
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A king's wife never dies

Everyone gathered around the funeral pile of the king. Although only his head was recovered from the fight. Everyone wore white except from the king's wife who was wearing black. The whole session was painful. The tears that fell from everyone eyes couldn't be recovered. They all poured out their pains and suffering out. The king was a very good man. He was just. Honest and a man of unity and most of all he loved his family. He loved family. He loved a home. He loved peace. They realy had anyway in the castle except from the few which includes the one which eventually led to his death.

Nori sat on the floor as she watched the session go on. Her mind kept wandering to her past with him. She couldn't still believe he was actually dead. Gone forever. She will never see him again. Her tears gradually burst out. As they fled down her cheek. She remembered her last few days with him. Ahe remembered his care and love. Her tears kept coming and she couldn't control it anymore. She held her little Amy who was has been crying since the procession began. She knew what the little girl must be feeling. It pained her to see her like this but she couldn't turn back the hands of time because if she could she will have done it since. She looked at the pile. Her once living husband was now the one being increment right now.

'Your highness, zanducag ...'. A guard ran to her shouting.

Nori stood up. Amy quickly hid behind her. Nori watched as the man came in.

'What are you doing here. Don't you know when a king is being given farewells, his rival is not allowed '. Nori said looking at him questionable.

'I don't care about customs and believe. Am not interested. Am here to take my place'. He said raising his shoulders up.

'Get out, when the ceremony is over you can come for your throne until then get out'. Nori said pointing.

'How cute, men destroy everything in this place I want everything ruined.'. He said looking at her.

The men ranto obey his instructions but as they were about to perform their assignment. Nori spoke.

'Touch anything in this room and your safety will no longer be guaranteed '. Nori said raising her shoulders up.

'Or else what. What will you do woman'. Zanducag asked.

'I will show you that am the king's wife and I will always be. Just try. Touch it. My husband may have dead but I wouldn't. If is to kill I will'.

'Woman, shouldn't talk to a king when he has given an instruction '.

'Those her for woman who are scared, you think that there need someone to save them but am not. You better leave zanducag. I don't play with words. I mean my words'. Nori looked at him.

'Do what I said you should do'.

The men started destroying the place. Nori ran to the fire place and took a stick and lighted it on fire. She ran and swinged the fire over the face of zanducag almost hitting him with i

'I just lost a husband. One I love, i have no problem losing more today. It not a problem at all. Am telling you all any other item that get destroyed his one of your men's life that will pay for it. And am dead serious'.

'You can't '. Zanducag said looking at her furiously. 'You know I can kill you here woman '.

'I never told you I valued my life anymore. Am sure I didn't say such. So better leave. Because this may be your last day on earth even though I end up dieing in the process '.

'Are you threatening me'. Zanducag asked coming close to her. He tried threatening her but Nori stood her ground and did not move. Zanducag was looking deep into her eyes but she maintained her position. All zanducag men ran to him drawing their swords out. The guards of Nori ran around her also drawing their weapons out ready to fight.

'You should know something, I hate woman whose mouth her too sharp'. Zanducag smiled angrily.

'And I hate men who have no regard for humans, customs. And sadly for you. You are one of such men. Zanducag. Know this you can't intimidate me. Because am the king's wife. I have always been and will always be.'.

Nori said looking at him in the eye. 'You should also know that as long as the king burial is not yet over,you are not my king and so her my people. Therefore we are still enemies. And I promise you if a fight breaks out now. I may be a woman but I will behead you. Am not the king you easily killed, am the king's wife. Am not that easy to kill. Instead of you killing me I will kill you instead and feed your head to the dogs to eat as a snack'. Nori added.

'You will still be my wife, I will still have in my bed every night. Woman, so why the tantrums '.

'I don't play tantrums, I play the game of chess. And I make the checkmate not you. Zanducag. You are a fool coming here to brag what you don't own is the behaviour of a foolish king. Only a foolish king builds a castle in the air. A real one builds it on land. Sadly for you, you fall into the category of a foolish king.'. Nori smiled.

'I like your behaviour woman. Stand down men. We will go but come back another day.'. He said smiling. 'You see dear wife. Am telling them to lie low. But I have the power to tell them to rise'.

'Same with me , all I have to do is kill them. And secondly, a wife is one who you marry. Am not so therefore be a king. A king , they do not correct. Because he makes right decisions. But I can count how many wrong decisions you've made since you got. They are more than ten. Starting from you showing up at a funeral'.

Zanducag smiled.'am happy I watch my rival for your die'.

'Zanducag, I don't have a problem incrementing two husbands of mine in one day. The only problem is that one is dead and the other is burnt alive by me'.

Zanducag smiled.'I have no problem being burnt by you're.

'Very good, why don't I try it. Who knows what it feels like to burn an alive person. You be my first apprentice. Zanducag '. Nori said smiling.

'Let's go men. It's about time we left this palce'. Zanducag said and left. But as he walked, he turned and looked at Nori. 'Bye wifey'.

'Bye , I guess my way of using bye is for dead people. So zanducag bye bye'. Nori smiled.

Zanducag smiled and left.

Nori sighed as she looked at everyone. No one knew the queen could talk so boldly to the ruthless and evil king of zanducag.

Nori looked at Amy she soon fell.

Sit up everyone. Things just began. And our dear Draco hasn't left at all. Like this book, add to your library. You can also write your ideas or anything about this book on the comments session. Things just got cooking in MY PERSONAL BLACK MAGIC

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