
My Professor: I am his naughty slave

{Mature Content} "You look hot as always, sir." Yoo Na says flashing the other a sweet but teasing smile, she has been trying to gain his attention, all that was ever needed for her. Yoo Na, a sweet and lovely girl who went through bully and abuse ending up as a weak fragile girl, she has been trying to mend her broken and miserable life. She had lived her life twice before she ended up with suicide, she chooses to give up because she had no will to live. But that was not what was planned for her, she came back once, twice just to end up the same but now in her third chance, she is gifted with a huge surge of confidence and courage to win over her love and to become happy. "Just shut up!" Shin Jae whisper-yells being aware of the surrounding he was -in the school premises. Shin Jae was a guy who was about 6 years older than her and her professor. By nature, he had grown up being confined within with only his false demeanor erupting off. He was the teacher everyone feared, who would approach and piss off a cold rude person. "I will never!" Yoo Na says giggling to herself as she walks away to her class. Yoo Na was among the person to hate him for what he was on the surface but in her past two life, this very cold bastard she thought became her savior and her knight in white armor. And hence, he was her first love. He was her unrequited love, why? Because he had someone else in his broken heart which she was trying hard to win. "Remember who owns you." Shin Jae says through his muffled voice as he runs to her grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the corner which probably would get them into shadows, away from the sight of people. "You." She says happily but her smiles fade away when he says, "And put this in your mind, you are nothing but a slave to me." He walks away leaving that bitter smile on her face, she was used to hearing those words. "I know... but I am making you mine. My everything." Join me on the rollercoaster of these two characters who had been fighting with their life to go on, to be happy, to be loved. I promise fun and fun along the way but I need your help with that. Please read the story and be my companion through, I would love to hear from you all, and please do drop your views. If you want to talk to me then join me in discord, my account is Asin1961# Instagram: Author_asin13 I hope you would love to follow me for updates! The cover is from interest and I edited it with the help of my friends. Credits to the one who deserves. :) As this book is participating in WSA 2021, guys I would appreciate it if you all would support me, please!

Asin13 · Urban
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330 Chs

Run away?

"You know uncle Shin, right?" She questions making Yoo Na nod her head, " He has a son and..." She trails on her words brushing the short length fringe of her face falling across her face with a cocky smile which warned her not to turn back and she continues,

"You need to seduce him and make him fall in love with you."

Yoo Na widens her eyes, "What? Y-You... are j-joking, right?" She stutters out her words. Soo Min frowns feeling weird, "I think I heard you would just do as I say, didn't I?" She questions with her left brow raised.

Yoo Na stampers on her feet trying to take a few steps back, "Answer me!" She yells making the poor girl flinch back, she looks up at her with tears, "Y-Yeah... but w-who is he?" She questions out loud not wanting to annoy her.

"I don't know either. " She says arrogantly as she stands straight and walks back to the couch, "Then... how...w-will I...um..." She trails on her words feeling embarrassed with just the thought. "Don't worry... having the chance to set you up is mine. "

Yoo Na gulps hearing that, she didn't expect her life to take such a turn, she was just pursuing a path and more like pursuing him but she couldn't even do that. She was breaking down but she dared not show that she looks away trying to swallow her tears.

"Make sure you win him over! With that beautiful face of hers... any guy would fall in love. " Soo Min says with a scoff eyeing her up and down, "But if you don't have a good body, don't blame that pretty face. " She says laughing to herself.

Yoo Na shuts her eyes close feeling degraded. "Start taming yourself and do not insult that pretty face!" With that Soo Min stands up heading upstairs with a pleased smile, Yoo Na on the other hand chokes on her saliva.

Trying to stop herself from sobbing she had difficulty in breathing, taking in deep breaths she falls down on her feet. "Yoo Na~" Jin comes to her wrapping her around his arms, he heard everything- each and every word from behind the pillar by the hallway.

He was already in tears, "Such a heartless woman..." Jin mumbles crying along with her as he tightens his grip around her, her sobs that were getting louder broke his heart into pieces. "I am here... bear. " He says softly patting her back.

He felt anger rising up boiling his blood and ticking his every nerve, he felt so vulnerable and raged. He pulls away caressing her cheeks and splitting the fringes away from her face, he holds her face firmly in his palm wiping those tears away.

"Let's go to your room, all right?" He says receiving a nod from her, he turns around gesturing for her to jump on him, Yoo Na just follows as being told as she had no will to move with her body feeling numb along with her heart.

She hops on wrapping her arms across his neck with her head leaning against his broad shoulder, she was silent but her tears didn't stop falling down. He could feel his shirt wetting up but he knew she needed this, he stands up hoisting up a bit to make her comfortable.

He then walks upstairs with his own tears expressing his pain, how he wished he could take her away from here. Away from them so she could live peacefully... only if he could.

He walks inside the room and drops her on the bed, "You want something?" He questions just to receive nothing from her, he pokes her arms making her come out of her trance. "Do not worry... brother will not let that happen. " He says flashing a sweet and assuring smile.

Even though she doubted that was possible but his words made her smile, she found warmth in his words and those teary eyes which showered her with love all these times.

"Brother... are you gonna seduce him instead of me?" Yoo Na questions giggling despite her tears making Jin gasp, he chuckles shaking his head in disbelief. "You want me to do that?" He questions back with a small smile of his own.

"Will you?" She questions back wiping her tears and wiggling her brows, "If you want. " He says pecking her forehead making her laugh. "I do not mind having a gay brother. " She says making the other laugh out hard, Yoo Na laughs along with him.

"Brother... you make turn every pain into laughter and joy with your presence. If not for you I wouldn't be smiling. " Yoo Na says with a sweet bitter smile, she sits up and hugs him tight. "Please...do not leave me... ever. "

Jin sniffs hearing her words, "When... you came into my life that very day, I was determined not to ever leave you, bear. " He says pulling away and bopping her nose, she scrunches her face with a cute smile making her adorable.

"If only we met in a better way..." Yoo Na says with her smile vanishing away. Jin frowns caressing her arms, "It is good enough... meeting you and having you is good enough. I couldn't ask for more, bear. " He says wiping the tears that were making their way out of her eyes.

"I-I... would prefer if you had seen the real me. " Yoo Na says handing her head low, Jin cries at her words, he tries to smile so that she would not feel sad and he says, "You are you. This face doesn't change the fact that you are who you were. " Jin says cupping her cheeks.

Yoo Na chuckles looking at him, "Really?" She questions while he nods his head.

"Which one would you prefer? This me or the one I was before?" SHe questions pointing her index finger at her face. Jin chuckles slapping her hands away, "I prefer you. " He says grabbing her index finger and placing it against her heart.

She chuckles pulling her hand away, "Don't be cheesy. I bet I was more beautiful. " Jin laughs at her comment, "Where did you learn to laugh like that?" Yoo Na questions squinting her eyes at him. "Why? My laugh is very rare and valuable. " He says with a proud smirk.

She shakes her head at his boastful words, 'Yeah, yeah. Anyway, do you know who is uncle Shin's son?" Yoo Na questions having that very question popping up every second. Jin frowns and shakes his head no.

"Is he not famous?" She questions just to receive a nonchalant shrug from him. "I have no idea. " He says making her sigh out in exhaustion as she throws her upper body against the bed.

"What do I do?" She groans punching her pillow, Jin hangs his head low lost in thought. "Yoo Na..." He calls out for her making her stop doing whatever she was doing, "Yeah?" She questions sitting back squarely on the bed.

"If you ever get to...um I mean... do you want to escape this place and this situation?" He questions fidgeting with his fingers and his eyes looking around.

She didn't need long to come up with answers because she knew what she wanted, "If I could... but why are you suddenly asking me this?" She says grabbing both of his hands and anticipating his words.

Jin sighs and shakes his head, 'No, nothing. " He says looking away.

"No... tell me. " She says forcing him to spill out his thought.

"Do you want to run away?"

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