
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasy
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20 Chs

One Third Of A Whole

Looking at the clumsy doctor I couldn't help but smile.

According to my [Almighty Awareness] or as I like to call it my internet, before I took over, Agnes used to tease the innocent acting previous me and he used to play along maybe to keep his facade, but I don't need to do it now. People would have suspected that something had happened to me because of the abrupt change of behavior but for the first years only a week has passed so no one really knows each other that well, especially considering each noble is a snot nosed brat, who only knows how to either manipulate or brute force people, as for the commoner students? Well they are in a much worse state, is all I know.

Anyways, plan A has failed, time to move on to plan B.

But the problem is if plan A was a shortcut then plan B is an extra long cut.

Looking at her I feel like I should really spank her silly for being weak, can't she have a hero complex that will constantly drive her to try and become stronger or something? It would have been so much easier for me that way!


It can't be helped.

"Miss Agnes, if you're done blushing then do you mind telling me what time it is? Also, what do you plan to do now? I mean you have lost most of your powers, memories, and support from the kingdom. What do you plan to do now?" I said, if she doesn't have anything in her mind, then I can definitely be with her and make her my subordinate although the power is gone, the potential is still there. I can work with that.

"I-l am not blus-blushing no! What's wrong with y-you!"

Blank stare…

"Ahem! Good question, what am I going to do? " She said with her index finger on her cheek as if thinking and then continued, "Well, I have no idea! Teehee!"


Wha-How!? Nevermind, as expected of you." My blank stare got countered with a shock attack, I expected her to be at least a little intelligent but… to think she didn't even know what her next step would be…

"Hey! It's not my fault my IQ dropped along with my memories" Wow, oh god take me I don't care anymore.

"Anyways, How long have I been asleep for?" I said, the future me will deal with her, the now me have to get protection first.

"I think 3 hours, a little less than 3 hours, why? Right! Young man if you think I will let you escape like last time then you are very much in the wrong- Hey what are you doin! Stop stripping! You exhibitionist~!"

"I have some things to take care of so see ya, Miss Agnes!" I said, as I gestured and gave Agnes a flying kiss.


Ba-dumb, Ba-dumb

Looking at her blush I really couldn't help but smile,

Shock attacks can only be countered by a bigger shock attack.

Comebacks are necessary, no matter what!


I am currently running towards the shopping district, one should note that although this entire place is isolated it doesn't mean this place is bad, as a matter of fact this place is a city of its own, although the residents only consist of the people who work for the academy and the students.

The academy not only houses hundreds of teachers but it also houses assistants, butlers, chefs, workers and many such people who are not directly related to teaching students.

As such, this can easily be considered as one of the first class cities in my previous world. Sometimes I wonder how beautiful this world really is, even this isolated dystopia is so good looking.

Anyways, each class goes for around 40 minutes, considering I left the class in third period, the treatment of my injury and my sleep that lasted for almost 3 hours, I have a little less than two hour before Alfred comes rushing at me like an angry bull on fire, literally.

Currently I am running because I am doing some chores, plan B is actually pretty simple, it's bootlicking.

Yeah, as disgusting as it may sound it's one of the most effective methods to get temporary protection, for weak people.

Currently I am doing my third task from the [Bonus Board]. This is just a simple board where teachers or anybody who is extremely busy with something delegate some work to others and they do it for money or whatever reward that is being offered.

These jobs are typically simple and easy to do jobs like cleaning somebody's room, buying some plants, buying some groceries or just carrying someone's stuff when they go out for a shopping spree.

No one usually picks these jobs except for commoners who often lack money,

The nobles and the strong guys also do something like this, but to do those works they need to check the [Quest Board] where people essentially assign quests for the academy students to do.

It's adventurous, and you get merits which makes your academic scores skyrocket that's why nobles do it.

"Hello, young man, how may I help you?" The fruit shop keeper said, with a bright smile on her face.

"I would like to get some apples, pineapples, sugar apples, rose apples, wood apples and custard apples please, give me 1 pound of each please." I said with a similarly bright smile, gotta use my charm.

"Oh my, sure!" She said, in an excited tone.

Just now I finished my thirty-seventh job. It's now time's up for me as 2 hours have passed,

For any normal human this is practically impossible but I can just use my [Almighty Awareness] to figure out all the up and coming quests along with what is needed to finish them in real time so it was relatively easy for me.

I am currently walking towards a certain place, my dorm room to hide, as students are forbidden to destroy property in the academy in any way, shape or form, I should be protected from him…

Until the magic session that is, which will start after an hour break.

Anyways, by now I would have earned enough money to be able to live comfortably for the next month here as a commoner but I didn't take a single copper from a single person, because well I don't need money although my family never offers me anything, money is an exception to that as my family has nigh-infinite amount of money and even I have businesses and organizations on my name that constantly earns me money.

Moving on, the reason I have not taken a single copper from any of my employers has a few other reasons as well.

Actually while I am at it I should revise my entire plan B as a whole as well,

In simple terms, My plan has three primary objective,

Objective 'a' was to do as many bonus delegations as possible for a certain number of people, and not totally randomly, so that they take note of me and when I am in trouble they will help me negate the situation a lil bit out of pity or whatever.

Objective 'b' has something to do with not taking money, in simple terms I just wanted them to be fascinated by me, after all you protect an insect if it interests you, right? So that's the objective, they will take interest in me and then they will give me some form of invisible protection, hopefully.

Now for the objective 'c', I have to give a little bit of context, Agnes is a freakin hag, she is like almost a millennia old, thanks to her healing abilities she can heal her body to reach its peak condition anytime and this is not something very rare and due to years of magic and science research, researchers have found many ways to make people immortal or atleast to make people not age, even in my previous world there was a field of studies that was known as 'bio hacking' those guys were almost finished making the perfect serum when I died. So my guess is, the higher beings of this academy must also be ageless as they are the best teachers of a freaking continent that's like ten times the size of Asia from my world.

So I want to fascinate one of them, a certain someone who can instantly make all my worries disappear with a 'snap!' of his hand.


As I opened the door of my room, I hoped that somehow I would live today. I really don't wanna use my system with no offensive powers to fight off a guy whose flames never die…


"Where is that pretty punching bag!" Alfred roared, in frustration, during the third period Yin got himself injured and accused Alfred for the injury everyone believed him because Alfred hates Yin to the bone, however this time around, Alfred never attacked him in any way, still he kept his mouth shut in the class, Alfred realized that he won't be able really sway others opinion because he knew no one will believe him, although Alfred is reckless he is not dumb he knows politics and it didn't took him long to realize that he got played by yin.

But for what reason? He didn't know nor did he care and just when the class ended he stormed out of the class towards the clinic. Being his friends Mike and I had to follow him.

Although he didn't care, that didn't mean I didn't care, that guy, Yin is a…


Although others can't tell that, I can, I am George S Locus, my ability's unique property allows me to shatter things, though there are many restrictions the strongest of our house can even shatter space and time giving them the power to destroy most of the things in the world, although very few has reached that level my father is one of them, there is also my sister who is the strongest user of our power ever born in the history of our house.

But that devil broke her, I don't know how, I don't know when, I don't know where, he never even touched her but he broke her, nobody knew what happened except for my sister and him, not even my father, he wanted nothing more than just to go ahead and kill him but Yin's father was the strongest duke and no amount of power will help him overpower him so even my father had to give up on revenge.

One day, when she entered one of the cities owned by Duke Orsolauv she stayed there for an entirety of 6 months. My sister was always a little tomboyish so she always used to adventure around the world and she never stays at a place for more than a few weeks.

And for that reason our house had to put a lot of effort to constantly keep tabs on her, after all parents worry about their children, so for her to stay at a place for six months was really something unexpected.

And when that happened our family was overjoyed thinking that she might have taken an interest in the young heir of Orsolauv house after all they say he was, and still is, the cutest kid in the world and they decided to travel to that city but when they reached that city my sister had already left the city, this was a common occurrence my sister tends to run away when her family tries to contact her because most of the time it's always us showing potential matches to her.

But the unusual thing was, she departed from that city only to return at our family residence, our family including me was overjoyed thinking that she might want to talk about her marriage with the heir of Duke Orsolauv but when we saw her, we saw something we never thought was possible, she looked terrifying, her silver hair was messy her eyes were hollow, dark circles that looked like the abyss and a face full of tear marks. She looked really bad, beat and broken. After that my father asked the doctors to do a thorough check up and everything was for the most part good.

She was still a virgin, she was physically as fit as someone can be but her psyche was destroyed, and we didn't even knew who was the culprit, and she still refuses to tell that one thing but after countless therapy sessions done by my mother to her, my mother eventually figured out it was Yin, back then whenever she used to see her family she would always start crying and nothing else, it's been years since that accident and even though she don't cry anymore she still lives in total solitude, in a distant island where she trains and lives in isolation.

When I saw that devil enter at the same school as me I was scared, and wanted to ignore him. However life is a bitch, Alfred, my childhood friend, picked on him on the very first day but for some reason he remained passive which caused me to be on full alert. After all if he is not attacking in the daylight he will attack in the darkness but he never did anything, until now that is.

Yeah after being passive for about a week in the academy he is finally making his moves. So far because he was passive I was scared, scared of just about anything after all my childhood friend antagonized him who knows from where he will pop up to kill us, but I was also half expecting him to just leave us, even if it's for the sake of keeping his facade but now that he had broken that, So now we are fighting a lion who can scheme, if before he was passive now he is not, if he is going to kill us anyway I will do my best to resist.

I couldn't protect my sister but I will protect my friends that I promise to you Yin!


An hour has passed and now I am currently on my way towards the ground where the magic sessions will be commencing. I am scared.

Not gonna lie, even though I probably don't have to do anything for my plan to work out,

I am still scared.

I am waiting for someone, as for whom am I waiting, I am waiting for Alfred, Alfred is technically the key for me to get my protection.

And like that I finally reached the ground where magic training will begin.

Just when I entered I noticed him, at first he didn't seem to notice me but when our gaze met his expression changed from frustration to anger and then from anger to amusement as he started laughing.

"Now this is something new I actually thought you would hide in your little safe corner instead of coming out here but this is not bad, not bad at all!"

He said, and soon he eyelids opened to its limits as his eyes started glowing menacingly, his gaze seemingly increasing the temperature of the area as a sphere started forming on top of his palm

A fireball, a simple fireball with the size of a baseball but then it started glowing and it kept on glowing more and more until it looked like a miniature sun,

As I was looking at this, my expression turned serious, this is bad, really, really bad.

"Hey, pretty boy," He called me out, causing my head to turn to him, "Do you remember this? Don't tell me you forgot~? The last time I hit you with it you managed to live so this time around I have specifically increased a few things, if before it was just as hot as magma but now it's as hot as the sun, I would like to see you survive this~" He said with a teasing tone, but his expression was screaming murder!

"Behold my strongest attack!"


That was the only thing I heard before pure light and heat embraced me.

However, just as I thought it's time to activate my [Inventory] suddenly the fire disappeared, more precisely it disappeared as if it never existed.


"Student, Yin William Orsolauv, is being summoned to the headmasters' hall! Report immediately!"



"Why is he being summoned there?"

"Shit, that's so lucky, I have never even seen the headmaster of the school before"

"Hey, I have this theory, do you think his ability is his incredible luck? Just when he was about to die too, the headmaster called him over and possibly he was the one responsible for stopping Alfred, the freaking headmaster!"

"Yeah, you are actually not wrong, he always gets away with anything he tries, do you know? One of my friends told me he is like a sleeping monster and the manliest of the man…at least in the bed, you think he is like that outside of the bed too?"

"Woman, a few hours ago you didn't even know his name and now you know how he is in bed, if you mention him one more time we are breaking up."

"Tch, small men."

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you, speak a bit louder."


People are discussing about me, this is good, really good.


Let's not get overly excited, after all my plan hasn't succeeded yet, this is…

One Third Of A Whole.