
The Ugly Savior

That morning, a fisherman found a half-eaten corpse on the beach. At first, he thought it was just a bundle of wreckage, but as he got closer, he quickly recognized the eye sockets and jawbones of the corpse. He was not scared, as a corpse washed ashore with the tides was nothing unusual; but when he realized it was a dwarf's corpse, he immediately reported it to the security bureau.

After Jorgen and Elin arrived, although the scene was quickly blocked off, the spread of the news could not be contained. In no time, the protective circle formed by the guards around the scene was crowded with citizens of Auberdine. Most were dwarves. They did not come to watch the excitement. When a dwarf broke into the scene and shouted, "I recognize his hair color and false teeth, this is Gamero Ironhammer!", the situation seemed out of control.

Auberdine's most respected dwarf had been missing for a long time, and appeared in front of his compatriots in this way: completely gone below the abdomen, with clear bite marks on the wound; the remaining part was just draped over the bones, the skin and flesh soaked and rotten by seawater. Jorgen understood their anger.

"Quiet!" "Any new findings will be announced immediately!" -- The guards' attempts to reassure the dwarves did little to calm their emotions. Rather than hoping for them to calm down, it was better to pray that no drunken dwarves would join in now.

"Jorgen, although this is inhumane, I still want to say: this corpse appeared at the wrong time," Elin said.

"I think so too."

They found that the corpse's hands were tied behind its back with ropes that were almost rotten. While examining the mouth, an unknown small fish slid out from inside.

"This is not the first high tide in a month," Jorgen said, "but the corpse is washed up at this time. The time of death can no longer be determined. It seems that he may have been tied up and sunk into the sea, bitten in half by a sea serpent in the shallow waters, so he could break free from the ropes and be washed ashore by the tide."

"Why can't it be that the sea serpent swallowed the upper body in one bite, then a group of murlocs appeared to attack the sea serpent, so it used its usual escape tactic to spit out the food in its belly to attract the murlocs and then slip away?" Elin said.

"Impossible. There is no mucous membrane formed by the gastric juice of the sea serpent on the corpse, and a large amount of hair has not been corroded."

"I was just joking, don't take it so seriously ..."

"Elin, looking at these dwarves, do you know what I'm thinking?" Jorgen said. "I may not really pursue the cause of Gamero's death out of sympathy for Dores. Probably, I just did a good job. Before coming here, we were asked to focus on human affairs. I have always refused to admit that I carried out this command; I thought I treated all the residents of Auberdine equally. But now ... I find that I don't really care about the anger of these dwarves. Indeed not."

"Bad." Elin stood up. "Look who's here."

Jorgen turned around and saw Sandis Windweaver entEling the search circle with several night elf guards. To Jorgen and Elin's displeasure, Cannon was also with Sandis. He did not dare to meet their eyes and hid behind the tall night elf guards.

"Officers, hard work." Sandis looked at the corpse and went straight to the point. "I heard this is the body of Gamero Ironhammer."

"In fact, we haven't confirmed yet ..."

Jorgen's words were interrupted by Sandis. "The dwarf citizens are all very emotional, aren't they? As the lead investigator, shouldn't you make some statements to reassure their emotions, Jorgen?"

Sandis's words indicated that regardless of the evidence, he had identified this corpse as belonging to Gamero, and based on this presumption instructed the follow-up work. Such an attitude of disrespect for the investigation made Jorgen very disgusted.

"No," he said, "I can't provide any conclusions now. Sorry."

"How did you end up coming with him?" Elin questioned Cannon. Cannon did not answer, but Sandis spoke up: "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know now that you've found Gamero's body. I think, for the sake of Auberdine, it is better for you two to report to me at any time."

"We will not disclose any unverified information arbitrarily." Jorgen said.

"Mr. Jorgen, your job is to keep Auberdine calm. On this premise, I hope you will at least announce to the dwarves: you have clearly determined that Gamero was killed by Dores, and that this murderer also committed suicide in remorse the night before last. If you do this, the current tense situation will surely be alleviated."

"We have not clearly identified this point because there is no corresponding evidence."

"Isn't there evidence? Clear evidence. That suicide note, Mr. Jorgen. Yes, it seems you intend to block the news, this is really an inhumane uncooperative attitude; Fortunately, there is Cannon, although he is a junior, he understands the importance of cooperation better than you."

"It's you again, you little..."! Elin came forward to grab Cannon, but was blocked by the guards.

"Sir Sandis," Jorgen said, "you must not have figured out the situation. This is our case. Elin and I have never been your direct subordinates. We have administrative immunity from Stormwind City, so we can refuse your unreasonable request to disclose case information to the public."

"That's true too." Sandis said. "Then I'll announce this news myself."

"Sir Sandy--can you really not think?" Jorgen said.

"What did you say?"

Sandis narrowed his eyes slightly, emitting a white light.

"Do you really think this can quell the conflicts in Auberdine? Transfer the contradictions between dwarves and night elves to humans?"

"You may have misunderstood, ..."

"No, I didn't. Gamero was the team leader of the Explorer's League excavation team in Auberdine, and these excavation teams are the most hated things for you old night elves. When he went missing, you must have laughed in secret. But the dwarves naturally began to suspect that you night elves did this. The main conflicts over the past month have come from these two races, and you know it well. Now that Dores is dead, a 'suicide note' has been found, and you are eager to spread the news that 'humans killed Gamero' immediately. How about that? Sir Sandis Windweaver."

Jorgen did not intend to confront Sandis, but the words were already spoken. Since he could not restrain the other party's actions, he could only ensure that his authority was not violated with a tough attitude.

"Also," he continued, "these two cases have not been closed. The murderer who killed Gamero has not been found, and Dores did not commit suicide. Whatever actions you take, I hope you do not interfere with my work."

"Mr. Jorgen, you should clarify your identity and attitude. After all, you are working in Auberdine, and Auberdine is essentially a night elf city. Do you want to intensify contradictions?"

"Precisely because I don't want to, I have explained this clearly. We were sent here by Stormwind City as political aid, and in general we obey your orders, which is already a big concession. In view of these reasons, I hope you do not interfere with our work. This case is ours."

Sandis's expression was hard to read. Having experienced years far beyond humans, he knew the word "long-term interests" all too well. Although Jorgen's words exposed his thoughts and made him somewhat embarrassed and angry, he could still control himself.

"You're right," Sandis said. "I should not have overstepped my authority. Relatively, I also ask you to do your best to investigate and not disappoint me."

"We will do our best." Jorgen said.

After that, Sandis left the scene.

"I didn't expect you to really say these things to his face. Life will be hard from now on. Do you think he won't take action behind our backs?" Elin said.

"That's almost certain. But we can't control him, and he can't control what we can do."

After determining that there was no more investigative value at the scene, Jorgen had his men move the corpse back to the security bureau. Just as the watching dwarves were gradually dispersing, Jorgen suddenly heard noisy sounds from the east of the coast.

"What happened?" Elin said.

"That's the direction of Dores' house," Jorgen said, "go see quickly."

Dores' house was closed, sealed and guarded by a few guards. But when the two arrived, the house had been surrounded by dwarves. The guards were futilely indicating that they should not approach, but did not dare to take violent action to stop the dwarves from attempting to enter the house. Even seeing the arrival of their superiors, their expressions did not relax in the slightest.

Jorgen and Elin tried to squeeze to the front of the house. The dwarves avoided them at first, but someone shouted:

"We have to ask them properly, how did our excavation team leader Gamero die! We must get to the bottom of it!"

As soon as the words fell, the dwarves began to surround Jorgen and Elin. "Did you find a suicide note?" "Why didn't you investigate Dores earlier?" Accompanied by these questions were the angry eyes of the dwarves.

"The situation is not good," Elin said, "I saw several drunk faces."

"Calm down, the investigation is still ongoing." Jorgen couldn't think of anything else to deal with them for a while.

"How long are you going to investigate!" "If it weren't for poor Gamero's corpse washed ashore, would you still delay it!" "I think we might as well take it into our own hands and find evidence that the kid did it!"

The dwarves further approached the hut, started tearing off seals and smashing wooden boards over the windows.

"How did you get into this?" Elin said, "I even reminded you specifically that there were drunk dwarves, and you still tried to reason with them. This is counterproductive. What now? Find someone to forcibly suppress?"

"That certainly won't work."

"You can't let Sandis help, can you?..."

Just as Jorgen and Elin were unable to control the situation, a man in a black robe with his face in the shadows suddenly rushed out of the crowd to the front, waving a stick in his hands and making indistinct grunts as if to drive away the dwarves. His movements were violent and impatient, speechless, only making some confused grunts.

Those dwarves were actually driven back by him with sticks after they saw his face. A minute later, the dwarves voluntarily retreated a circle, and this man in black was panting with his hands on his knees. He turned to Jorgen and Elin, revealing an extremely ugly face like melted wax candles.

"You are..." Jorgen recognized this man.