
My psychologist drives me nuts

I stared at my psychologist with a condemning face. I wanted to hit him. He was crazy and he was driving me crazy too. I didn't need a psychologist, he needed one. " I love my boyfriend and he loves me as well, " I screamed feverishly.  " Do you think you love him? Do you think he loves you? " My psychologist asked. His tone derided me.  " Yes I love him and I know he loves me too. "  " What makes you think he does? " he asked, as he closed the door.  " He kisses me everyday, calls me everyday, fights for me, stops bullies from bullying me. He tells me he loves me everyday. "  " I could do all this to you too, but, does that mean I love you? " he asked striding to me, sending my spine erect and at the ready. " Does that mean I love you? "  " Don't mess with me. Don't try to get in my head. I love Martinez. . . "  " He doesn't love you. He was only playing with your feelings all along. "  I buried my head in my hand, trying to will my psychologist words out of my mind but those creepy words were a bigger match for me.  He grimaced, then released a long sigh and framed my face with his hands. " Accept the truth. That guy doesn't love you, he has never loved you. Don't be sad Chloe, the right man will find you. "  " I want my Martinez. I want my boyfriend, " I screamed.  He took my hand and made me stand up. " You are emotionally stressed and I have the right words for you. When a guy loves you, he will never abandon you. But where is Martinez? " He bent down and kissed me. It was so tender. It brought tears to my eyes. " If you want any man's heart on a platter, you can have it. Don't be in a lonely state of mind. "  There was nothing I could find to say in answer to that. Instinct____only instinct could respond. My arms lifted to his shoulders and I pressed my mouth to the warm white skin at his throat. " You are obviously lying to me. Martinez loves me and I know, you know that. "  " It's been two weeks since we have been having classes together. Don't waste all my effort by believing something which is absurd, " he said, he didn't sound happy.    I am seventeen years, silly and crazily in love with my boyfriend. But at this moment, I still don't understand why my mom had to get me a psychologist. She claims I am suffering from a heartbreak caused by my boyfriend and that I needed a psychologist to help get me back, to the normal me.  Unfortunately for me, this psychologist is sexually attractive and of course, he knows that. So, he uses his manly charms to seduce me and yet, he claims it is my cure. I get seduced sometimes, but the fact still remains, ' Mr CRAZY PSYCHOLOGIST, I WANT MY BOYFRIEND ' .  The psychologist is however, suffering the same heartbreak I am suffering, so that makes us even. His girlfriend dumped him and went for his best friend. While my boyfriend was playing emotional games with me all along, so he dumped me when the game was over.  Now, seduction, kisses, hugs and sex, seems like the prescribed drugs for our emotional pain, BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF US FALLS IN LOVE, YET, THE OTHER ONE STILL LOVES HIS OR HER EX AND THE EX WANTS TO BE BACK IN HIS OR HER LIFE? 

Virginia_Njoku · Teen
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11 Chs

2. In need of a fake boyfriend.

It was time for us to go home.

I went around searching for Lisa, but I couldn't find a glimpse of her. Instead I found the main jerks, the boyfriends of the fantastic four and I could clearly see Lisa's boyfriend walking along with them. Well, he seldomly walked with them.

I walked towards them, hoping I could be invincible till I passed them. When a hand touched my head, I cursed my luck. What the hell made me think they wouldn't tease and mock me. Mock? No! Annoy me. That's what they were good at.

I raised up my head and stared at the jerk who was looking down at me, like I was some kid and I swear, I wanted to kick his ass and spit some nasty words at him but I don't think I can ever be that strong, fierce girl. I will always be the naive, stupid girl. I wasn't shy. But I was very stupid.

" Kiddo, " he called. He was a handsome tall lad. They were all handsome, with grey, green, blue, brown, darkish brown eyes which were wonderful. They were all tall except for one or two who was average in height or taller than average. They had a good muscular built. They were impressive. A lot of girls were dying to go on a date with them but that girl was never me. I only admired them, that was all.

Lisa's boyfriend was the most handsome. Followed by the jerk, whose hand was on top of my hair, named, Michael Smith.

And the most intelligent was Lisa's boyfriend, George McMahon.

" What do you want? " I grabbed all the morale I needed, to ask those questions.

" Dude, she just asked you a question, " another jerk Simon Hendricks, the most notorious in my class, snapped.

All the boys laughed, except for George.

" Guys, enough. Let's get the hell out of here, if you want to come to my house to play games, " George snapped.

" Dude, don't tell me, you are falling for this stupid thrash, " one of the guys asked.

" Are you coming or not? " George asked, clearing his throat.

" Fine. Guys, let's get the hell out of here. I don't want to keep smelling this tramp, " Michael said annoyingly. " Bye, sweetheart. "

" If you call me sweetheart again, I will tell your girlfriend, " I almost stammered.

After staring at me for a minute or so, he shoved the donut he was holding, into my mouth.

" Eat that. You can't afford it anyway, " he sneered and they all left me, standing there, looking useless and helpless.

Lisa startled me from behind, when she touched my shoulder.

I would have screamed, if I didn't have the donut in my mouth.

Lisa took it out of my mouth. " Was that an exercise, a punishment or what? "

" Why don't you ask you boyfriend? " I said, almost in tears.

" My boyfriend will never do such a thing to you, " Lisa said in defense.

" He didn't. Why the hell would you care anyways? Just leave me alone, " I said, almost about to walk away but she grabbed my hand.

" I will talk to him. I will talk to his friends and warn them to leave you alone, " she said with sincerity in her eyes.

" This is your problem. You always think I can't do anything. You always think I can't stand up for myself. Well, you are wrong. I am your age mate. "

" I senior you with months. And I swear, the last thing I will want to do to you, is belittle you or make your problems worst. I am only looking after you. "

" Then don't, because it makes me feel useless, " I said agonized.

Lisa was not just strong, bold, brave, she was attractive, understanding, intelligent and charming. She may not be as beautiful as I am but she is always lucky. And that makes her fit into the sassy class.

" Okay look, I will help you teach them a lesson. We both can teach them a lesson. "

" How? " I asked suddenly interested.

" I heard a new student just entered our class today. . . "

" How does that even matter? " I asked in disappointment.

" Well, he is the most handsome in our department____ "

" I doubt. "

" I am damn serious. All you have to do is hang around him, form a fake relationship with him, make him your fake boyfriend. . . "

" Why? " I asked keenly.

" Well, I heard that all the girls have shifted their attentions to him. If I didn't have a loving boyfriend, I would try my best to get him in my pants, " Lisa said tentatively.

" Thanks, but that's ridiculous, " I said vaguely.

" I am not asking you to have sex with him, not even oral sex. All I am trying to say is to form a fake relationship with him. "

" Why? "

" Because, I heard he was once a bully and he is not the type to mess with. Infact, I searched him online and found out that, he is very intelligent, very sweet in a relationship, doesn't like people messing with anyone that belongs to him. "

" Okay. So now I am an asset right? " I asked in a loud sharp tone.

" No. Come on, you have to think about this. For only today, so another person doesn't get the chance to steal his heart before you, " Lisa explained.

" And why will he choose me? Why will he accept to be my fake boyfriend? "

" You do not need to let him know he is your fake boyfriend. All you have to do is to play along, " Lisa said. " If it doesn't work, which I know it will work, we will come up with another plan. So, what's your answer? "

" You will let me sleep on it tonight, then by tomorrow, I must have an answer for you, " I said, half smiling.

" So, are you still angry at me? " Lisa asked half jokingly.

" You know I can never stay angry at you. It's like punishing myself, " I said candidly.

" Your mom must be waiting for us. Let's go. "