
My PP shall soar through all heavens!!

It all started with me buying a necklace... What went wrong? Well... I made the gods jealous, simply because their wife, their sisters, their crushes, and so on... Fell under my charm! Hahaha!! To stop me, they dared to imprison me in a universe far from any woman. A world where there are only wieners! At least, that's what I first thought... You see... My necklace wasn't just any necklace, and the world that I was imprisoned in wasn't just a world without woman... A world filled with the laws and scenery of Eastern fantasies. Not just any Eastern fantasy though... It was the world of immortal cultivation, but not the typical one... One day... One day I'll get my revenge on them all! ======== Disclaimers!! -This story is R18, and has some unique elements that encourages sexual interactions. -MC is a deviant, meaning, a hole is a goal, as long as it's not his hole. -Image within cover belongs to AXSENS ========

Sir_WendoS · Eastern
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296 Chs

Do not look at me please

"Phew… Good thing I don't have any important stuff upstairs."

After saying those words of mine, for no good reason at all, Stacey looked at my direction right immediately.

Her serious looks and bright sparkling eyes… Why are they even facing my direction? Did I say something wrong perhaps? 


Actually, I have a perfect way of getting rid of that needless attention on me.

Yeah, in case you can't yet comprehend what my intentions are, I'll tell you again. I just want a damn vacation!! So, please, Fate, have Stacey stop looking at me! I know I'm handsome Stacey, but damn, right now I don't want your eyes on me, especially when they carry something that's definitely not the desire to give me the zuck!

"Hey Code Hell! Are going to knock her senses out or not?! You're not expecting me to do everything now, right?! Come on already! I took care of that trespassing god problem of yours! Is this how you repay me?!"