get dressed quickly and rush down the stairs, I can smell bacon and toast. As I walk into the kitchen I see my mother smiling, I quickly walk past her and grab a couple peices of bacon and a piece of toast. "Thank you mom I replied" as I rushed out the door. The bus ride to school was uneventfull. As I walked in the hallway I passed one of the schools bullys, his name is Ronny and this dude has had it out for me since 3rd grade. He looked my way and yelled "freak!" I tried to ignore him but deep down inside i felt hollow.

I had finally made it to my first period class which is math, I dont like math very much because I've never really understood it. So i just sat down put my head on my desk and I fell into a short restless sleep.

(Dream world)

I was in a forest it was dark the trees bare. In front of me is a figure with blood red eyes and short horn's the figure was pointing his finger at me and in a deep guteral tone he spoke. " Its only a matter of time before I leave this realm and you will replace me forever stranded in this dark unforgiving world."

I woke up screaming, not realizing where I was everyone in the room including my teacher looked back at me. "Do you have anything to say Michael" my teacher said. "no mam " I replied as I lowered my head.

The rest of the day was a blur as i went over the dream countless times in my head. I didnt realize the stares and laughing I had become a freak in there eyes. If only they knew what I was dealing with. I wish I knew at that time too, maybe I could have fixed myself and lived a normal life.