
My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

This story is about a man named Putra Indra Santoso who reincarnated as Huo Yuhao. Witness his journey in Douluo Dalu's universe where he discovered and fulfilled his ultimate goals. My Grammar is not the best, but hope you guys like it. (An: I don't own anything besides my OC) Also, support my Patreon: patreon.com/NineClouds69 to read advanced chapters and motivate me to write more chapters

Nine_Clouds · Anime & Comics
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347 Chs

Asserting Dominance

--- Chapter 136 ---

One Piece is a small world with no complex higher dimension from what Huo Yuhao heard through the paper inside the treasure box. This place has another name, only known to Joy Boy and Gol D. Roger.

Well, including him after reading the content of the paper.

Only two words were "literally." written upon it, but with Voice of All Things, one could gain more than that.

It's the memory left behind by the Joy Boy, recorded perfectly into the paper's very fiber. A tale full of laughs because Joy Boy transcribed his life story and imagination about a higher realm that existed beyond this world.

It was full of laughs because half of the story was just myths, but Huo Yuhao believed in the Joy Boy. He's very sure that the paper used by the Joy Boy is unique because it could store spiritual memory.

Is it just imagination?

Is it just a dream?

No one knows the truth as they never tried to achieve it.

The other half of the story was about the Void Century. An era where all things became loose as everyone started a conflict with each other, using the weapon of mass destruction to wipe each other.

It also stated how to utilize the Ancient Weapons, gaining their control with a unique yet simple method. However, Gol D. Roger most likely never disclosed this information to everyone.

Gol D. Roger is a fool, but he was a good fool. He realized a secret like this would be better to remain as secret as it is.

"What a guy." Huo Yuhao chuckled while watching the ocean lie after this island. As the last island of the Grand Line, this place was covered with mist and mysteries, having only one way out and entering.

Only someone with Divine Sense or Voice of All things could find the path correctly.

"So, what's written on the paper, Honey~?" Raikou suddenly asked while playing around on the beach. She made a small sand castle as Huo Yuhao contemplated the One Piece's Treasure.

Huo Yuhao smiled and returned, "Do you really want to know?"

"It's nothing special and probably has no meaning for people of this world besides three or maybe five people with D's bloodline and will."

"Is it~?" Raikou pouted, becoming more curious about the content of the treasure box.

"I'll tell you then." Huo Yuhao shrugged casually.

"The paper only contains two words with no decoration meaning behind it. Unless you're a world traveler who knows about several other worlds with the same term."


"The words written on the paper are..."

"Tiny World."



Minamoto no Raikou was confused.

Tiny World?

What is the meaning behind these words?

'Just who are you, Honey?' Raikou thought while watching Huo Yuhao's broad back. Despite his young age, Huo Yuhao looks no different than adult men or even better, considering his otherworldly appearance.

She hugged him from behind tightly and asked, "Honey, why are you wearing these glasses? It's not a common sorcery item because my eyes couldn't see your "True." appearance for some reason."

"I'm sure there was nothing wrong with your eyes, no?"

Huo Yuhao remembered that Raikou was the descendant of Gozu Tennou and chuckled because her Divine background made it harder to see his appearance. Clark Kent's Glasses sure come in handy.

"Well, this rare item helped me tremendously in the past month, Raikou-san. Without it, many lives would fall to me." Huo Yuhao answered with a wry expression. He would have never thought being handsome would be this troublesome in the past.

In his previous life, Putra was neither ugly nor handsome. He's above average for sure, but that's it.

'Bah! Talking about being narcissistic!' Tian Meng commented with a sneer on her face.

'Bing Bing says I influenced you, but you always like this, right!'

Bing Di rubbed her temple and said, 'Shut your mouth, Tian Meng. You have no right to criticize Yuhao. At least he's better than you in his narcissism.'

Eluxia has to agree with Bing Di because Huo Yuhao doesn't really use his appearance to achieve indecent and lustful things. Of course, women and ladies are flocking over him like moths flying to a flame, but he wisely rejects them and only chooses people who can help him.

So far, Eluxia has never been disappointed with Huo Yuhao's decision.

He's wise and tricky enough to conquer the Draconic Deus's World and Douluo Dalu's universe. Even this primitive world(One Piece) is not a big deal for him.

Eluxia is still somewhat disgusted with this world's nature, though. After seeing how someone consumed and absorbed the impure concept of light into his body(Kizaru), she was "actually." taken aback because such a thing shouldn't be impossible.

Not to mention the fact this impure concept of light had someone's will inside it, allowing the wielder to change and adapt to it.

In Eluxia's last world, despite not remembering everything about it. She recalled the way to control the fundamental element of the world.

Law of the Universe, mastering one is as hard as becoming a god.

This world is different because, according to Huo Yuhao's brief explanation, anyone who consumed devil fruits could wield a concept of something, which was the lower stage of Law.

Isn't that ridiculous?

It's like a slap on the face for people who painstakingly tried to comprehend the Law of the Universe.

And Kizaru's light ability made Eluxia so disgusted that she wanted to puke.

'Losing the ability to swim is nothing compared to gaining control over a concept.' Eluxia thought while pondering about something. There must be a higher existence somewhere else in this world.

That person either passed away or observed this broken place silently, but Eluxia doubted the latter more.

'There is no divine entity in this place, teacher. The energy concentration of universal laws in this world is too thin for god-like beings. They wouldn't drop so low to excite themselves here.' Huo Yuhao commented while leaping through space to the Tequila Wolf.

[No Divine Entity Detected] Evo reported with a dull tone.

[The strongest beings on this planet are demigods]

Meanwhile, Raikou tilted her head in confusion because she couldn't comprehend Huo Yuhao's replies about the reason behind him wearing the mysterious black-framed glasses.

"Fall to you?"



Huo Yuhao and Raikou leaped back to the Tequila Wolf, seeing several marine battleships surrounding the dock. They sure took the threat more seriously after realizing Kizaru's panic call.

In just 20 minutes, there are at least 30 battleships near Tequila Wolf.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Huo Yuhao spotted Nico Robin with several people from the Tequila Wolf and landed on the ground.

Robin smiled weakly and replied, "I don't have much choice, no? It's better to follow you and return later."

"However, can you do something about this place?"

Huo Yuhao glanced at a group of people behind Robin and observed their natures briefly. He asked Evo if he could bring them to the Draconic Deus Universe.

[No] Evo flatly responded.

[Host and Minamoto no Raikou are "temporarily." able to enter this world because of the Random Summoning Card. The Host's purpose here is to save Nico Robin, which makes her securely summoned by the system]

[You could visit this world after the Main Quest is over]

"..." Huo Yuhao.

He sighed and said, "Robin, how many people in this place owed your kindness? Saving them now wouldn't make any difference because we wouldn't return to this until my mission is "thoroughly." completed."

"Yes, you heard it right. I can't save these people, Robin."

The faces of the people behind Robin become pale when hearing Huo Yuhao's answer. He's right because they haven't treated Robin enough to get her kindness.

And one of them snitches Robin's location to the outside world, causing this possible disaster for all of them.

It's unfair, but they couldn't do anything about it.

"No! Please save everyone!" Soran stepped out before everyone, staring at Huo Yuhao with a hopeful yet firm gaze. "They might be bad, but everyone is trying hard to live here."

"People called us Prisoners and Criminals, but the majority of us are innocent and know nothing about our sin."

"You have quite a mouth for a child." Huo Yuhao commented while shaking his head. "I don't want to break your bubble early, but not everything in this world is free, kid."

"I know!" Soran pouted, which left everyone speechless.

"Honey..." Raikou whispered something into Huo Yuhao's ears.

Huo Yuhao smiled and sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'm doing this for you, Raikou-san."


"PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!" Huo Yuhao's voice echoed to the whole world.

"Remember this name, Jack Sparrow! Captain Jack Sparrow!!"

"I have claimed Tequila Wolf to be my territory and prohibited everyone from entering it for two years. Any breach of my field will get considered an offense by me."

"I don't care about your Marine's Justice, World Government, and Celestial Dragon Shits."

"You take one step into this place, and your fate will be the same as Admiral Kizaru... Dead on the ocean." His voice ended coldly, causing everyone in the world of One Piece to shiver.

Everyone was shocked.

An unknown individual doesn't care about offending the World Government, Marine, and Celestial Dragon. His name will get recorded in the story for having balls of steel and being the bravest man in the world.

Jack Sparrow, this name didn't just shock the world but also destroyed the power balance between pirates and marines.

"W-What an individual..." Robin covered her mouth in awe.

Huo Yuhao created a copy of Yeoui and bashed the Marine Battleship with the enlarged staff, killing everyone there. He doesn't bat an eye because the marine wouldn't leave Tequila Wolf peacefully after his leave.


Huo Yuhao stabbed the Yeoui in the center of the Tequila Wolf, causing a small earthquake for a moment. He channeled his Spirit Energy and used Wood Fairy's authority over wood elements.


"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence..." Huo Yuhao stomped his leg on the ground and caused massive trees to grow around the Tequila Wolf, covering the long bridge city like a barrier. Each tree is thicker than a mountain, towering over everyone with their shadows.

Tequila Wolf is a vast sea with some islands connecting in the form of a bridge. In short, this place is fucking huge, but Huo Yuhao covered them well without even showing a sign of trouble.

The Tequila Wolf's residence was speechless.

How powerful.

Is this the power of a god?

How is this even possible?

What kind of Devil Fruit did Jack Sparrow eat to possess such power?

Huo Yuhao ignored everyone's gaze and even added Primordial Rune's barrier around the Tequila Wolf. This rune will seal the space around Tequila Wolf and eject anyone with dark intentions toward the city.

It's not perfect protection, but it will do for two years.

"Evo, how much time do I have left?" Huo Yuhao breathed out because doing this consumes a lot of energy. At least 5% of his Spirit Energy was "completely." depleted to create the forest barrier.

Fighting in the Great War isn't this exhausting.

[You have two minutes left]

"You can still show me treasures with your scanning function, right?" Huo Yuhao recalled the moment he left White Tiger Mansion's forest.

[Of Course, Host]

[Do you want me to show them?]

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao closed his eyes and watched several green lights appear. He smiled and said, "It's looting time."

With a flick of his fingers, Huo Yuhao created wormholes and teleported everything into his inventory. Whether it was devil fruits, rare metals, or weapons, they entered his pocket without stopping.

"Kekeke~!" He laughed in joy.

Of course, Huo Yuhao doesn't take all the natural resources because these people won't survive if he does so. He left some water veins and food sources enough for them to live in Tequila Wolf.

[You have finished the Quest]

"Nice." Huo Yuhao returned to Raikou and Robin's side.

"How was it?"

Robin smiled and lowered her head thankfully, "Yes, thank you for everything. I'll remember this kindness for the rest of my life and try my best to pay it back."

"Such a dream." Huo Yuhao chuckled amusingly.

"Huo Yuhao, I accept your offer," Robin said firmly, knowing she received more benefits than Yuhao.

[Returning to the Draconic Deus]

[In three, two, one...]

Huo Yuhao and Raikou teleported back to the land below the floating island. The white portal blinked a few times before spitting Nico Robin into the air.


'Damn, Evo. Chill.' Huo Yuhao caught Robin in princess carry, making the archeologist blush slightly.

[Lucky Bastard Activated]

[Harem Protagonist Activated]

As Huo Yuhao, Raikou, and Robin disappeared into white light. Everyone on the Tequila Wolf kneeled on the ground and worshiped them, especially Huo Yuhao. Like he was their god.

With the power of the butterfly effect, Tequila Wolf will be a lawful place where everyone can live in peace later on. They are also one of the most known factions in the world, rivaling the World Government in size.

Well, the place isn't Tequila Wolf anymore.

Everyone agreed to change it to match Huo Yuhao's brilliance.

Pillar City Hidden in the Lush Forest, Elwood.

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