
My Possessive Vampire Mafia

'What would you do when you get entangled with a blood-sucker creature?" She worked for the ruthless devil mafia to pay off her family debt. Alexander was cold-hearted and distant when Sam worked as his right-hand woman. He was trying to be distant himself because he didn't want to get attached to anyone.He was running away from the fucking truth, the damn truth that he was not entirely human. With each passing day of fighting and getting along sometimes, she melted the ice around his heart with that bewitching sweet smile and those ocean blue eyes that he loved so much.

Kailykilimo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
152 Chs

Tight hug

It was already dark outside when Edward's car pulled into Alexander's villa. An exhausted sigh escaped Sam's lips when the car engine was turned off.

" It was one hell of a drive." She said in almost a whisper.

" You're the one who chose this means of transport," Edward said with a raised broad and a smile flashed on his dry lips.

Sam never knew her words would be used against her. She just kept quiet and glanced outside the window as a smile flashed on her lips.

" Aaah." 

She yawned lazily since she was exhausted from the long journey. 

It was okay with her since she knew why she had chosen a eight hour drive instead of teleporting.

The gentleman got outside the car and opened the door for Samantha.

" Thank you," Sam said as she stepped out of the car.

" Don't mention it. Would you like me to walk you to the mansion?" He asked as a sigh escaped from his lips.