
My psychologist drives me nuts

I stared at my psychologist with a condemning face. I wanted to hit him. He was crazy and he was driving me crazy too. I didn't need a psychologist, he needed one. " I love my boyfriend and he loves me as well, " I screamed feverishly.  " Do you think you love him? Do you think he loves you? " My psychologist asked. His tone derided me.  " Yes I love him and I know he loves me too. "  " What makes you think he does? " he asked, as he closed the door.  " He kisses me everyday, calls me everyday, fights for me, stops bullies from bullying me. He tells me he loves me everyday. "  " I could do all this to you too, but, does that mean I love you? " he asked striding to me, sending my spine erect and at the ready. " Does that mean I love you? "  " Don't mess with me. Don't try to get in my head. I love Martinez. . . "  " He doesn't love you. He was only playing with your feelings all along. "  I buried my head in my hand, trying to will my psychologist words out of my mind but those creepy words were a bigger match for me.  He grimaced, then released a long sigh and framed my face with his hands. " Accept the truth. That guy doesn't love you, he has never loved you. Don't be sad Chloe, the right man will find you. "  " I want my Martinez. I want my boyfriend, " I screamed.  He took my hand and made me stand up. " You are emotionally stressed and I have the right words for you. When a guy loves you, he will never abandon you. But where is Martinez? " He bent down and kissed me. It was so tender. It brought tears to my eyes. " If you want any man's heart on a platter, you can have it. Don't be in a lonely state of mind. "  There was nothing I could find to say in answer to that. Instinct____only instinct could respond. My arms lifted to his shoulders and I pressed my mouth to the warm white skin at his throat. " You are obviously lying to me. Martinez loves me and I know, you know that. "  " It's been two weeks since we have been having classes together. Don't waste all my effort by believing something which is absurd, " he said, he didn't sound happy.    I am seventeen years, silly and crazily in love with my boyfriend. But at this moment, I still don't understand why my mom had to get me a psychologist. She claims I am suffering from a heartbreak caused by my boyfriend and that I needed a psychologist to help get me back, to the normal me.  Unfortunately for me, this psychologist is sexually attractive and of course, he knows that. So, he uses his manly charms to seduce me and yet, he claims it is my cure. I get seduced sometimes, but the fact still remains, ' Mr CRAZY PSYCHOLOGIST, I WANT MY BOYFRIEND ' .  The psychologist is however, suffering the same heartbreak I am suffering, so that makes us even. His girlfriend dumped him and went for his best friend. While my boyfriend was playing emotional games with me all along, so he dumped me when the game was over.  Now, seduction, kisses, hugs and sex, seems like the prescribed drugs for our emotional pain, BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF US FALLS IN LOVE, YET, THE OTHER ONE STILL LOVES HIS OR HER EX AND THE EX WANTS TO BE BACK IN HIS OR HER LIFE? 

Virginia_Njoku · Teen
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11 Chs

5. Bullied.

" Mom, " I called, approaching her.

" Where have you been Chloe? I and Lisa have been waiting for you for almost an hour, " mom said strictly.

" I was in the library___ "

" I tried to tell Aunt but she wouldn't listen, " Lisa snapped. " She thought you left school to hang around all by yourself. . . "

" I didn't mom, " I said straight forwarded. " Can we go now? "

" Yeah, " mom said, stealing a last glance at me.

* * *

Martinez was calling me every now and then, prophesying his love for me, to me and it just made me realize how much I wanted to be his forever, how much I loved him and how much he loved me.

" Chloe, " Lisa called. " George says he's throwing a party on Saturday's night. He has invited me and I am going. What about you? "

" I'm not interested, " I said, picking up a story written by Philippa Virginia to read. I laid on the bed.

" What if I tell you that___ "

" I will still not be interested, " I chimed in.

" Martinez Ferguson is gonna be there, " she said, biting a part of the apple in her hand.

" Martinez? " I said, sitting up. I dropped the book on the bed.

" Now, you are gonna beg me, " Lisa said, her lips curling into a vicious smile.

" Please Lisa. . . " I pleaded.

" Was that supposed to be for me? "

" I'm tired of begging, " I snapped. " You are taking me. "

Lisa's lips curled into a vicious smile. But before she could say anything, her phone rang.

" Ask your boyfriend? " she whispered and answered the call. " Hello George. . . You got a ticket for me to watch the film. . . that's amazing. Thank you. I love you. Bye. "

I stared up at her with a searching eyes. " Your mom is having a special guest this night, right? " I asked.

" Yeah, " she said.

" You will be needing my help to get out of this house. Your mom won't let you leave without meeting the guest, " I snapped.

" Fine, I'm taking you there. I now have a car, you know? " she said drastically.

" We have a deal Lizzy darling, " I said and continued reading.

" Of course, we do, " she said, bitting her apple violently.

" I have a feeling, you only disagreed because you knew you needed my help to get you out of this house. . . "

Lisa smiled. " I would never say no to you, or else I wanted something in return from you, " she said smartly.

This was one thing I liked from her, she was very smart.

The next day;

I walked into Emily and her three crazy friends.

" Kleptomaniac, " Kate voiced out, snapping her fingers at me.

" What are you talking about? " I asked numbly.

" Martinez is mine, " Kate sneered.

" You are telling the wrong person, " I said brusquely and began to go but Emily came in front of me. " Your boyfriend is sick anyways, so who's gonna come for your rescue? "

" Lisa? " Maria snapped.

" Nah, she must be with her boyfriend, " Hannah said with a threatening look.

" I bet, she hasn't learnt to stand up for herself yet. . . " Emily began.

" That's because she decided to learn to help her poverty-stricken mom by getting herself a rich kid as a boyfriend. Am right, huh? " Kate said desperately.

" You know what you are saying isn't true, " I retorted.

" It is, Chloe darling, " Emily continued. " The truth is bitter, you know? But I want you to swallow the truth. "

" You are just jealous of me, " I said. I wished I knew where that was coming from.

" Jealous? Of you? I would rather be jealous of Lisa or maybe her pants, rather than you, " Kate snapped.

" You just want to be like your cousin right? " Hannah asked. " Guess, she hates you trying to be like her. I heard her say it. "

" You are a liar! " I admitted.

" You are a slut Chloe and I hate sluts. I bet, by the time I am through with you, my Martinez wouldn't even recognize you, " Kate said terrifically.

" I just had my manicure and pedicure, I'm not touching this dirty slut, " Emily wheezed.

" Leave me alone please. I don't want any trouble, " I said eagerly.

" Well I do, " Kate furiously said. " You can't litter fuel around and tell me you don't want fire. "

I almost broke down in tears. How the hell was I going to get rid of them? If they ruined my face, I wouldn't be able to go for the party tomorrow.

" Leave me alone, " I said breathing in refreshing air.

* * *

" Kate punched her in the face, " Lisa argued. " The four girls bullied her because of a guy. "

Mrs. Morgana Hopkins leaned on her seat, watching I and Lisa speechlessly.

" Can you let Miss Chloe talk please? " Mrs Morgana asked with a cold stare.

I had shrivelled sweats on my face. I didn't realize I was shivering until I began to speak. " Lisa is saying the truth. . . "

" Some minutes ago, you were telling me that you slipped and fell down the stairs, remember? "

" I was lying because they constantly bully me, " I said earnestly.

" And why didn't you report it to me? " Mrs Morgana asked.

" Clearly because no one punishes the fantastic four. You guys always overlook them, " Lisa pointed out.

" Speak when I ask you to___ "

" I have every rights to. I am the one who brought this case to you, " Lisa said angrily.

" You are not the victim, so behave. Or else, you leave me no other option than to send you out of my office, " Mrs Morgana said.

Lisa folded her hands and leaned back on the seat she was sitting in.

" Miss Chloe, why didn't you report it to me? Or to the disciplinarian department? "

That question was breathtaking but for the first time, I felt I had to speak up. " This girls were threats to me. I feared for myself and I. . . I didn't have any morale to report them. Sometimes, Lisa would come to my rescue, sometimes, my boyfriend would. The first time they bullied me, they made threats, murder threats to me, if I reported this to any higher authority. They said they would kill me. "

" That doesn't sound like what a young girl of sixteen, seventeen and eighteen can say____ "

" You do not know this girls, " Lisa chimed in.

" Lisa, time up. Leave my office, " Mrs. Morgana snapped.

Lisa stood up, grabbed her backpack and sighed. She left the room, banging the door harshly.

" That wasn't her. She is a good person, " I said defensively.

" I would agree. She is a good person and I don't want her to involve in your lies. I am just trying to save her___ "

" I am not lying, " I interrupted.

" You bring me some proof and I promise I will punish them hard, " she said, leaning forward.

" Is this it? " I asked in disbelief.

" We are done, " Mrs Morgana said.

" You know what ma'am, this is very unbelievable and if you are going to keep standing up for the wrong things, then I am so sorry for you because you do not have respect for your position. You shouldn't fear those students. Why am I even talking to you? " I said aggressively and stood. " Be dumb, I don't care, excuse me. " I was about to leave before she spoke up.

" I am suspending you for three days, " she screamed.

" Do me a favour and make it five, " I screamed and opened the door.

" One week, " she said angrily.

" Thank you, " I said and banged the door.

I met Lisa sitting on the bench outside Mrs Morganas' office.

Lisa looked up at me. " What did that jerk say? "

" A week's suspension, " I said madly.

" I hate her, " Lisa wheezed.

" Not as much as I hate her, " I said blatantly.