
My portal to the futuristic world

Bronze prize winner to WPC 282 Ajay a 20-year-old boy found a portal in his room that lead him to an apocalyptic world whose science and technology level was far higher than Blue Planet. Let's find what he will find in the portal. The cover is not mine. The characters are all made up. The idea of this novel just came to my mind, so I wrote it. I am not a professional writer and English is my 3rd language. So, please have mercy in the comment section andreviewss. If you have any suggestions for me regarding this novel, please tell me in the comments and reviews. Tags: Male protagonist Business management Artificial intelligence Robots https://discord.gg/Tr6tF33X

Mysterious_nature · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

27. 2nd Product

<Sir, you called me.> chief engineer knocked on the door of Ajay's office.

"Come in." Ajay called in. Chief Engineer entered the office and stood in front of the desk.

<Good morning, sir.>

"Good morning, Ok tell me the situation about the special material production line."

<Yes sir, all the production lines and machines are all in place. We can make Special Glass, Super Steel Alloy and Special Bearings for now. Bearings are mainly made of super steel alloy. Super Steel Alloy can be used to make other things we required. Preliminary tests have already been completed. The materials are all successful.>

"OK, if I tell you to make samples of all the things, How much time do you need?"

<Half an hour is more than enough for a few samples.>

"Hmm, ok make a few samples of all the things and test all the parameters of all the things. I want all the samples ready, and a fully detailed report before tomorrow morning at my desk."

<Yes sir, It can be done but sir for now we don't have that much fame or credibility for testing. So very few will believe our test reports.>

"You want to say that we should test our first product in a reputable testing lab and use our testing laboratories when we have some reputation."

<Yes sir, But we don't need to find some reputable testing lab. We have already contact with the military, so we can use their testing lab and the thing is our main customers will be the military for these products. Who is more credible than the military in our country?>

"Good suggestion, Get ready to go with me tomorrow."

<Yes sir.> Chief engineer slightly bowed and went out of the office.

Ajay switched on the watch. A small holographic projection of Friday started to hover above the watch.

"Friday call Colonel Abhey Pratap now."

<Yes sir, Calling Colonel...> Soon the sound of a bell started to ring in the office.

'Clack' Soon the phone was picked up by the other person.

"Hello." A majestic rough voice sounded on the other side.

"Hello, Uncle it's Ajay. How are you?"

"Oh, Ajay, I am good. You tell me, how are you? Do you have something for me?" Colonel casually asked if Ajay has some new thing to show.

"I am good Uncle. I do really have something to show you. It will be useful and very important for the military. But I need your help."

"Oh, what is it that you need my help?"

"Ok, Our researchers and scientists have researched a few materials, and we need to test these materials in a reputable lab, so I thought of the military, who will be more credible than the military and these materials could solve many materials problems which we have to import from the other countries."

"Hmm, ok how about this, you come to Delhi tomorrow and bring all the materials with you. I will contact DRDO. If these materials are as you say, then secrecy of materials is very important."

"Thank you, Uncle. I will reach Delhi tomorrow in the morning."

"Ok, good." Then the call ended.

Ajay was in a happy mood. As who don't know the name of DRDO in India. The full name is Defence, Research and Development organisation. They have all types of projects one can think of related to the military. They have one of the best labs in India and more than 30 labs all over India.

"OK, Friday, first tell Chief Engineer, that he will be going with me to Delhi tomorrow. Also, call Alfred in."

<Yes sir.>

After a few minutes, Ajay heard a knocking sound. He lifted his head and said, "Come in."

Alfred came in, slightly bowed and greeted. <Good morning sir.>

"Good morning, Alfred. Do something for me."

<You tell me, sir. It will be done.>

"OK, Collect all the Professors, Teachers, Researchers and Scientist Robots from Green Planet. Register them as Indian citizens by tomorrow. I need fa ew researchers and scientists to show that our company researched our special materials. Otherwise, someone will doubt who researched these materials."

<Yes sir.>

"And one more thing. It is important. Send fa ew robots with cars to the nearest city to East Fort town. Tell them to find planes or something like flying cars as many they could find and bring them back to the town and let them bring fa ew more batteries and a few solar chargers with them, they might need it."

<Yes sir.>

"And continue to transfer all the machines and production lines when factories will be built"

<Yes sir.>

Then Alfred went out of the office. Ajay opened the portal where the Friday's Quantum server is placed. To increase the efficiency, he opened there, for now, In future, he will make a bigger warehouse to store things from the Green planet and will make a fix the portal there.


<Yes sir.>

"Find all the underrated Professors, teachers, Researchers, Scientists and Engineers who are honest and good in their works, but with work ethics and loyalty."

<Yes sir.>

"Hey Friday, When we brought the technology level of Earth to that of Green Planet's, then how will we advance the technology to the next level where even Green planet hasn't reached. Can Robots research new technologies?"

<No, sir the capabilities of Researcher and Scientist robots are limited, they are mainly used as assistants. New research and technology, only humans can develop.>

"So you are saying only human's can research. Hmm, I can open a school or University or both. Right."

<Yes sir, you can. In fact t, this is the most important thing to advance the technology level.>

"And If I want to advance the technology, I have to open the university now, so that when we brought the technology to the same level as that of Green planet, The scientists or researchers we nurtured in our university could take the technology to the next level. Good Idea. Friday find the things required to start school and universities. Let's train the new generation from the starting."

<Yes sir.>