
My Possessive Husband (English Version)

Warning Mature Content 21+ Starting from curiosity, Zio, a handsome boy and play boy, finally feels rejection from a girl for the first time in his life. An innocent girl who doesn't even have any experience. The girl named Alea. Of course Zio can't stay still, for the sake of his pride. He intended to do everything to return it. Until they finally made an agreement, if within three months after they paired up and Alea still didn't like Zio, then Alea could run away from him. Can a boy like Zio melt Alea's innocence? Or is it Alea who managed to win Zio's heart and turn into a better man? 11-07-2020

Evangelin_Harvey · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Clarrysha drama

Everyone has gathered at home. No exception Vano's brother and his fiancé Cherysha.

Somehow the atmosphere of the dining table is rather cold. Nobody spoke a single word. Zio himself only ate heartily without turning to his beautiful brother-in-law. How not beautiful, Cherysha is a super model. This woman was rarely at home because she was very busy. And always shooting abroad.

"Why is everyone silent, usually everyone talks about their own activities, but now they are silent like this," said the Mommy looking at his sons one by one.

"Maybe they are lazy, honey, let's just eat," said Daddy Jino to his beloved wife.

"Wait, so Mommy's kids are lazy to meet Mommy?" Kisya said with teary eyes.

"It's not like that Mom, Cerry is happy to be here, but Cerry is not tired," said Cherrysha with a sweet smile.

"Good dear, ignore the lazy to talk." Kisya looked at his future son-in-law with a sweet smile.

Since earlier, Zio has been silent as well as Vano. All are silent, no one meets. Until finally lunch was over. They decided to watch television in the living room. But suddenly a call came into Cerry's cellphone.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call first," said Cherrysha with a polite smile.

And Kisya nodded. Kisya is currently stroking Zio's hair who is currently sleeping on his thigh.

After Cerry came out, suddenly Vano followed his fiancé.

Cerry is on a phone call.

"Hello sis," said Cerry slowly.

"Clarisha, what do you think? No one suspected you were replacing me, right?" said someone on the other side of the phone.

"Oh yes, Aunt and uncle didn't suspect anything at all," Clarisha replied nervously.

Clarisha is Cherrysha's younger sister and they are very similar. Despite their age difference of four years, they are like twins. That's why no one in the house knew that it was Clarisha and not Cherysha who had lunch with them.

"That's great, you also can't get caught by Sis Vano, especially Zio, you have to pretend to be me, and remember that right now you are Cerry not Clara," said Cherrysha firmly.

"Okay sis, but when are you coming home?"

"I'm still busy shooting my sister, honey, don't worry, bro, I'll bring you souvenirs," said Cerry in a happy voice.

"Okay sis, I can't stay here long, I'm afraid Vano knows I'm not a big brother," said Clarisha.

"Alright Clara, thank you dear," said Cherrysha.

"You're welcome," said Clara in a low voice and hung up the phone.

When Clarisha was about to enter the house, it turned out that there was a Geovano.

"Brother Vano." Clara was surprised.

"Why are you surprised? Because I heard everything?" said Vano in a low voice.

"Ah honey, what are you talking about, come on in honey," said Clarisha playing Cherrysha.

"Who are you? Are you playing as your brother?" said Vano softly but the words stabbed into his soul.

"Honey, I'm Cerry."

"Is it true?" Vano looked incredulous.

"Honey, come on in."

"You're Clara, not Cerry," Vano exclaimed quietly.

"If you already know, pretend you don't know, I came here for Aunt Kisya. Not for you," said Clara in a low voice.

"Do you want to role-play with me?" said Vano, gripping Clara's chin tightly. So that Clara looks in pain.

"Um ... it hurts sis," Clarisha said in a voice that trembled holding back tears.

"Look, who are you? Who are you now, I will treat you according to who you are."

"Why ask, I'm here to be Cerry's sister, not for you, but for Aunt Kisya," Clarisha whispered slowly.

"Okay okay, you are my fiancé Cerry, then we will act like lovers," said Vano. Then the man kissed Clarisha's forehead gently and hugged Clara tightly.

"Cerry, I miss you," Vano whispered softly. And that made Clara shed tears. Again, his mask opened in front of the future brother-in-law. But he couldn't help but admit it. Because Vano already knows that he has always replaced Cerry since three years ago.

When Vano was about to kiss Clarisha's lips. Suddenly Zio came.

Zio clenched his fists when he saw that scene.

"Bang," said Zio deliberately interrupting his brother's romantic activities. Obviously it embarrassed Clara. And Clara immediately left Vano and Zio.

"What is wrong?" asked Vano irritated.

"Are you serious about getting married?" Zio asked slowly.

"What does this mean, asking your own sister like that?"

"Brother Cerry is not the right woman for my brother, because he loves another man," said Zio. Indirectly, Zio wanted to tell his brother that the man Cerry liked more was him, Georzio, not Geovano.

"What does it mean?" Vano frowned.

"The man Cerry likes is me, bang," Zio whispered in his heart. But the man was unable to say anything in front of his brother.

"Well, if you talk, please be clear, Zio," said Vano.

Zio was still silent.

"Who is the man Cerry likes?" Vano asked because he was so curious.

"Forget Bang, I was just kidding." Zio then left his brother. That man even though he was determined to make his sister break up with Cherry. But he was unable to destroy the smile on Brother Vano's lips.

"Strange child," said Vano as he chased Cherrysha inside. From a distance Vano saw Clarisha's closeness to the Mommy. And it made him feel short of breath.

"If Mommy knew that the girl he was with was Clarisha and not Cherrysha, then Mommy would be very sad," said Vano in his heart.

Then he walked over to the two women who were busy talking.

Vano sat beside Clarisha and was silent as if there was nothing. While Zio himself could only be silent and see the closeness of Mommy with Cerry. Zio never knew that the woman was Clarisha not Cherrysha.

"Mommy and Cerry's sister are very close, I can't bear to see Cerry's sister keep lying to you, as Cerry said, that the man she likes is me, not my brother," Zio whispered in his heart. The man himself was in a very deep dilemma.

Zio has really liked Cherysha since high school. And it looks like Cerry is like that too. And that's what made Zio break up with Alea. The woman Zio always sees everywhere.

"Zio what are you doing, staring at Cerry so sharply?" The man's question suddenly made Zio feel shocked and even more nervous.


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My Instagram: Evangelin Harvey