
My promiscuous life

God in the body, ten thousand power in hand, the world where can not go! The soul of a modern man through the romance of martial arts! He is a thief in the dark, he is the sweet in the dark! With the help of two generations of ten flowers, several teachers and many beautiful women, he became the top of this continent! Almost all the beauties of an entire continent in his harem! And the beginning of the story, from his last generation of ten flowers of the flower leader Shen Xuerou to pick the beginning

chinonso_Daniel · Eastern
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44 Chs

Oriental lady(1)

'I, I'll kill you!

The girl's heart a millet, jiao quan immediately jumped forward, but although the mouth said to kill this frivolous own man, but the body retreated back!

"Bastard! Remember, next time I'm going to kill you! '

The girl mercilessly stared at Chu Jing yun, because she found herself with his fight has alerted a large number of chu guards. 'Oh, and tell your idiot young master that this lady won't marry him! Tell him to go away!"

"Said immediately and left.

Although Chu Jing yun can easily catch up with her, but he just froze at this time! What did that woman mean? She doesn't want to marry herself?

Huh? Seems to guess the identity of the other side, Chu Jing cloud mouth slightly raised, when it comes to marry yourself, that is not his father set the baby kiss? Just oneself have not come to visit, have not thought much the other party unexpectedly come to visit!

Not sure enough, let the girl know that she is the idiot master of the Chu family do not know what she will have the expression of surprise?

However, the girl did not go home after she left, but hid in a dark street.

'Miss, you've come back!

A girl dressed up as a servant girl won at once. She was very pretty, and though not as well built as the woman she called Miss, she looked small and delicate!

"Well, it's done!

The masked man in black will return the black clothes under the servant girl's service! Dressed in scholar's clothes!

The maiden was as beautiful as a fairy! The features of her face blend seamlessly! A pair of willow smoke eyebrow red pink green moth, as if curved crescent, bright eyes look at the light, tantalizing heart. Qiong Yao small nose because just escape and ooze light sweat, small mouth at this time but tightly pursed, pink cheeks jade cheeks is covered with peach blushing li let!

That bastard! Actually... Touching yourself there! Hum! Think of just be frivolous thing, hate in the heart of Oriental yuting gnash teeth! 'I'll kill him myself, sooner or later!


Sweet son a little strange looking at his young lady, way: "what do you think?"

Oriental yuting slightly one leng, jilted the humiliation will just throw behind, way: "good, we run fast! If mom and dad find out I'm sneaking out, they're gonna get caught! I don't want to marry that idiot young master of the Chu family!"

In fact, this morning they reported that the chu family that disappeared for fifteen years of the master unexpectedly came back!

Day! The man whom others called the idiot master had come back! The Oriental Yuting that has engagement with him since little was frightened! At the thought of marrying such a man, she immediately packed up her baggage and planned to hide in her uncle's house in the capital. But before she left, she still wanted to go to chu's house to make a scene!

So she had just with Chu Jingyun fighting scene!

"All right! Miss, if the master and lady blame down, you can protect xianger!"

The servant girl was obviously a little frightened.

"Don't worry, mom and Dad won't embarrass you! Just say I blackmailed you! Now let's run! I'm sure Father and mother will send for me when they know I've escaped! '


Heung - er was carrying a bundle, which he looked so dainty in men's clothing, as if he were a little cream scholar! And the eastern Yuting side is a bit thin handsome young master!

"The merchant ship heading for Luoyang will soon leave Yangzhou. Let's hurry up!"

Camera back to chu, chu Yang under the command of the master, soon ready gift!

"Remember, be polite when you meet your elders! Don't fool around, you know?"

Chuyang commanded as she looked at her son.

"I say, old man, are you bored?"

Chu Jingyun waved his hand and said, "I have my own discretion in this matter. You are too wordy! Oh, by the way, where's sister? Why has she been hiding in her room?"

"Your sister..."

Chu Yang heart merit sadly shook his head, way: "she should have something, you go to visit the in-laws again!"


Chu Jingyun nodded, led the way thinking about his future wife's home!

Looking at the son gradually far away figure, Chu Yang is very helplessly sighed, soliloquize ground to say: "Fine son that wench how... Ah... They are... Ah..."

No one knew what the Chu master was talking about. He always sighed after a few words.

"What's wrong with me?

Chu Xi qing hide in his room, the heart is unhappy! Looking out of the window at the beautiful scenery, she really did not have much mind to enjoy! At the thought of her brother's visit to his betrothed, a melancholy feeling came over her, and a vague feeling that she had been robbed of something!

Said Chu Jing yun but all the way to yangzhou another mansion walked!

His fiancee, Oriental Yuting, the two young ladies of the Oriental family!

Say Oriental family, that have to say, day long emperor dynasty has the view of 4 big families! Dongfang one, Nangong one, Ximen one, North curtain one!

The ancestors of their four families had helped the founding of the Emperor of China to establish numerous contributions to the great hero! It is said that their four families did not have this surname at the beginning. Later, the first emperor, the founding emperor, gave these four surnames to their four families respectively to reward their contributions to the country!

These four families are very important in China! But later, at the time of emperor Wudi of the 55th Generation of The Chinese Dynasty, the emperor wudi of the Han Dynasty, who was determined to be the sole ruler of the Chinese dynasty, implemented a centralized system, which centralized all the rights of the empire! At that time, in order to show their loyalty to the country, the heads of the four families took the initiative to send their military power back to the emperor, which has been talked about by the people up to now, the so-called dissolving alcohol and releasing military power is such a thing!

Although there is no military power, but the status of the four families is still so lofty! In order to praise the loyalty of the four families, emperors conferred the title of marquis on the head of the family. Although nominal, the prestige of the four families was at its peak.

With the passage of time, the four major families have begun to involve in the matter of jianghu Wulin! Now the situation, in addition to the day of a large door alone, the following is wudang, Shaolin, Emei, three doors!

Plus face is four big families!

"Master Chu, please wait a moment, we will go in to inform your master!"

When Chu Jingyun came to the east, the guards were startled!

Although today has received the message that chu idiot master came back, but now to see him that a domineer, but how also can not think of such a man actually will be called an idiot?

Or are the people who say he's an idiot the real idiots?

However, in any case, the young master of the Chu family they dare not offend it! It is said that the young master came back last night and killed the guards who had offended him!

Chu Jingyun and his party were invited to the reception hall above.

A moment later there was a sound of footsteps in the lobby!

Chu Jingyun sat in a chair, crossed his legs, drinking the tea handed up by people in the East, at this time also had to stand up.

But the first thing that appeared was a buxom beautiful woman! That a white dress elegant graceful, tall and sexy!

Especially the ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings that her whole body nature coruscate is wearing mature young woman, light faint fragrance is more let a person be fascinated!

"Is that the boy jing Yun?"

The beautiful woman took the lead in opening her mouth, she looked at the chu Jing cloud, eyes full of questions.

Chu Jingyun looked at her unceremoniously.

Soon, the beautiful woman's watch will show a look of surprise! "It's really you! Little surprise cloud!"

She took three steps and two steps to chu Jing yun's side, even while he was in a trance, stretched out a pair of white hands, suddenly pinched his cheek, happily smiled: "face is as elastic as before! Hee hee!"

At this time the beautiful woman is not like an elder completely, but is a bit like naughty big sister general!

'Oh -- my god!

Chu Jing cloud heart dark call 1! But it turned out to be a beautiful woman because her hands held his cheek, the whole mature and graceful body should be vaguely attached to his chest! Especially her chest that pair of towering trembling snow peaks, is gently squeezing the friction chu Jing Yun that solid chest!