
My Phantom System

He is everywhere! He is unpredictable! The chaos mage! The phantom Lord. Imperial Prince Arian Brook along with his family were murdered by the Chief imperial guard to secure the throne and the Farem group. As his body sank to the bottom of the sea where he was drowned, the Phantom relic he had acquired from his master lighted up and banged into his chest. [Warning: current host depleted] [Scanning for permanent host] [Host found] [Intializing transmigration...] [Transmigrating...] [5..4..3..2..1..0] [Transmigration complete] He woke up with his memories erased in a parallel world where magic and mystical creatures exist with a system. When most people cultivate their magic element to face these monsters, Arian goes on system quests and levels up at a really fast pace, becoming the Phantom Lord that is everywhere at the same time and kills with just a gust of wind.

Jay1839 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Level up

Arian moved swiftly through the trees with the sword in his hands. He knew he stood no chance against the three eyed spirit fox behind him with this blunt sword. He only had to escape, if he can. Maybe this is how he was fated to end anyways.

The three eyed spirit fox flung it's tail at him. He ducked and the spiky tail flew above his head. It's movement sent cold air across his face and flung his hair. It banged into a tree and almost cut it into two.

Arian imagined how fatal it would have been had that thing banged into his body. He continued moving and finally sighted a body of water up ahead.

'If I could jump into the water and hide for some time, maybe I could be safe,' Arian thought.

As the excitement and adrenaline rushed in, he was caught by surprise. The three eyed spirit fox struck his body heavily with its tail. He banged into the jagged rocky wall by the side and coughed out a mouthful of blood. The spiky tail pierced deep into his right arm drawing a large amount of blood. For the first time since he woke up, he was seriously injured. His blood soaked his clothe on his arm. Arrgh! He gritted in pains.

The three eyed spirit fox charged at him with it's tail again. He instinctly rolled over avoiding the spiky tail by a hair's breadth.

The three eyed spirit fox is known for its smartness. It had already known Arian's technique of rolling and ducking, so it swiped it's tail repeatedly on the floor like a heavy chain that could split mountains after Arian's rolling body.

When it saw that Arian was going to escape, it spat out a mouthful of spikes. Arian saw the train of spikes coming to his direction. He quickly slipped to the side but missed a step. He fell into a dark wide opening and continued falling with his sword scratching against the wall of this area and sparking tiny lights.

His body rammed into a rock at the centre of this large area.

He flinched in pain. His sides and limbs were on fire which was slightly affecting his breath.

He took a quick glance at his surroundings and realized he was in a dark cave lit up by the blue stalactites hanging above. It's sharp pointed tips could impale a creature as fierce as the three eyed spirit fox.

"I think it's not necessary. Its no longer after me. Ouch! That really hurt!" Arian slowly stood up with his hands clutching his hip where the pains were much. He felt a burning sensation on his arms, his wounds were on fire bitting him.

He heard a deep angry growl from the entrance of the cave and just then he realized the three eyed spirit fox hasn't given up yet. "Vile creature! You never give up, do you?"

He quickly hid in the darkest part of the cave, just directly by the side of the stalactites. 'I just hope it doesn't have heightened vision as well,' Arian thought.

The three eyed spirit fox walked in with large stomps that shook the cave. Arian stiffened and held his breath as the fox passed by his hideout.

When it was at the centre of the cave and there was no sign of its prey, it began to sniff the air. It's heightened sense of smell allows it to detect humans within twenty metres away from it.

Arian realized he needed to hurry up else he will be done for if this creature managed to sniff out his location.

He jumped out from his hideout and stretched with the whole of his strength, surprised by how weightless he had become as he aimed for the stalactite directly above the three eyed spirit fox's head. Almost like he suddenly grew some wings, he could feel the space around him even with his mind focused.

With two slashes before dropping to the floor and rolling away, he cut the stalactite before the three eyed spirit fox could react. The stalactite drove into it's head and impaled it to the floor. Thick black liquid poured from it's head and formed a small pool around it.

"Phew! That was so hard. Please system, don't give me such quests ever again." Arian dropped to the floor to finally take a huge rest. He had already exhausted a reasonable amount of energy from running round the forest. His legs felt weak, unable to carry his exhausted body.


[Quest completed]

[One dominant skill unlocked]

[Phantom Lev 1: spectre]

[Spectre: a skill that violates the law of gravity. Capable of going invisible, floating in the air and amplifying speed]

[Fighting exp: 50/50]

[You have reached the maximum fighting experience]

[Do you wish to level up]

[Level up: yes/no]

"Well... Let me level up and see what happens. Maybe this is a video game like a high tech mech with its own consciousness. That's the only explanation I can give this."


[Levelling up instantly may alter and weaken your body]

[Continue: yes/no]

"Not like am not already exhausted. Since I won't die from it, a few minutes of sleep would do."


[Evolution process activated]

Arian instantly felt a chill run down his spines. His bones and limbs went numb. Though he didn't feel any pain, it felt as if his whole body did not belong to him anymore, like he was no longer in control of it.

[Blood evolving...]

[Soul evolving...]

[Bones evolving...]

Suddenly he felt weak followed by a large rumble coming from his stomach. "I guess I really am hungry."

[Congratulations, you have successfully leveled up]

[All stats have increased]

[You are now a phantom shadow]

"Phantom shadow?" Arian stared at the words when his stomach rumbled again. "I'll have to find something to eat."

[User: Arian Brook]

[Status: phantom shadow]

[Level: phantom level 2]

[Dominant skills: 1]

[Cognitive skills: 0]

[Affinity skills: 0]

[Quests: 1/10]

[Fighting exp 50/200]

[Crystals: none]

[Affinity: none]

[Agility: 25]

[Strength: 20]

[HP: 4/10 weak]

"Did I unlock one dominant skill? Well, I'll check it out and try out the new skill when I must have eaten. If am weak, then its all your fault."

He felt his whole body expecting to see the intensity of his wounds but none of his wounds were there. He had been perfectly healed. "What the f*ck...healing ability?" He smiled. This will be worth it then.

Arian stood up and began to walk towards the three eyed spirit fox's carcass. As he passed by it, he saw a glowing object in its skull. "What is that? Did it swallow diamond?"


[Secure the crystal]

[New tab updated]

"What? How do I take that out from that disgusting gore?"

He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes nonetheless as he pulled out the crystal which was surprisingly unstained by the creature's black blood. He quickly stuffed it into his pockets. "I guess it might be useful since the system recognised it."

He felt dizzy due to his great hunger but managed to stagger out of the cave through the other exit.

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