
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Book&Literature
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57 Chs

Chapter 54: In the Forest 2.

— Ready, Tedros! Already! — Yuba shook his cane, and both girls jumped out of their outfits and turned into black cats.

Both had shiny black fur and bicolor eyes, with Agatha's amber right and Sophie's green left.

Tedros took off his blindfold and opened his eyes, a little surprised by the sight.

One of the kittens was lazily lying down, while the other played with one of its companion's ears to see how it would react.

— Hmm - Tedros began—girls, it's a bit difficult if the two act like ordinary cats.

The lying kitten settled down better and rolled up her tail, closing her eyes ready to sleep.

The other kitten walked away a little and then jumped on her friend and started a clawless kitten fight.

— All I can think of is that I want one—confessed Tedros, scratching his head in confusion.

The other students agreed.

— Use the rules, boy, feel with your heart, not your mind! — Yuba shouted at the prince.

For a moment, the prince hesitated.

Then, without any doubt, he was powerfully attracted to one of the kittens.

I separate one from the other.

— Between so many laps, it costs a little to follow you, but you are the naughty kitten – said Tedros – you are the one who jumped on the other.

He put her aside carefully.

— And you're the princess— he declared confidently, and turned to Yuba - right?

— The truth should give you extra points for following up on that fight, I lost a while ago, which was which—Yuba confessed.


All the students stared puzzled at the teacher.

The Gnome cleared his throat and went on.

— But we only have to undo the spell to find out - Yuba concluded and turned to Tedros.

The boy was stroking the kitten in his arms, he seemed to have forgotten that she was a girl, and the girl shared her amnesia because she was blatantly enjoying the cuddles.

The other kitten teased Tedros' trousers by demanding her friend back.

— I'll give it back to you when the test is over, blame the teacher for making them so cute—I try to caress the naughty kitten, but she started playing with her hand—so if I don't return your friend I have to make up for it.

— Meow! — The cat meowed in a clear yes.

— Alright, they had enough fun girls—I call Yuba.

The naughty kitten left Tedros' hand and sat down with the typical feline elegance.

The other kitten was going to come down from Tedros' arms, but like Yuba, she didn't wait another second, and she broke them down right away.

The mischievous kitten transformed into a stunning blonde, and a very embarrassed black-haired beauty appeared in Tedros' arms.

Agatha had her face in her hands, the last thing she wanted was to see Tedros face at this time.

She cursed her best friend for urging her to take advantage of her "five cat minutes", as she had called them.

She was in the arms of the boy whom he had insulted a moment ago.

— Agatha – I call the boy, speaking to him for the first time without honorifics.

Agatha took a deep breath and took courage.

She poked his tender, blushing face through his hands and saw the boy to the face.

— Are you okay? — he asks, sincerely worried.

Agatha's mind went blank from the Shock, she had never been so close to a boy.

(Aric and Japeth were a separate case.)

His mind was blank, but he still forced himself to answer, but the only thing that came out of his lips was:

— Meow.


"Earth, swallow me".

It was all that Agatha could think, the poor girl was sure that she would be the first person to truly die of shame when her beloved and wonderful best friend came to her rescue.

— Tedros, you said you'd return it to me at the end of the test, I don't care if she's still adorable as a human, a promise is a promise—Sophie complained.

But her smile gave her away.

The blonde was having a great time.

Tedros jumped away from Agatha and hid his hands behind his back as if he had caught him in a prank.

Agatha ran back to the group to hide her head in the nearest place, which turned out to be Japeth.

The boy opened his arms and accepted his turn of "physical contact to keep Tedros away", although at the time the reasons were different.

— What a prince, no princess is safe—Sophie told Tedros.

With a wink, she passed by his side and returned to his friends.

Tedros blushed to his ears and watched as the girl turned to her friend to help Rhian's twin comfort her.

He annoyed him a little to see the boy hugging Agatha, but he didn't understand why, he quickly shook his head and drove with his party.

— Well, at least one passed the test, the next, Aric - I call Yuba.

Aric came forward.

— The twins, in front—I call once again.

— Just kidding? — commented Agatha, still clinging to Japeth.

That teacher was inconsiderate.

— I'm sorry, small, but they must pass this class too.

Reluctantly, Agatha let go of Japeth and let him go.

Aric put on the blindfold and Yuba cast his spell.

— Just kidding? — Agatha repeated.

Aric took off his blindfold and before him saw the twins in identical outfits from the school of good.

Both with the same Japeth haircut with their tousled curls, and all the small aesthetic differences that they had applied to differentiate their personalities disappeared, they both looked at each other as if they had forgotten how alike they could be without a tan and a haircut.

— I just saw them and I forgot who's who - Hort said.

The twins glared at him, they may have been very similar on the outside, but inside they were like water and fire.

They were proud of that, of not being the same as copies, but complementary.

— Which is which Aric? — Yuba asked.

The gnome hoped that the boy really took his time, he himself was a little disoriented by the incredible similarity, the twins had always been something extraordinary in his opinion.

But Aric answered immediately.

— Japeth – I point to the right – and his brother's sanctimonious – I point to the twin to his left.

Rhian showed him the middle finger.

— For the storyteller, Rhian! — exclaimed Aric falsely surprised – there are ladies present, I who believed you to be an impeccable prince.

Aric mercilessly teased the boy as the twin on the left laughed.

Yuba undid the spell, and they all saw that Aric was right with which twin was which.

— How did you know? — Yuba asked.

— I grew up with them - Aric gave by all explanation.

Sophie could swear that Japeth had hearts in his eyes and that Rhian was about to develop laser vision.