
My Queen's Touch

In a world torn apart by ancient enmities, a marriage of convenience is brokered between the rival nations of Solyria and Nuria. The union is steeped in political intrigue and desperation, as the curse afflicting the Solyrian prince can only be cured by a nurian person—a member of the enemy nation. Caught in the midst of this arrangement are Noori, the daughter of the Emperor of Nuria, and Dastan, the cursed prince of Solyria. Their fates become intertwined as they are bound together in matrimony, despite their vastly different backgrounds and intentions. For Dastan, the marriage represents a means to an end—the lifting of his curse. Once freed from his affliction, he seeks to dissolve the union and reclaim his sovereignty. However, Noori harbors a deeper agenda. Driven by a desire for revenge against the Solyrian kingdom, she sees the marriage as an opportunity to sow discord and chaos from within. What happens when their hateful relationship evolves into something more, forcing one of them to reconsider their plans to save the marriage? And when their hidden histories are revealed, will they be able to maintain their marriage amidst the turmoil? ---------------------------- Book Cover by discord : writerbubble1234 instagram : @writerbubble

Bubble_GuM · History
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55 Chs

Why did you marry him?

The flickering embers cast dancing shadows across the cave walls as Noori remained immersed in her spellcasting. Her voice, barely audible above the dying crackle of the flames, wove through the ancient incantations passed down through generations.

Dastan's eyes remained fixed on Noori, observing the subtle movements of her chest as she channeled her powers. A peculiar warmth enveloped him, accompanied by a dizzying sensation that blurred the boundaries of the cave around him.

Unaware of Dastan's growing discomfort, Noori's brow furrowed in concentration as she continued her chant, her focus unyielding.

As the spell approached its crescendo, Dastan felt a tightness grip his chest, his vision swimming with ethereal light. He reached out instinctively for support, but found only empty air as the world spun around him. Noori, consumed by her spellcasting, remained oblivious to his distress.

Dastan's breathing became shallow and erratic, tremors coursing through his body as he teetered on the edge of collapse. With a sudden gasp, Noori's attention snapped to Dastan's faltering form, her heart racing with alarm.

"Did you pass out?" Noori's confusion was palpable as she struggled to support Dastan's weakening frame. Cold sweat beaded on his brow, his ragged breaths brushing against her neck.

With a sense of urgency, Noori searched for a suitable place to lay Dastan down, her mind racing with uncertainty. As his cold breath tickled the nape of her neck, Noori's skin prickled with unease, a sensation she had never experienced before.

Suddenly, her gaze snapped towards the mouth of the cave, a defensive instinct kicking in. "Someone is here!" she declared, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger at her belt.

The cave fell into an eerie silence as Noori's words hung in the air, her senses heightened by the presence of an intruder. Dastan lay unconscious in her arms, his breathing shallow and labored, as she scanned the darkness beyond the mouth of the cave.

A chill ran down Noori's spine as she strained to listen for any sign of movement outside. The distant sound of hoofbeats grew louder, echoing off the walls of the cave, as she braced herself for whatever danger lay ahead.

Noori's senses heightened as she heard the sound of someone dismounting outside the cave. With Dastan's weight still pressing against her, she slowly lifted herself up, one hand tightly gripping him while the other reached out cautiously.

The man outside was clearly determined to gain entry, his voice commanding his companions to break through. Before his words could even finish echoing through the cavern, the thick icy layer sealing the cave entrance shattered with a deafening crash, sending a cascade of snow and ice tumbling inside.

Shielding her eyes from the onslaught, Noori braced herself against the force of the debris, her focus unwavering. As the chaos settled, she carefully set Dastan down on the ground, her movements swift yet deliberate.

With a steely determination, she rose to her feet, her eyes blazing with defiance. "If you dare take one more step," her voice reverberated through the cavern, each word dripping with authority, "I swear upon my title that I will burn you alive!"

Her threat hung heavy in the air, a palpable challenge to anyone who dared encroach upon her territory. The footsteps echoing in the cave drew closer, punctuating the tense silence with each measured stride. Noori's grip tightened on the hilt of her dagger, her muscles coiled with anticipation as she prepared for a confrontation. But as the figure emerged from the blinding light, she found herself momentarily blinded by the glare, unable to discern more than a dark silhouette against the brightness.

Then, a voice pierced the air, breaking through the tension like a beacon in the darkness. "Princess?" The tone held a hint of surprise, and Noori's heart skipped a beat as recognition flickered in her mind. Farris. It was Farris. His face wasn't visible because the light was piercing into the cave, hitting his back and casting him in shadow, but she knew this voice. She could recognize it in the pitch of the dark or even in the loudest of rooms. This man could make her blood boil with just a glimpse of his face.

Slowly, Noori eased the dagger back into its sheath, her stance relaxing. For the second time that day, she had drawn a weapon on someone she shouldn't have.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" Farris's steps were urgent as he approached Noori, prompting her to instinctively step back, though not too far, mindful of Dastan lying just behind her like a fallen log. As Farris paused, his hands slightly lifted as if to check if she was okay, there was a momentary tension in the air, a silent exchange of unspoken sentiments.

Farris's instinct was to reach out, to offer comfort or reassurance, but he hesitated, his hand lingering in the air before dropping back to his side. There was a depth to his concern, a familiarity in the way he observed her, as if he knew her better than he let on.

His voice wavered slightly as he spoke, a hint of vulnerability slipping through his facade of composure. "Is the prince okay?"

Noori, standing a hair's breadth from Dastan, met Farris's gaze with a curt nod. Her reply, "He should be," was dry and guarded, masking her discomfort with him.

Farris's mouth opened, the unspoken question of "Are you alright?" hovering on his lips. But it remained unsaid, choked by a heavy sigh and a mirroring nod.

"Guards!" he roared, chest heaving with the frustration of bottled words aimed at the men who entered at his command. Three Solyrian knights, their expressions hardening on seeing Noori, froze. Fear flickered in their eyes, unspoken thoughts silenced by Farris's presence.

"Escort the prince back to the palace," he announced, his voice clipped.

"Yes, Your Highness," they replied, cautiously approaching Noori, then Dastan. Their hands lingered on the cloak draped over his shoulders, clearly hers, the silent observation drawing Farris's attention. He held their gaze until they disappeared with Dastan, leaving him and Noori face-to-face.

An awkward silence descended. Noori kept her eyes averted, but Farris couldn't tear him away. Questions thrummed in his mind, too many for her ever to answer. Yet, he had to ask.

"Why did you marry him?"

As if Farris's words had fallen upon her like a taunt, Noori finally met his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of heartbreak and defiance. A humourless laugh escaped her lips. "What right do you have to ask? Don't pretend you know me, Farris, especially after what you put me through." Resentment laced her voice, her jaw clenched, fists tightening despite the tear trembling in her eye, she made sure it never fell out.