
My professor is cute

Ronnieanne,a cute little girl started her first day in college all grumpy since she had been forced here by her single mother. She promised herself to find a way to get expelled by all means in the school but what happened when she met the cold but loveable professor. She immediately took a liking into him and tried to gain his attention. Eventually,they fell for each other but the only obstacle was that he was married. Matthew Wyatt,a college professor who has a defective marriage met Ronnieanne, the sun that light up his whole world. He loved her the very first day he saw her and she felt the same way. He didn't care about their age difference and loved her deeply willing to lay down his life for her but however it seems like their love story will have to end because he was married. What will become of them? Will Ronnieanne leave him alone to leave happily with his wife or will she fight for what's hers. I'll update a chapter every two days.

Little_Lilac_5930 · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Would you like to go out sometime?"without hesitation she replied"No,am busy"she rested her head on the table back when she heard an oh and retreating steps.

What her professor did just ignited her passion to have him. That's Ronnieanne for you.

She'll make sure she gets whatever proves hard to get.

"Hey, it's me again"Joanna said.

"So,how was your first day?"She sat at the available seat by Ronnieanne.

"I heard that you got rejected by Mr matthew,you sure have guts, nobody has never directly asked him out..."Ronnieanne just groaned facing Joanna.

"Was it that bad?"she askes. First day of school and she's already an hot topic in the school.

"Not at all, the boys think you're cool for not been like other girls.".

That sounds a whole lot better.

So his name is Matthew,well matthew watch out, you'll soon be mine.

Joanna tugged her top"Since we're best friends now,we definitely need each other digits"Ronnieanne will need her help in getting matthew since she has been in this school longer than she is.

She gave her her phone to store her number"Yeah,am done."Joanna handed Ronnieanne back her phone.

"Do you by any chance know where one could get some lunch?"Ronnieanne asked famished since she didn't eat before coming to school.

"Yeah, let's go"They stood up.

Joanna took her to their school cafeteria and ordered food,from the corner of her eyes, Ronnieanne caught a glimpse of Mr matthew,he was entering another hallway.

Immediately he was out of sight, she asked"Ann, where is that hallway leading to?".

Joanna answered confused"That's the restroom..."

"Can I have this drink... thanks"Ronnieanne asked a guy passing by and without waiting for his answer took his drink and walked to that direction.

"Hey, where are you going to?"Joanna shouted when she saw Ronnieanne leaving her.

"To the restroom,will be right back"She cornered and went to the girls restroom but she didn't entered, she waited by the door and when she saw that the boys restroom were about to open, she immediately went over looking down and bumped into him making the man shirt wet in the process.

"Am so sorry"she looked up with an embarrassed look but she didn't know that her plan had failed so terribly.

She stared at the man she had bumped into in astonishment, she hadn't bumped into Mr matthew but her classmate.

Her plan was perfect but was it?

She saw Mr matthew smirking at her before walking right pass her, she clenched her fists in anger but still managed to smile sweetly.

"Am sorry, I'll pay for drycleaning"She removed some money from her bag and gave him and then disappeared from his sight.

Joanna sighted Ronnieanne coming outside and immediately went over with two trays of food.

"You're back, here have it"She shove the food in Ronnieanne hands as they started walking.

"What's wrong?"Joanna asked but Ronnieanne doesn't feel like explaining anything.

She just shook her head as they found an available seat"Do teachers also eat with students"Ronnieanne asked.

"Some while some prefer to eat in their office. Why?"

"Nothing, come with me"Joanna followed without a word.

"Oh I see"Joanna said in a teasing manner when she sighted Mr matthew.

"I don't quite understand some questions about chemosynthesis"Ronnieanne asked as soon as she reached Mr matthew table.

"This isn't class miss. I think you have your own tutor right"He asked her.

"They don't teach as well as you"

"Then if so, why don't you understand chemosynthesis that i explained today?"Ronnieanne bit her lips.

"Fine then, have your seat"Ronnieanne was elated when she heard him say, she sat down happily.

No one can be able to resist her charm.

"I think I hear my friend call me"Joanna immediately fled the place leaving both of them alone.

"What's your question?"