
Book-2 Chapter-86 The mate who she loves most, lived.


"You don't need to go anywhere, Victoria. We have come here itself," Victoria heard God Madonna's voice from behind her.

Victoria's time in the body of the lion was limited, thus, it was important for her to create as much destruction she could to call the Gods. She needed them to come and hear her out.

However, God Madonna, who already knew that something like this was going to happen, already arrived before Victoria could even start the destruction.

"What is the use of coming, Witch Madonna? You said that the mate whom I love the most will live among the three, didn't you? But what am I seeing here? I did the work that God's had to do. I risked my life and killed Madeline, but what about me? What did I get in the end? Pain? Misery? Loss of mates?" Victoria shouted, her painful cries coming out in angry growls.

Christopher, who heard her words, looked at his granddaughter sadly when he noticed how pained she was with the death of her mates.

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