
My Queen's Touch

In a world torn apart by ancient enmities, a marriage of convenience is brokered between the rival nations of Solyria and Nuria. The union is steeped in political intrigue and desperation, as the curse afflicting the Solyrian prince can only be cured by a nurian person—a member of the enemy nation. Caught in the midst of this arrangement are Noori, the daughter of the Emperor of Nuria, and Dastan, the cursed prince of Solyria. Their fates become intertwined as they are bound together in matrimony, despite their vastly different backgrounds and intentions. For Dastan, the marriage represents a means to an end—the lifting of his curse. Once freed from his affliction, he seeks to dissolve the union and reclaim his sovereignty. However, Noori harbors a deeper agenda. Driven by a desire for revenge against the Solyrian kingdom, she sees the marriage as an opportunity to sow discord and chaos from within. What happens when their hateful relationship evolves into something more, forcing one of them to reconsider their plans to save the marriage? And when their hidden histories are revealed, will they be able to maintain their marriage amidst the turmoil? ---------------------------- Book Cover by discord : writerbubble1234 instagram : @writerbubble

Bubble_GuM · History
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55 Chs


As the first light of dawn filtered through the barracks, casting a soft glow over the snow-covered landscape, Noori rode back after a long night of unknown adventures. Her horse trotted wearily, its breath forming puffs of steam in the chilly air. Against the backdrop of the serene morning sky, Noori's figure appeared stoic and determined, her silhouette cutting through the tranquil scene.

Bishop, who had anxiously searched for her, finally caught sight of her return. With a sense of relief, he hastened his steps towards her camp, his breath visible in the crisp morning air. Concern etched across his face, he approached her cautiously, mindful of her mood.

"Are you okay?" Bishop inquired, his voice carrying genuine concern as he drew near to Noori.