
My Real Me

After the loss of her memory, her parent killer took her in and used her as a bait to get her parent's company. She lived most of her life thinking The Hion's family were her family, but later on she found out they weren't. As she went in search for her true identity, she found out that those she claims to be her family and friends were actually the ones behind the loss of her family and memory How will she regain her memory? How will she find out about the killer? What will she do after finding out? Find out the answers to your questions in this novel

Saucy_Odion · Teen
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14 Chs

Who Is She?


I arrived at school at exactly 7:00 and the school gate closes by 8:00 , so it means I have an hour to study before lecture time. I walked through the gate and as I expected, everyone was staring at me but the stares were actually of two types; the one with "OMG! He's so cute and has a blue eyes". I smiled to myself 'silly girls' , then the second stare was "Tchuks, a mentally infected psycho" or "a human robot"

Haaaah...like I care, they say different things about me but who really cares?, I entered the corridor and I saw many students gathered there as if they were throwing a corridor party

"Hey, it's Forte" I heard a girl behind me saying it to her friends and before I knew it, all the student in the corridor were all facing me and they have all cleared way for me to pass. I looked up and saw a girl close to the stairs , standing and facing me as if we were about to fight a championship match

Huh? Forte is here, the psycho is In school already , a guy in grade 11 said and i turned around and gave him a piercing eyes but when I turned back I saw the girl leaving.

"Hey bitch!" Angela yelled at the girl who has already stopped climbing the stairs, then she turned and face Angela."

"Hey bitch" , she smiled "I got no time for empty- brain fool like you," then she looked at her phone then looked back at Angella an said "Hey bitches, stay out of my way or else I will push you off the cliff, got it?" She smiled and swing her hair while turning back

"Please excuse me" , I said and started climbing the stairs cause I need to get to where I was going on time before classes start

"Hey... Watch out!!!!" I heard a shout and I looked forward and saw Jasper and Bathan running down the stairs and they hit the new girl really hard that she lost balance. She was about falling when I grabbed her by her waist and help and regain her balance but before I could even balance her well she pulled herself away from me and push me away

"Oh my bad... I'm so sorry... I... Don't know where else to hold...." I was still talking when she interrupted me

"Just shut it!" She shouted feeling embarrassed, she hissed and walked away while I just signed feeling somehow stupid for helping her.

"Oh my!!!! Did you see what she just did, she just pushed Forte as if he's a nobody" Angela said while I just shook my head and walked away without replying them

Few minutes later I was in the library reading Literature since Mr Nelson said we'll be having test today and professor Cane Corso also told us to prepare for his own test too, although I feel there's something else behind his test but...

"Forte!! Hey!!!" Jerry shouted waking me up from my thought and I groan as I signalled him to bring his voice down

"Hey!!! This is the library, not your usual club so bring your damn voice down before the librarian will send you out" I whispered as I pulled him down but he ignored my warning

"Hey just shut up and get your fucking ass up" he half yelled and I heard murmurs in the library as the students started complaining of our noise

"What's going on?" I asked sensing the seriousness in his voice as I packed my books and place them inside my bag

"Professor Cane Corso sent me to call you to his office now!" He replied breathing heavily and I sighed as I carried my bag and head out while he followed behind

"Oh I see..." I said as soon as I got out of the library. Professor Cane Corso is a very strict man and he's also our principal and whenever he sends for a student, it's either you've done something wrong or a report came to him concerning that person and he's either he expels you or send for your parents to come...

"Hey are you still with me?" Jerry suddenly asked and shook my head before turning toward the staff quarters. I got to Mr Cane Corso's office, I knocked before entering

"Good day sir... "I said before looking at the office and I noticed the new girl with three other students in his office

"Hey Kim Forte, come and have your seat" he said and i noded as I walked close to a boy, he was having a dark brown hair accompanied with a dimples and a baby face making him look childish but cute

"Are you even listening to me Kim Forte?" Professor Cane asked interrupting my thought and I nodded as I sat down close to the boy

"Good so as I was saying, take these students to their various classes... Introduce yourselves to him so he can help you locate your classes" Professor Cane Corso said and I nodded as I stare at them one after the other

"I'm Samarah Preta, grade 12 class B" a girl at my left said and I gave her a welcoming smile

"I'm Grayson Liam, grade 12 class A" the guy close to Samara said and I nodded

"I'm Elsa and I'm in class B," the last girl said, she is the new girl I met at the hallway this morning

"Hey you didn't say your surname and grade" I said and she gave me a deadly look but I ignored it

"It is very clear that we all are in grade 12 so why so you need my grade again? And I can't tell you my surname cause I don't think you'll be needing it" she replied rudely and I chuckled. She got angry and told up to leave bit just then the door opened and I the school President walked in

"Good day sir" I greeted him before signalling the others to greet too. Everyone did except the rude Elsa or whatever she calls herself

"Hey!!! See who we have here, my baby..." He was about completing his sentence when the rude Elsa interrupted him

"Hey! Don't blab out rubbish here" Elsa cut in and everyone was surprised apart from the baby-faced guy who just stare at the floor

"Come on sweetie, don't be harsh at uncle" he said softly as he walked towards her and she moved away from him

"Don't touch me with your fucking hand else I'll do something you'll regret" she said before walking away but Mr Waylon drag her back and smiled

"You guys can continue with your introduction" Mr Waylon said as he feature us to go ahead

"Hello I'm Jerome Green,class B" the baby-faced guy said as he stood up then he turned to leave but Mr Waylon stopped him but he pushed him away and walked out of the office

"Can I have a word with her?" Mr Waylon asked and Professor Cane Corso nodded then Mr Waylon dragged Elsa out of the office

"You can take the rest to their class" Professor Cane suggested and I nodded as I signal them to follow me and they followed me

After dropping off Grayson, I took Samarah to my class, after introducing Samarah to the class, Mr Nelson started lecture. After the lecture, we started his test and after an hour, he collected the test paper and left. Just then Professor Cane came and most students frowned as they settled down

"Where's Elsa and Jerome?" Professor Cane asked as he brought out the test paper. He shared it and we all started. Within an hour we were done with the test and we all submitted

"Ehmmm Forte.. what about the other two new students, how will they go about their test?" Trim asked and I gave him a "I don't know" look

"But come to think of it, they've been with President Waylon for 3 hours now" I muttered as I stood up and left the class.