

Upon seeing the letter, a crumpled parchment with an ancient appearance that seemed out of place in the modern world, Dastan paid little heed to its weathered condition. His excitement surged, eager to discover the contents and perhaps find some answers to his lingering questions. Rising from his seat with anticipation, he reached out for the letter, hoping it held some communication from his older brother, Isa.

As he unfolded the parchment, Dastan's eyes scanned the text, drinking in every word written by Isa's hand. The ink seemed to breathe life into the parchment, transporting him to his brother's world amidst the harsh desert landscape. Yet, amidst the descriptions of faraway lands and longing for home, Dastan's heart clenched at Isa's words of missing him dearly.

"Mother, How is Dastan? I have missed him dearly especially around this time of the year."