
My Perfect Mistake

"So this is what it feels like to be married huh..." Emma replied quietly as she caressed the marriage certificate in her hand. "Don't let me wait for you tonight." Levi said domineering as he got into his sports car and drove off, leaving Emma dumbfounded. In search for an adventurous life, Emma coincidentally crossed paths with Levi, a demon among humans who claims whatever he desires. And unfortunately for her, Levi has marked her on his to get list. How will Emma ever be freed from this hell of a marriage and finally get her exciting life back??!

Stephanie_Igben · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

My Boyfriend is a General

"Um... hi Jerry." Emma greeted Jerry who has remained quiet since she boarded the car.

"Hi." he said without much change in his expression.

"So Andrea, why did you decide to pick me up in a flashy manner hmm..." Emma asked.

"It's because there's good news!" Andrea exclaimed excitedly.

"Let me guess... you are getting married?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Um... no." Andrea said awkwardly.

In the past, whenever she said there's good news a week or a little over a month after she starts seeing a new man, it means she was proposed to and she wouldn't stop talking about it. That was until the marriage gets called off a week to the engagement day and she resumes her "ten days depression over ex fiance."

'sigh...' Andrea definitely has several ways to make her lose sleep. Emma thought.

"So what is it this time?" Emma asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Jerry got a promotion!! He's now a general." Andrea said excitedly. She was so happy her boyfriend got the promotion he's been working hard for. He's been a lieutenant colonel for almost four years and has been diligent at his job.

After his just concluded mission, he was told of his promotion to major general and came straight to Andrea's workplace from their base. He really loved Andrea and so she was the first person to get the news, even before his parents.

But he didn't expect her to think of her housemate immediately and requested him to pick her off from work. But nevertheless, he would do anything for her as long as she was happy.

"Oh... congratulations then." Emma said with a smile.

"Thanks." Jerry replied lightly.

The rest of the drive, Emma and Andrea made small talks about their day while Jerry kept silent all the way. They soon pulled up by the side of a fancy restaurant and went in after parking the car.

They proceeded to a VIP room and Jerry ordered a lot of dishes. He felt abandoned as Andrea laughed and joked with Emma, forgetting who actually got the promotion.

He was depressed until halfway through the dinner when Emma decided to take her leave seeing as she was putting space between both of them.

Jerry was so happy after she left and he drank a full bottle of vodka with Andrea as they ate and spoke happily about their future.

Andrea and Jerry's encounter was purely coincidental, but who knew they would make a great couple. They met long ago during one of Jerry's undercover missions in Barcelona. Andrea went for a cooking contest and met him at the hotel she was staying at.

Due to his disguise, he was placed by Andrea's hotel room and they got to interact with each other a few times during the week.

He actually fell for her long ago but he couldn't ignore his mission and go girlfriend hunting so he suppressed his feelings for her for almost three years.

But who would have thought that his three years of suppressing his feelings for her would go to waste at their very first encounter two weeks ago.

It was pretty late by the time they left the restaurant and Andrea was drunk while Jerry was a little tipsy. He drove Andrea back to her apartment before leaving for his personal condo.


"Sir... we found her.!" Zeus came in Levi's study and said in happiness. Levi paused and looked up at Zeus signalling him to continue.

"She goes by the name Emma Duke and is currently working in our company. She's very close to you sir." Levi said excitedly, almost at the verge of tears.

"But sir... " Zeus hesitated.

"It says here that her parents died twenty years ago." Zeus said as he slowly dropped the documents in her hands.

Levi who seems to have his mood lifted up a while ago suddenly felt deep regret spreading through his veins.

After so long,he finally got a good lead in the case of over two decades ago only for him to heat another dead end. But one thing he was certain about was his strong will and determination to solve the mystery of the Reign family.

He was going to find out the truth no matter what.

The next day came very quickly and like the day before, Andrea dropped Emma at work before going to the restaurant.

Today was a very busy day at the office as the president has gone through their plan and was going to hold an all executives general meeting by 3pm. By lunch time when Emma was less busy, she decided to surprise Andrea at her workplace which was a little over 10 minutes drive from Omars Royal.

She has cleared most of her workload in the morning so she had about an hour before going back to work. After walking out of the building, she once again stood by the side waiting for a taxi as she adjusted her beige loose coat.

Just when she was about to enter the taxi she just flagged down, she heard the honk of a car behind her.