
My Power when I die

Just some powers you can wish some of the superpower I got it from web if your the writer or the one person publish it please tell so I can delete it

HONOR · Games
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63 Chs

Power 48

Hyperdimensional Manipulation – The ability to manipulate and/or travel to higher dimensions. Hyperdimensional Manipulation is also known as Extradimensional Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation.

Hyperdimensional Mimicry – The character is a hyperdimensional being. This same list of superpowers is also known as Dimensional Being Physiology, Dimensional Entity Physiology, Extradimensional Being Physiology, Extradimensional Entity, Higher-Dimensional Being Physiology, Higher-Dimensional Entity, Hyperdimensional Being Physiology, Hyperdimensional Entity, Interdimensional Being Physiology and Interdimensional Entity.