

Episode 9

Rina cried that she tore apart. "Why am I feeling like tearing apart and my heart feels heavy. Is this the original Rina's emotion? But you loved and trusted the wrong person." She spoke to herself. 'Is my sister and Lord Will is alright?' She asked her father with a pitiful voice. 'They are fine but they are not awake and the doctors also don't know anything about it' Her father answered. 'Are they love each other that much?' She questioned. 'I am sorry, Rina' he caressed her head. 'No, father it was my fault I should have asked Asha and Lord Will before' Rina said. 'You go and have a rest you are weak.' Her father said.

'Now I am going to see Lady Fin I heard that she is ill and can I go out to have some fresh air? I am in my room for a long time.' Rina asked permission from her father. 'Okay, you can go but return before Sunset.' Her father said. 'Thank you, father, now I will go' Rina left the room. "I had been so careless in you matter Rina but you are so kind and thinking about everyone. I will never make a decision in your life without your permission." Lord Chan thought as his heart melt with guilty. He sat on the chair as his hand touched his head. Rina went to Lady Fin to see her. She entered her room see her laying on the bed. 'Lady Fin, I came here to greet you Rina said. 'How dare you to come here' Lady Fin got up and Try to hit her. Rina dogged her and stand aside.

'I am sorry but I don't know anything' said with a smirk on her face with a mocking tone. Lady Fin is furious with anger and her face is full of red spots with allergic reactions. 'It was karma Lady Fin.' Rina said and left the room. "I won't leave you live You Wench," Lady Fin said to herself. "This is only the beginning; you fool guys have a lot to pay for your sin." Rina thought as she walks through the garden. 'Shawl let's go to market' She ordered her maid. 'Yes, first miss,' Shawl followed her. They walk through the street full of food and home things. 'This so good and full of food.' Rina Smells the food smell as it stimulates her hunger. 'Shall I buy to the food' Shawl asked her master. 'Sure' Rin was ready to taste the food.

Rina enjoyed the street food as much as she can because it didn't taste like this. As she finished her food they went to the medical shop. She entered the shop and she asked for some herbs as they are very simple herbs. The shopkeeper gave her the herbs and she gave her the silvers. 'Is there is any chance you buy medicine?' She asked the shopkeeper. 'Yes, miss but you have to ask the owner.' Shop keeper replied. 'Can I meet him' Rina asked. 'Sure, but can you come back tomorrow miss.' Shop keeper replied. 'Okay, I will come back tomorrow, and thank you, Rina, said. 'Sure miss.' The shopkeeper said with a smile. Rina came out of the shop.

Rina's cousin came towards her. 'Oh, when did a dog are allowed to go the shop' Rina's cousin Tia said. 'How dare you to say our miss like that?' The shawl came forward to stand for her miss. But Rina stopped her. 'But miss.' Shawl said Rina interrupted. 'Shawl' Rina said. 'What is miss dog is scared?' Tia mocked. 'Oh… Of course, can donkey walk around the street why can't I?' Rina said with a smirk on her face. Tia was furious with anger and she said 'How dare you call me donkey?' She raised her hand to slap Rina. Rina got the hand and said 'Oh, miss Tia I said donkey to that [she pointed the donkey near them], but miss called herself a donkey and that's a pity Rina mocked her again. The Guards with her laughed with others around them.

'How dare you to laugh at me' Tia yelled at the people. The people around them got silent as they know they can't offer the Heng clan [family of Tia]. 'No miss Heng you can call yourself a donkey why can't they laugh at you' Rina humiliated her in front of others. "How did this fool come smart and she dares to humiliate me, I won't leave you." Tia went out of anger and left the place. "Tia you messed with the wrong person. And you always humiliate Rina so that she was unwilling to go out. But now you are dead mouse" Rina smiled. 'Miss you did it' Shawl cheered Rina up. 'Don't worry Shawl I Won't let anyone bully me' Rina said and she patted her.

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