
My Phoenix System: Cosmic Rebirth

In a world where magic and beasts roam, Xavier, a young teen whose existence seemed to be frowned upon by the God of bad luck has been plagued by relentless misfortune, finds a clue to hope from an unexpected source. Xavier's fate takes a dramatic turn when he is chosen by the Cosmic Phoenix, a celestial entity of unimaginable power. Bestowed with the incredible Phoenix System, Xavier gains the ability to grow stronger with each challenge he faces, attaining greater strength with each rebirth. Tasked with a monumental mission, Xavier is appointed by the Cosmic Phoenix to save the world from an impending disaster. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a perilous journey to confront formidable adversaries, unlock the mysteries of the Phoenix system, and avert the cataclysmic fate that threatens the entire cosmos. As Xavier embraces his role as the world's chosen savior, he must defy the odds and harness the Phoenix System's extraordinary abilities to ensure the survival of all.

Three_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
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38 Chs


The training arena was bathed in the soft glow of torchlight, creating an ambiance that heightened the anticipation in the air. Xavier stood at one end of the dirt floor, his two short swords in hand, while Garret, with his massive saber, took the opposite stance.

Aria and Felix observed from the sidelines, their eyes focused on the impending clash between the seasoned grade-one hunter and the newcomer.

Garret cracked his knuckles and grinned. "Let's see what you've got, Xavier. Show me how skilled you are with those blades."

Xavier nodded a determined glint in his eyes. He knew Garret was a skilled hunter, and this battle would be a true test of his abilities. The torchlight flickered as they closed the distance between them, and the clash of metal echoed through the arena.

The fight started with a series of quick strikes and parries. Xavier moved with agility, darting in and out of Garret's reach, attempting to find an opening. Garret, however, was a seasoned fighter, his saber creating a defensive wall that was difficult to breach.

Xavier unleashed a flurry of attacks, the blades of his short swords dancing in intricate patterns. His movements were swift and precise, but Garret deftly blocked and parried each strike, his saber meeting the short swords with a resounding clang.

The onlookers could sense the intensity of the battle. Aria watched with keen interest, her emerald eyes following the fluid motions of the combatants. Felix, ever the cheerful observer, leaned in and whispered,

"Quite the show, isn't it?"

As the battle raged on, Xavier tried to incorporate his fire abilities into the fight. He feigned a lunge, only to redirect his movement and release a burst of flames toward Garret. The flames crackled in the air, forcing Garret to step back and evade the unexpected attack.

Garret chuckled, his eyes narrowing in appreciation. "Well, well. Looks like you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, Xavier."

Xavier seized the opportunity and pressed on, using the distraction to launch a series of rapid strikes. The short swords became a blur in his hands, but Garret, unfazed, blocked each blow with the calculated precision of a seasoned hunter.

The battle continued, the exchange of steel and fire creating a mesmerizing display. Xavier's determination was evident, but Garret's experience allowed him to anticipate and counter every move.

Garret grinned, recognizing the resilience in Xavier's eyes. "Not bad, kid. But let's see how you handle this."

With a sudden burst of strength, Garret launched a powerful strike, disarming Xavier of one of his short swords. The weapon clattered to the ground, leaving Xavier with only one option face Garret with a single blade.

Undeterred, Xavier adjusted his stance, his eyes locked on Garret. The veteran hunter circled him, his saber poised for the final blow. Aria and Felix watched in suspense, unsure of how the duel would unfold.

In a swift motion, Garret lunged, aiming for a decisive strike. Xavier, however, showcased a remarkable display of agility. He ducked, rolled, and dodged with impressive speed, narrowly avoiding Garret's attack.

The spectators were stunned by Xavier's evasive maneuvers. Aria exchanged a surprised glance with Felix, both of them realizing that Xavier's combat skills were far beyond what they had initially expected from a recent recruit.

This left them wondering if his movements were unique due to his time spent as a handyman.

Garret, impressed by Xavier's resilience, halted his assault for a moment.

"You've got some serious potential, kid. It's not every day I see someone holding their ground like this, especially against a saber."

Xavier, breathing heavily but maintaining a defiant posture, responded with a nod.

"I appreciate the compliment, Garret. I'm still learning, but I'm eager to improve."

The tension in the arena dissipated, replaced by a sense of mutual respect. Garret offered a hand, and Xavier accepted it, signaling the end of their duel. Aria and Felix joined them in the center of the arena, their expressions a mix of astonishment and approval.

Aria, her fiery hair catching the torchlight, spoke up. "Xavier, have you been secretly training or something? That was quite a performance for someone who just became a hunter."

Xavier, with a twinkle in his eye, feigned a look of mock secrecy. "Well, you see, when you live as a handyman, ducking, rolling, and running are the most essential skills."

His response elicited laughter from the entire group, the tension from the battle dissipating into a lighthearted atmosphere. Even Garret, known for his gruff demeanor, chuckled at Xavier's playful remark.

Felix clapped Xavier on the back. "Handyman moves, huh? We'll have to add that to the training regimen. Can't let our newest member keep all the secret techniques to himself."

Aria smirked. "Just make sure to teach us those moves, Xavier. We could use a bit of handyman flair in our missions."

The camaraderie among the team members grew stronger as they left the arena, still sharing laughter and banter. Xavier, despite the loss in the duel, had gained the respect and acknowledgment of his teammates.

The night concluded with the team heading back to the guild, their bond solidifying through the shared experiences of battle and laughter.

As they walked through the dimly lit streets, Xavier couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. He was part of a team that appreciated his strengths and quirks, and he looked forward to the adventures that awaited them.

The mercenary guild's dormitory was quiet, the sounds of footsteps and distant conversations echoing through the hallways having subsided as night settled over the guild. Xavier, still buzzing with the adrenaline from the day's events, made his way to his modest dorm room.

The room was sparsely decorated, with a simple bed, a wooden desk cluttered with maps and notes, and a small chest for personal belongings. The dim light of a flickering candle cast a warm glow across the room. The air held a mixture of the day's triumphs and the subtle scent of the soap from Xavier's quick post-training shower.

He closed the door behind him, the latch clicking softly, shutting out the remaining noises of the guild. With a sigh of contentment, Xavier started to remove his training gear, the leather straps and armor pieces finding their places on the hooks adorning the walls.

After a brief, refreshing shower, Xavier wrapped himself in a towel, water droplets glistening on his toned frame. He ran a hand through his damp hair, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. The day had been a whirlwind of challenges and camaraderie, a stark contrast to the quiet days he had spent as a handyman.

As he settled onto the bed, wearing a simple set of sleeping clothes, Xavier couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. His journey from a scrawny handyman to a respected member of the mercenary guild had been marked by determination and hard work.

Today's duel with Garret was a testament to how far he had come, and he relished in the realization that he was fulfilling not only his dream but also that of his deceased friend, Travis.

With a proud smile on his face, Xavier spoke softly to the room, "Travis, I did it."

The words hung in the air, carrying a weight of gratitude and achievement. Xavier's mind briefly drifted to the memories of Travis, the friend who had inspired him to pursue his dreams. He imagined Travis beside him, sharing in the triumphs and challenges of the day. The thought brought a bittersweet warmth to Xavier's heart.

Lying down on the bed, Xavier let the fatigue from the day wash over him. His limbs felt heavy, but the sense of fulfillment kept him buoyant. The room was bathed in the gentle glow of the candle's flame, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Closing his eyes, Xavier let pride and joy settle within him. Sleep beckoned, and as he drifted into the embrace of dreams, he carried with him the belief that he was on the right path, that his journey as a hunter was only beginning.

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had an exam early in the morning, got home tired and slept all day (was awake all night binge reading the previous night).

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