

It all started in kindergarten;the scene is centered on two little kids of the ages eight and nine.The little cute girl who appeared to be standing right next to the boy tiptoed and whispered into the boys ear"Hey, let's go play mummy and daddy in the washroom".This demand was the little boy's fulfilling fantasy.No matter what the situation was,the little boy shuns all his activities to go on the joyride. They both hold hands and leave the class in the absence of their teacher. It was awkward why two little kids will have some weird affinity for themselves.They entered the washroom and are both stuck in a dilemma;The little boy who goes by the name Nathaniel inquired"where do we go....,is it the boys or girls section?".Dorcas ,the little girl disrelished that question very much because it seems like he always asked the same question in the same kinda situations. She tried to avert herself from giving in this time,but since she was adamant and was the one who drove Nathaniel into the washroom,she answered"let's use the girls washroom". Nathaniel extricated Dorcas's arm and she followed right behind him.

Dorcas lean against the wall and Nathaniel walked closer .They were both content in that atmosphere knowing very well they won't hold back. Both drowning in lust, Nathaniel sent his lips closer to Dorcas's neck;she shut her eyes halfway letting out all negative energy. He kissed her neck in an enchanting manner. She felt a lot of emotions at that time, admiring how Nathaniel gratifies her libido. He moved his lips around teasingly ; touching every hair on her neck he comes across. Dorcas inserts her lower lip halfway into Nathaniel's mouth and he sucks unto it .They do likewise afterwards .They curl their tongues together enjoying the flavors and smoothness of each other's tongue. Nathaniel ingratiated his each and every move just so Dorcas doesn't get less excited and zone out on him,so their sexual act continues. He stops kissing Dorcas because his little joystick became hard and was poking Dorcas. Dorcas peeped downwards;floor direction,and realized his boner. She pleaded "Can I please touch it". Nathaniel nodded yeah. She slipped her hand into his boxers and reached for his joystick,she twitched her thumb on the tip repeatedly. Dorcas was sexually cunning and Nathaniel liked that . "Can I help you with yours"he prattled. She replied "yeah".He reached for her pussy and started smoother ing the labia.