
The Truth

Three months later, an open funeral was held for former Moshay Moshay Modertane in Auberdine. According to the maid, he had stopped breathing in his sleep. After seven gun salutes, his coffin was buried in the public cemetery in the southwest district.

Soon after Dores' case was closed, Jacobson was escorted to Stormwind for strict investigation for usury and tax evasion. He surrendered himself. Since Lemenito's death, he seemed to have become numb and listless. But Jorgen didn't expect him to go so far as to surrender. The south district he controlled was supposed to be taken over by temporary officials in Stormwind, but for political reasons, the ownership was returned to Sandis Windweaver.

Jito voluntarily followed the remaining excavation team members to Silithus. Gubo Blapp threw away his beloved fishing boat and went with him. He explained, "Only I can talk to this silly boy. I can't just leave him alone, can I?" Before leaving, Jito transferred the ownership of the orphanage land to Cannon, the legal heir to Moshay Moshay's estate. The price was even lower than when Dores bought it for him, but Jorgen couldn't intervene.

Having obtained the entire southwest district land, Cannon transferred it to Sandis the day before Moshay Moshay's funeral at the same price as Moshay Moshay's original purchase price years ago. Thus, the whole of Auberdine returned to the complete management of the night elves. Jorgen thought that Sandis' wisdom of thousands of years was a trivial matter. The key was that he had an immortal life span to wait, which was the most critical.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands?" After the funeral, Elin patted her hands and said to Jorgen.


"Didn't we just pour dirt on Moshay Moshay's 'suite'?"

"It's not mud, it doesn't stick to hands."

"It's not about dirty or not. Do you know what that gesture means? It's a 'tribute' to the dead! Pay tribute to that stinky old man? Don't joke with me, I won't touch any girl with these hands - damn it. Sandis is looking over here. Oh no, he's coming over here with his dogs. I'll go first, you deal with them."

As soon as she finished speaking, Elin slipped swiftly into the shade of the woods around the graveyard. Sandis came over with two guards, with a silent confidence on his face. Cannon followed him, keeping exactly one pace away.

"Lord Sandis." Jorgen spoke first.

"I am very sorry for the passing of Moshay Moshay Modertane. I have to say that even among the night elves, it is rare to see such a dutiful person." Sandis said.

"You're right." Jorgen neither denied nor confirmed. He knew Sandis' courtesy was often the prelude to another unpleasant topic.

"But he was also very fortunate to have an excellent son to inherit his will." Sandis patted Cannon's left shoulder. "As the highest administrative leader of Auberdine, I have appointed Cannon Modertane as Auberdine's new Moshay."

As expected, Jorgen thought.

Cannon smiled provocatively at Jorgen and held out his hand. "From now on I will be your new boss, Mr. Jorgen," he said. "Let's work together."

"I doubt that."

Jorgen did not act, and Cannon withdrew his hand with good understanding without hiding his victorious smile.

"It's getting late," Sandis said. "Mr. Jorgen, would you like to join us for lunch and discuss security strategies for the future?"

"I'm not in the mood for lunch right now, but there are some things I'd like to discuss with you, Lord Sandis. Right here. "

"Oh? Please speak."

"Regarding the Dores Stryfe case, I've been thinking a lot..."

"Is a case closed three months ago still bothering you?"

"That's right. I have some thoughts."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jorgen. Our next tasks are heavy, we should not bring up this ended..."

"It won't take up too much of your time," Jorgen said. "I promise you'll have time for lunch. Please hear me out. According to Senoni's testimony and what I heard with my own ears, in his final madness, Lemenito kept repeating this sentence: 'I hanged my own father'. This became his confession. "

"Is there any problem with this being the biggest reason to end the case?"

"Oh, yes, many problems. But for some reason, I couldn't tell you until today. He only said 'hanged my father', not 'killed my father'. This brought me back to the initial murder scene: the killer tore off a piece of cloth from the Twilight Cultist's robe and clenched it in Dores' hand, then took away the robe as a prop to frame Jito. But he made a mistake: during the hanging of Dores, the cloth dropped from his fingers because the corpse's fingers were not stiff yet. Since framing Jito with the cloth was one of the killer's main purposes, why was he so careless?

"Back to Lemenito. Because his father had betrayed him as a Twilight Cultist since childhood, he was deeply resentful of such people. He was not only taking personal revenge on his father, but also taking revenge on his father's identity as a Twilight Cultist. In that case, why would he take away the robe that could prove Dores' former identity as a cultist and use it to frame someone else? Isn't that very unnatural?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean," Sandis said. "I don't know much about the insane human mind."

"Perhaps so. But there is one thing, regardless of race or gender, that cannot be denied. And that is: crime must have motive, that is, the criminal must benefit. Dores' case was actually divided into two parts: one was the murder of Dores, and the other was framing Jito. There is no reason, no evidence that Lemenito could benefit from framing Jito. In summary, I believe: Lemenito went to find his father with a vengeful heart, but only saw his corpse lying on the ground. This was beyond his expectation, urging him to hastily write a flawed farewell letter and then hang up the corpse. In the process, the cloth dropped from Dores' hand, but Lemenito would not notice because he did not know the meaning of the cloth. So in his confession he only said 'hanged my father'. "

"Do you mean someone else murdered Dores?"

"You did not hear my words clearly, Lord Sandis. In fact, it should be said that someone else murdered Dores and framed Jito. There must be someone who could benefit from both of these things at the same time. "

"Oh? If that were truly the case, I hope you already know who this person is. Otherwise, I really don't want to waste time on a case that has already been filed."

"Then I'll speak plainly, Lord Sandis." Jorgen said. "Do you really intend to appoint a murderer and framer as Auberdine's new Moshay?"

"What..." Sandis frowned and looked at Cannon beside him.

"Are you crazy, Jorgen?" Cannon said. "I know you've always hated me, but to this extent? Lord Sandis, you shouldn't waste time on a lunatic like this..."

"I hope you take back this unreasonable remark immediately and apologize to Moshay Cannon," Sandis said. "Otherwise, his first case after taking office will be your defamation case."

"You can arrest me, but I have to finish what I have to say. I had no choice but to bring this up today because the real 'evidence' only appeared today. It is the deed of transfer of ownership of the southwest district land that you just signed.

"Listen, Cannon. According to the will, you would inherit all of Moshay Moshay's land, except for part of the orphanage land owned by Jito. Although desolate, it still occupies a considerable area. Since you sold the land so quickly after your father's death, it is obvious that you had this plan in mind. You don't want to run the southwest district. But if the land is not complete, you can't sell it at an ideal price. Jito still has ownership of that land for 25 years, but deaf, dumb and half-blind, he would be unable to get him to give up that land without an agent. Moreover, Moshay Moshay did not have much time left, and you could not wait 25 years.

"Just then, Gamero appeared and was going to take Jito to Silithus. Gamero knew sign language and was an ideal agent. Unfortunately, he was killed by Dores. Although this conclusion was not made public at the time, you, who had access to all case files, naturally understood this. You knew Dores well and knew he kept a Twilight robe. What's strange about that? After all, you were 'partners' with me and Elin.

"The day before Fire Festival, Elin, Dores and I discussed retiring him. Dores proposed staying one more day, and we agreed. Here I make a hypothesis: you eavesdropped on our conversation, knew the last opportunity had arrived, and could not miss it again. That night, you carried out the plan you had long premeditated.

"You killed Dores, had him lying on the floor with a piece of cloth in his hand. Later, under the pretext of Lord Sandis' order to search the orphanage, you placed the prepared robe under Jito's bedroom, trying to frame him as a Twilight Cultist and murderer. Once the plan succeeded, you could get that land without paying a penny. But your plan failed because Elin and I knew from the start that Jito was being framed.

"Do you know why Elin and I dislike you, Cannon? No, not just us. Almost everyone in the security bureau dislikes you because this is a job that requires efficiency, but you? Always futile. This matter has developed to this point, you seem to be the winner, because in the end Jito still went to Silithus, you still got the land - although you paid more, but for the murder and framing, it was indeed futile. You didn't need to commit a crime, you just needed to wait to usher in a perfect ending, right? If you hadn't sold the entire southwest district to prove your own gain, I wouldn't have said these words. You're a complete fool, Cannon.

"Of course, Lord Sandis, I have no absolute evidence to support this theory, and there is still a subjective hypothesis, but back to the core issue of the case 'who could benefit from both murder and framing at the same time', this is the only answer I can provide. I have finished speaking. If you think this is defamation, you can arrest me immediately."

Jorgen stared at Cannon. He could see Cannon's jaw trembling.

Sandis was silent for a moment, then said, "Jorgen, I can accept some of your reasoning. Let's postpone the appointment of the new Moshay..." Suddenly, Cannon violently pushed Sandis away, snatched the long knife from Sandis' waist and slashed at Jorgen. He missed, and was immediately subdued by the night elf guards who had been following him.

"That was a very poor slash," Jorgen said. "Have you really practiced? Another futile effort, Cannon."

"Don't look at me with that arrogant look," Cannon shouted. "Don't look! I...why does everyone look down on me?...What did I do wrong?...Father, why did you give birth to me?...Since you don't care...I hate you...I hate all of you..."

Jorgen kept looking at this tiny man. But suddenly, he felt a stab of pain in his heart. Cannon's crime was futile; that is to say, Dores' death was meaningless. If Cannon had not killed him, Dores would have met Lemenito. What would have happened between them? Would it still have ended in parricide? Or in a way that did not involve death?

These questions can no longer be answered. Jorgen knew that fantasizing about some vain and illusory things was not his duty.