
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Book&Literature
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57 Chs

Chapter 17: Arriving at School (Part 4): Fairies Bite.

Rhian stared at the little guy in front of him in surprise.

- How do you... - he began to ask, but was interrupted by Jacob.

- Because when I quarrel with my brother - he began - he also spent the day, between blaming him for everything, and missing him - Jacob explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Agatha saw how Rhian gasped like a fish and had to restrain herself so as not to burst into laughter, the boy gave a very funny image.

At that moment, a fairy bit her.

- What the hell...! - He covered his mouth immediately.

Already in the lake he had said too many swear words in front of Jacob, he did not have to "enrich" the child's vocabulary more.

Agatha tried to shake the tinkling insect off her hand, but it flew out and bit her on the neck and then on the buttock.

Another fairy tried to overpower her while Agatha was screaming, but the rascal also bit them and attacked her again.

Furious, she tried to catch the fairy, which was moving with lightning speed.

I didn't get it.

Jacob tried to intervene, but there was another fairy also trying to bite him, although the boy seemed more adept at dodging than she did.

Suddenly, Rhian took them both by one hand quickly put them behind him, took out the sword he had in his belt and stood before them to defend them from the luminescent bugs.

- Enough - he firmly declared.

The fairies stopped when they saw a sword pointed at them.

They began to clink furiously.

- I understand that they are doing their job - he replied, understanding what they were saying to the dismay of both Agatha and Jacob and the fairies.

The fairies, seeing that Rhian understood their language, continued the conversation more vigorously.

- I understand - the boy repeated - but I don't think biting her is the way to get her attention, I didn't see them being so brusque with any of the other girls - she said, pointing the sword at the rest of the princess candidates.

The fairies clinked again.

- That's no reason to be rude – object.

- What do they say? - Jacob asked curiously.

Agatha paid attention, as she was also curious to know what the fairies were saying.

In addition to wanting a reasonable explanation of why he received so many bites.

- They say the others came by the right method - Rhian translated.

They sounded as dissatisfied with the explanation as Agatha herself was.

- Do they bite all readers? - asked Jacob frightened, hiding behind Agatha, who in turn was hiding behind Rhian.

The fairies clinked again.

- They say of course not - translated once again Rhian.

- Do readers usually not arrive by bird? - Agatha asked.

She was ready to leave this school without a principal, if it turned out that they had been given "special treatment."

The 3 waited for the answer, but the fairies just turned to see different sides, as if not wanting to answer.

- Then if they bit me because they wanted to - Agatha said indignantly.

Another area seemed to clink, and the others seemed to want to shut her up.

-What did he say? - Jacob asked.

Rhian had blushed and coughed a little before answering.

- It says that the princesses should not talk to the princes before the welcoming ceremony - I answer quietly.

Probably because he had come to the same conclusion as Agatha.

She stared at the 3 bugs in front of her.

- Did they bite me because they were jealous of me talking to Rhian? - asked incredulously.

A jingle fairy and the other two silenced her.

- And with Jacob - Rhian clarified.

Agatha glared at the bugs.

- Just tell me where I should go, and I'll go myself - Agatha concluded, tired of that conversation, after seeing that it looked like they were directing the girls somewhere.

The fairies clinked once again.

- It says that we princes have to go to a different section - I continue translating Rhian - and prepare for the school presentation.

- What presentation? - Jacob asked.

The fairies clinked once again, this time for a little longer, and looked proud of what they were telling.

- As good won the last fairy tale, it is tradition of the school that the winning half, in this case the school of good, from a demonstration of their talents in battle, in other words, the princes will make a presentation.

- And the princesses? - Agatha asked.

- No princess fought physically in this story, they do not usually fight, when the princesses fight, as would be the case of Princess Uma or Mulan there is a presentation that includes them, but if not, it is usually only the boys who bear the responsibility of the show.

The fairies shrugged their shoulders and clinked a little more.

- No one has ever complained, after all it is about having between 5 or 6 hours to put together a presentation and a choreography without any mistake, in front of the whole school with a lot of newbies and people you have never met.

Rhian concluded the translation, almost losing his voice at the end.

It was obvious that he was not too amused by the idea explained in that way, by Jacob's face he was also a little nervous, the fairies began to push him so that he also went to where one of them guided him.

-Wait! - Agatha stopped them - is it okay to send him with the other princes? He is still very small, he shouldn't be here to begin with.

The fairies suddenly appeared a scroll and showed it to Agatha.

This was a list of students.

One of the fairies pointed to Jacob's name, with her age and provenance from Gavaldon.

Agatha was surprised to see this, that the little guy was here didn't seem to be a mistake.

They were already waiting for it!