
My Pokémon Trainer Simulator.

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KingCrumble · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Best Helper

Baiki was very clear about Shibata's foolishness.

But he didn't expect him to be so foolish.

Having Pokémon as support, yet for the sake of pride, Shibata disregarded his current situation. His companions not only didn't stop him but even became accomplices.

"Trouble was inevitable. I'll bear the brunt. It's just that my companions will suffer."

Baiki sighed from behind the corner.

Not far away, within the remaining jade mine passage, a relatively spacious area was occupied by numerous fierce Pokémon.

Shibata and his companions shivered while hiding behind a Rhyperior, their backs against a narrow corner. Despite their fear, they kept pushing backward, as if trying to break through the rock wall and escape.

Meanwhile, several unidentified figures lay injured on the ground. The dimly lit cave displayed numerous clear bloodstains, causing unease.

Even in the world of Pokémon, excessive blood loss or severe injuries could result in a significant chance of immediate death. Currently, Rhyperior and those Pokémon were at a stalemate; who knew how long it would last?

They needed to rescue them as soon as possible...

But who dared to go out in such a situation?

Baiki was in a dilemma. Although he had prepared contingencies, it wasn't enough to safely evacuate everyone. Furthermore, he intended to have all members pass the assessment to enhance their own strength.

Crawl forward? Secretly enter the village for help? Let's hurry and engage in a fight.

Seizing the chaos to intervene would at least guarantee obtaining the entire jade stone.

Baiki took a slow deep breath, waiting for an opportunity.

He believed Rhyperior couldn't hold on for much longer. Sooner or later, some Pokémon would launch a probing attack, like a pack of lions hunting.


The crisp chirp sounded like thunder in his ears.

In that instant, Baiki's heart almost stopped. He stiffly turned his head and saw a somewhat familiar small figure not far away.

In the passage of the jade mine, two Explouds heard the chirp, curiously turned their heads, and approached this way.

You! Me! Baiki and the approaching Bagon stared at each other in amazement, filled with helplessness and regret. Baiki pulled out a small purple ball from his pocket, but before he could do anything, this troublemaker calmly walked past him, as if taking a stroll, and had a brief encounter with the two Explouds.



The Explouds glanced at each other, scratched their heads, then turned and walked away.

They thought it was a participant hiding, but instead, this little thing came out. What a disappointment.

It's more fun to bully the cowards who got scared to death, hahaha!

The two Explouds happily ran back to the outskirts, cheering and shouting to encourage the Pokémon at the forefront.

Bagon looked at their retreating figures, a trace of disdain flickering in its sky-blue eyes, then turned back to where Baiki was hiding.



Baiki didn't speak but looked at Bagon with a rather strange expression.

Did this guy just help him out?

Why? He quietly moved away from the passage of the jade mine and waved at Bagon, trying to see if it would follow.

—And it actually did! Seeing Bagon slowly approaching like a little dog, Baiki's heart trembled slightly. He quickly moved to a corner far from those Pokémon, silently squatting down.

Although he didn't understand this little guy's thoughts, it probably wasn't malicious. It would be foolish to use a Poké Ball recklessly in this situation. He decided to try negotiating first.

He removed his mask and said, "Thank you for earlier."


Bagon stood in front of Baiki, slightly raising its head, looking even more like a big dog, except for wearing a strange suit of armor.

Baiki pondered for a moment, then took out an iron ingot hidden in his chest and waved it, "Do you want this?"


Bagon was taken aback and hesitated for two seconds before nodding.

A look of "I think I want this" was evident on its face.

Huh? Baiki was also stunned and asked, "If you don't want this, then why did you follow me?"


Bagon extended its small paw and pointed at the iron ingot.


Just now, it seemed confused, but now you come up with this reason! Pokémon in the animated version are so intelligent; they easily understand what you're saying.

Or perhaps, this particular Bagon is exceptionally gifted?

Baiki wanted to ask more questions, but suddenly, there was a commotion in the direction of the jade mine passage, accompanied by faint explosions.

Are they fighting!? "Um, Bagon, I want to ask you for a favor." He quickly explained his request, mentioning willingness to offer the iron ingot as a reward. If it wasn't enough, he'd buy more for Bagon afterward.

After finishing, he worried he spoke too fast for Bagon to understand and had to carefully explain again.


Bagon, meeting Baiki's expectant gaze, didn't hesitate much and agreed.

The two quietly returned to the tunnel.

However, the scene inside the jade mine passage surprised Baiki. Among Rhyperior and the group of Pokémon, there appeared a totem stone tablet adorned with a red serpent. The head of the snake was shattered, connected by a black substance emitting eerie sounds.


It's the Galarian Cursola... Are they negotiating?

Baiki glanced at Bagon, who nodded, and then swiftly ran inside, biting the clothes of a person lying on the ground and pulling with all its might.

Some Pokémon glanced at it but turned away, pretending not to have seen it.

It's a rule not to attack unconscious humans. It's not fun to bully them, and besides, they'll be responsible for moving the person after it's all over.

Can't be bothered.

Like this.

Bagon effortlessly dragged the person back to Baiki's side.

"You're amazing."

Excited, Baiki couldn't help but pat its head, realizing his behavior was a bit reckless only when he withdrew his hand.

Bagon also seemed startled, staring blankly at him, its sky-blue eyes widened.

But this situation lasted only a moment.

A slight groan from a colleague broke the awkward scene. Baiki quickly checked their condition, while Bagon continued to move the remaining unconscious people.

The situation wasn't great.

Although humans in the Pokémon world had strong constitutions, Shibata's group had obviously fought viciously, leaving them in a dazed state, completely unable to regain consciousness.

All Baiki could do was observe their basic conditions, confirm their pulse, breathing, and provide minimal treatment to prevent them from dying on the spot.

Hope the others aren't in such dire straits; otherwise, things will get very complicated.

Baiki sighed deeply.


He stopped moving, turning his head to look behind him, spotting a sneaky figure.

Another participant? The figure seemed hesitant to approach, without turning on their headlamp, making unsettling movements in the dim environment.

Baiki squinted, recognizing them faintly. He glanced at the passage of the jade mine, confirming that besides Bagon diligently dragging people, nobody paid attention to him. He decisively made his headlamp flash intensely twice.

The figure paused.

Then swiftly and silently approached, rushing like a ghost.

And when the person was about five meters away, their appearance became visible.

Their face, stained with blood, was covered by a damaged mask. Their eyes sparkled oddly.


Seihiro whispered in excitement.


Baiki covered Seihiro's mouth, shaking his head seriously.

Requesting votes and collections, requesting esteemed readers to turn to the next page for continued reading.

(End of this chapter)