
My Pokemon Trainer Simulator

To set foot on the top of the world from a distant land, you only need to forge ahead with countless senior trainers Accompanied by pokemons, the barren desert can also bloom gorgeous flowers. 2 to 3 chapters per days. My first language isn't english so please bear with me, I'm doing my best. I'm translating this with Chat GPT, then I edit the chapters, mainly the names and things that doesn't makes sense. Raw link : https://comrademao.com/novel/my-pokemon-trainer-simulator/ I'm translating two others chinese fanfics, so go check them out if you have nothing else to read : Magneto of Hyuga, In Kuroko no Basket as Shōgo Haizaki

Ethanma · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chaida's Uncle

Team Quicksand Headquarters.

The top executives gathered together, each with a somewhat worried expression.

"Only thirteen people on the first day... This result is even worse than ten years ago," sighed the silver-haired Yugo, who sat in the first seat.

Even though Team Quicksand was just a 2nd rate organisation, they were still declining generation by generation. The number of new recruits clearly reflected that. Over a hundred participants on the first day, but only one-eighth of them qualified in the end. Was the assessment really that difficult?

"I think we should take another look. After all, you want that kind of thing to happen..." Chester, a slim man with long hair, chuckled. "Perhaps it was all due to that person's influence."

The assessment site suffered extensive collapses due to the rampage of Runerigus, burying many unfortunate souls, and it left everyone helpless.

But in the face of this matter, they had no choice. After all, the other side was the financial backer, the hidden boss.

In the past, Team Quicksand was just a group of henchmen funded by the other party, residing in Yellow Iron Town to conveniently acquire mineral resources, simply put, they were "security guards." But Yellow Iron Town's environment was quite unique, which led them to transform into a special force. However, this didn't mean they could do without the support of their financial backer. On the contrary, they needed the background more to avoid being absorbed by other forces.

"Dragged down, hehe, I never thought you would have the face to say that. Isn't the culprit someone under you? Your subordinates' incompetence has led to this situation. Let's see how you explain this to the boss when he returns from Phenac City!" said the muscular man opposite Chester, sneering.

Chester's expression stiffened, and he replied with a forced smile, "You don't need to worry about that, Lord Takashi. I will take care of what needs to be resolved."

"Hmph! I hope so!" Takashi, the muscular man, turned his head away.

Their relationship was as bad as it appeared, and they were close to being incompatible as fire and water. It was only kept under control by Team Quicksand's leader.

Half an hour later, the unpleasant meeting came to an end. Chester returned to his office, only to find a man looking worried.

"Lord Chester!" The man's spirit suddenly lifted.


Chester sighed, "You can go back for now."

"But Lord Chester! My nephew is still lying unconscious in the intensive care unit! The doctor said that even if he wakes up by some miracle, he won't be able to walk properly for many years!"

"I have to take revenge for this!"

"Shut up!" Chester scolded in a low voice, "Do you know what you're saying? Your nephew, Chaida, is solely responsible for his current condition! Retaliate? Do you have any evidence? Just based on speculation and Pokémon's report?"

"Even I can't easily move him in his current condition! Let alone, there are still accounts to settle for your mischief! You've already taken a big risk coming here today!"

His heavy voice sounded like thunder.

Ishigaki looked at Chester in disbelief, unable to speak. He wanted to say, "But I was just following your orders!" but he didn't dare because something that told him saying that would get him killed on the spot.

"Alright, you've been a member of Team Quicksand for a long time, and you've been with me for many years. I won't treat you unfairly. The situation isn't good right now, so bear with it and consider the overall situation," Chester patted Ishigaki's shoulder.

"The overall situation..." Ishigaki's expression was bitter.

The term "overall situation" was Chester's mantra, often used to pressure others to compromise and accommodate. As one of Chester's subordinates, Ishigaki had always admired and tried to mimic him.

He never expected that one day he would be crushed by the hammer himself.

But what could he do?

That damned guy had caught the attention of the top executives, and he was just a Small Captain. If he didn't want to see his family ruined, he had no choice but to endure.

His nephew became a vegetable?


Rhyhorn injured?


Ishigaki bit his lip, almost drawing blood.

He moved forward with heavy steps, leaving the office. Unnoticed by him, a Stunfisk, full of malicious intent, appeared and disappeared.

The dangerous glint in Chester's eyes also dissipated.

He dared to cause trouble even after messing up and had the audacity to come asking for explanations. He really didn't know his place!

If it weren't for worrying that other subordinates would hold a grudge, he would have already killed this useless guy who only caused problems!



In the hospital room, Kashiwagi was wearing the standard blue and white patient gown, boredly looking out the window.

He only discovered his external injuries and bruises when he came for a checkup. Additionally, one of his legs was broken. Hence, he was currently recuperating.

Fortunately, Oulei Region's medical level was quite good, and a broken bone was considered a minor issue. He would recover completely and be discharged in just a few days.

What surprised him was that Chaida had become a vegetative state.

Although he would have loved to see Chaida die in front of him, he had never expected this result when he confronted Rhyhorn. How did the guy manage to survive!?

Unfortunately, due to Rhyhorn going on a rampage, he couldn't finish the job...

He felt extremely regretful.

Even more puzzling to Kashiwagi was Ishigaki, Chaida's uncle, a Small Captain of Team Quicksand. The first time he visited, Ishigaki brought a group of fierce-looking individuals, making Kashiwagi think they were going to attack him there.

However, they left without incident.

The second time he came, Ishigaki switched to a completely different attitude, offering gifts, talking about family matters, and saying that enemies should resolve their disputes amicably.

Who would believe such nonsense!

Why did he act so arrogant one moment and so humble the next?

Kashiwagi had an inkling that the killing intent Ishigaki displayed during their first encounter might not have been fake. Therefore, his current behavior was just a disguise, a poorly one.

It seemed like he could easily take advantage of Ishigaki's careless facade.

But what was he trying to achieve? And were there any other Executives behind Ishigaki, some he didn't even know about?

He had very little information.

Kashiwagi shook his head, glancing at the bed next to him.

Aron was sleeping soundly.

He had already confirmed that Aron was indeed a wild pokémon. After being sent to the Pokémon Center for treatment, it didn't take long for it to be returned to him. Now, it was nestled in a large container-like crib, snoring away.

Its external injuries were healed, but its internal injuries were still uncertain.

The doctors suggested that it was a bit malnourished and recommended giving it some iron essence or even alloy steel.

Kashiwagi seriously doubted whether his wallet could withstand Aron regime. It would be much easier with the funding from official members.


A faint Growl caught his attention. Looking over, he saw Aron slightly opening its eyes.

"You're awake? Don't be nervous; this is a hospital. Is there something bothering you?" Kashiwagi smiled, opening the glass cover of the healing device.

Aron looked around, startled, before fixing its gaze on Kashiwagi.


In an instant, it leaped and jumped into Kashiwagi's arms, continuously rubbing its head against him, just like a little dog.


Kashiwagi groaned; he felt like his ribs were about to break. He was close to losing his breath. However, he was also surprised by Aron's display of affection.

"It's all right, it's all right."

He had thought he would need to interact with Aron a few more times to earn its favor, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly, even more smoothly than anticipated.


Kashiwagi caressed Aron's head, pondering for a moment, and then said:

"Aron, would you... like to be my partner?"


Aron tilted its head, not fully comprehending his words.

Kashiwagi spoke softly, "If you don't mind, I hope to have your help, no, we can support each other, help each other, and live together in this place."

"Maybe it's a bit sudden, but I urgently need your strength, and I really hope you can stand by my side."

He placed Aron on the ground, adopting a posture that wouldn't hurt its left leg, and extended his hand towards it. "If you agree, let's shake hands."

As the words barely fell, Aron lifted its front paw without the slightest hesitation and placed it in his palm.


Of course!

It nodded earnestly, as if answering an obvious question.

"Ah... Thank you." Kashiwagi's smile couldn't be contained and lit up his face.

Don't hesitate to tell me in the paragraph comments if you see any grammar mistakes.

I'm translating two others chinese fanfics, so go check them out if you have nothing else to read : Magneto of Hyuga, In Kuroko no Basket as Shōgo Haizaki

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