
My Phoenix System

MrGod789 · Action
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46 Chs

Inspect skill failed

As the cafeteria fell silent, all eyes turned towards the figure who had intervened to halt the escalating conflict. Arjun's gaze, fraught with curiosity and a hint of apprehension, locked onto the source of the commanding voice, searching for the one who had the power to command such authority in the midst of chaos. His eyes settled on Vicky, expecting to find the instigator of the confrontation.

However, to Arjun's surprise, it wasn't Vicky who had quelled the fight. Instead, a new figure emerged from the crowd, capturing the attention of every student in the cafeteria. Whispers rippled through the air as the name "Abhishek Thapa" echoed from every corner, a name unfamiliar to Arjun.

Karan's eyes, once fixed on Arjun, shifted towards Abhishek, a flicker of interest igniting in his gaze. Abhishek Thapa's presence commanded respect and intrigue, his stature and demeanor marking him as a figure of influence among the student body.

Arjun's mind raced with questions, his curiosity piqued by the sudden emergence of this enigmatic figure. But when he attempted to utilize his inspector skill to glean more information about Abhishek, he was met with an unexpected result.

"Inspector skill - Failed."

The words flashed across Arjun's consciousness, sending a jolt of disbelief through his senses. For the first time, his trusted ability had faltered, leaving him with only the most basic details about Abhishek Thapa: his name, age, and gender.

Name - Abhishek Thapa

Age - 18

Gender - Male

Strength - ??

Stamina - ??

Intelligence - ??

Agility - ??

Sense - ??

Arjun's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he grappled with the limitations of his newfound abilities. Without the ability to assess Abhishek's capabilities, he was left to ponder the mystery surrounding this seemingly ordinary student who had intervened in the midst of chaos.

As Abhishek Thapa stepped into the spotlight, a wave of hushed murmurs and intrigued glances swept through the cafeteria. Students exchanged curious looks, their expressions a mix of surprise and admiration, as the name echoed in the air.

"I heard he's the leader of that massive group near the sports field."

"Abhishek? Yeah, he's like the unofficial kingpin of this school."

"Man, I've seen him settle disputes with just a look. He's something else."

The reputation of Abhishek Thapa seemed to precede him, casting a shadow of respect and mystery over the crowded cafeteria. Whispers of his influence and strength circulated among the students, creating an air of anticipation and curiosity.

"He's the reason that big group has such control over things. Nobody messes with Abhishek."

"I heard he's got connections outside of school too. Like, serious connections."

Arjun, still grappling with the failure of his inspector skill, observed the reactions of his peers, trying to piece together the puzzle that was Abhishek Thapa. The students' whispers and speculations painted a picture of a formidable figure, someone who wielded influence both within and beyond the school's walls.

"He's got this aura, you know? Like, you can't ignore him even if you wanted to."

"I saw him take on three guys once. Didn't even break a sweat."

The tales of Abhishek's prowess and demeanor spread like wildfire, each anecdote elevating his status in the eyes of the onlookers. The cafeteria, once a battleground, now buzzed with a different kind of energy—an energy fueled by the presence of a figure who held the key to the school's dynamics.

Amidst the crowd, Vicky, Karan, and their respective groups exchanged wary glances, recognizing the impact Abhishek Thapa had on the unfolding narrative. The unspoken acknowledgment of his influence lingered in the air, adding a layer of complexity to the already tense atmosphere.

As the whispers and speculations continued to swirl, one thing became clear—the enigmatic Abhishek Thapa had emerged as a pivotal player in the intricate social fabric of the school, leaving everyone to wonder about the depths of his strength and the extent of his influence.

As Abhishek Thapa stood at the center of the cafeteria, a commanding presence enveloped him. The whispers of the students painted him as a figure of authority, but it was his appearance that truly set him apart.

Draped in a sleek black leather jacket adorned with the school emblem, Abhishek Thapa cut a striking figure as he made his way through the cafeteria. His gray pants complemented the jacket perfectly, while his crisp white shoes added a touch of sophistication to his ensemble. With each step, he exuded confidence and poise, effortlessly commanding the attention of those around him.

As Abhishek approached the center of the cafeteria, where Arjun and Vicky stood, a playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips. His best friend, trailing behind him, couldn't resist chiming in with a teasing remark. "Looks like the school boss is here to show 'em who's boss, fresh out of the egg!" he quipped, earning a chuckle from Abhishek.

Vicky, who knew Abhishek's power all too well, greeted him with a mixture of respect and camaraderie. Despite their differences, there was an underlying bond between them—a mutual understanding forged through years of navigating the intricate dynamics of the school hierarchy.

With a light-hearted tone, Abhishek turned to Vicky, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You've been around for a while, haven't you?" he teased, a playful glint in his gaze. "Two years and two repeats, if I'm not mistaken. Meanwhile, I'm just trying to survive my final year without any more drama."

The jovial banter between Abhishek and Vicky masked the underlying tension that lingered between them. Despite their amicable exchange, there was an unspoken acknowledgment of their respective positions within the school's social landscape—a delicate balance of power and influence that could shift with the slightest provocation.

Leaning in closer, Abhishek's expression softened, his tone carrying a note of sincerity. "Listen, Vicky," he began, his voice tinged with seriousness. "I don't want any trouble in my final year. If there's another fight in this school, I'll make sure it's the last one we ever see."

His words carried weight, a silent warning tempered by the gravity of his gaze. In that moment, the cafeteria fell silent, the air thick with anticipation as the implications of Abhishek's declaration sank in. Whether friend or foe, everyone understood the significance of his words—the school boss had spoken, and his word was law.

As the dust settled in the aftermath of the cafeteria clash, Karan seethed with anger. His attempt to exploit Vicky's alliance with Abhishek for his own agenda had backfired, leaving him frustrated and humiliated. The cafeteria, once a stage for his misguided plan, now bore witness to his silent retreat as he stormed away, unable to stomach the failure of his scheme.

Karan's friends, realizing the futility of their actions, trailed behind him, casting hesitant glances back at Arjun. The air of intimidation that had surrounded them evaporated, replaced by a sense of defeat as they dispersed, leaving the cafeteria in the wake of their leader's departure.

Arjun, still grappling with the mystery of his failed inspector skills, found himself locked in a contemplative gaze directed at Abhishek. Unbeknownst to him, Abhishek, sensing the scrutiny, gracefully maneuvered through the dispersing crowd and approached Arjun with a discerning look.

Standing before Arjun, Abhishek examined him carefully, his eyes assessing the lack of visible injuries or torn clothes. Internally, Abhishek marveled at Arjun's resilience, pondering the strength that allowed him to emerge unscathed from the chaos.

In the quiet exchange of glances, Abhishek's thoughts echoed, "I am surprised that this boy still fought with such determination. He remains unharmed, untouched, not a scratch on him, and his clothes are intact."

The unspoken connection between Abhishek and Arjun lingered in the air, a moment of silent acknowledgment that transcended the tumultuous events in the cafeteria. The school boss, having witnessed Arjun's display of strength, contemplated the enigma standing before him, recognizing a formidable force beneath the surface.

End of the chapter

Hey guys, if you guys want anything else, I can add something else, please keep telling my the mistakes, I'm did make in this improvement.

MrGod789creators' thoughts