
My Perfect Dream

"I know Dad, I know I'll be the heiress of Bridget Group but...but did you ever care for what I wanted", she stated gesturing out her frustration. "Why do you care more about those boys than your company. They don't even know about your existence!!", her father pointed out walking over the couch. "Dad, you d-don't know them then why are you saying all these. I love them, my love for them is more than.......Dad please give me a month, I just need a month to breath, to get to understand my feelings, to think. Dad after a month of trying to g-get over them I will gladly come back to take over", she said with teary eyes in a pleading tone. Kaylee Bridget is known for her beauty, compassion, golden heart, kindness, bravery, stands up against injustice, willingness, and being loved by everyone around her, what so ever name it all. She is the one and only heiress to Bridget Group which comprises of different aspects of business line - Shipping, Fashion, Airports and so on. She has been pampered and given all what her heart desires her whole life except for a thing. Get on the ride and find out what makes the Princess of Bridget Group unhappy ???? _________________________________________ "You stupid girl, you're just like those crazy fans who stalks their idol every single minute" "Yes, now you have nothing to say. I'm deeply disgusted" "Can you like close your mouth, you're drooling stupid" "Tsk, you silly fan. I don't need to explain myself to you. You're not really important stupid girl" "I'm super sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life" *** "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT. STOP IT, I'M FED UP. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DON'T ACT LIKE THIS TO YOUR 'BELOVED' FANS SO WHY AM I SO DIFFERENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE MET YOU BEFORE TO GAIN THESE AMOUNT OF HATRED FROM YOU". Jayden Terrence is An Australian and Worldwide Idol, a perfectionist with great looks. He is currently in a boy band called 'TLK' meaning The Last Knights. The band are currently facing an issue with songwriting, deciding for the best to take a break from music. On their smoothly perfect and full proof planned vacation, he encountered TLK's greatest fan who only loved them as a Fan would do but for no ultimate reason he despise her presence. Or are these all a facade to cover up his real and buried feelings. His past have been haunting for quite some time, is it time for all secret to come out of the closet. Who will finally help the group to overcome their problem and Jayden's uncleared past ?????. Let's find out more about the Romance between A Idol and His Fan. Secret will be exposed, who is willing to jump into ride to 'MY PERFECT DREAM'. Author's Note. This story should not be stolen or rewritten and to clarify, I may be a baby writer but I'm here to write my imagination away ~. Love

Kailee_Praise · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 9- "Arrogant, Jerk face"

Chapter 9 - "Arrogant, Jerk face"


We all stood outside of the airport, Ryan called Leonard which I learnt that they call Lenny to inform him about their flight been cancelled and also to come along with two van to the airport.

Fifteen minutes later, Lenny arrived with two black tinted vans. They introduced me to Lenny and explained all what happened in the airport as we were all separated in two batches.

First batch in the first van:

At the 2nd seat

Jason    ------>     Myles

The 1st seat

Kaylee   ------>     Jayden

The passenger seat

Lenny's Assistant  ------> Driver

Second batch in the second van:

At the 2nd seat

Theo   ------>    Ryan

The 1st seat

Harvey   ------->   Justin

Passenger seat

Leonard   ------->   Driver



"Jason, I'm really sorry for intruding your vacation. I didn't mean so, I-I was really surprised to meet you guys and yes I created problems", I apologized unintentionally ruining their plans.

Jayden scoffed sarcastically "yeah right stupid girl".

Jason sighed "What do you keep calling her stupid girl, it's not like she has done anything wrong so where is the hatred coming from?", Jason scolded him. It's written on Jayden's words and movement that he doesn't like me at all and it breaks my heart slowly.

"I don't know, she seems stupid to me" he shrugged nonchalantly.

I'm so fed up of his attitude towards me. I get that most celebrities are rude and arrogant but he doesn't know anything about me and so much hatred already!!.

"You know what Jayden, you don't behave in this way to your fan so why am I different?", I asked getting angry of my untold mistakes.

He scoffed and replied "I don't need to give you any fucking damn explanation. So just sit there and act like an obsessed fan you are", he yelled out and groaned.

He is a jerk, an arrogant jerk. I hate him so much.

"Why are you yelling?. Do I know you or have we met before, what crawled up to your ass and got stuck there you arrogant jerk", I screamed out, I can't just keep quiet and take in all insult thrown my way.

He kept quiet seems to be in deep thought and didn't say anything just staring at my face.

"Hey, earth to Jayden", I said flickering my finger at his face.

"What !!!", he snapped suddenly at me.

Woah Woah hold on you jerk face.

"Don't you ever, I mean ever snap at me. You don't want to see the end of it", I threatened him fuming in anger.

"What can you do stupid girl?", He smirked evilly.

"Yah, did you just call me stupid girl. I really thought I've heard it ONE MILLION TIME, stop trying to be funny Mr Terrance", I busted out in flames angrily thinking I once had a huge crush on him.

I'm so annoyed, he messed up my afternoon. Arrrgggghhhh !!!!!!

"Are you done stupid girl!", he cleaned his ear sticking out his tongue to me.

He doesn't even know me, I can be aggressive if I want and I really want to pounce on him punching the hell out of his face, but Jason defended me before I could do anything.

"Jayden you're so immature. You are twenty for neptune's sake act like one, Kaylee is an angel what's the big deal. But you two are cute when you quarrel, it is quite funny", Jason said trying to suppress his laughter.

"Bro, don't call me cute. I'm sexy and handsome", he boasted flashing his shinny white teeth.

I pretended to throw up and sneered at him" Sexy and handsome my foot, more like eeeewwww and duuuhhhhh".

Jason laughed seeing Jayden's death stare and he tried to cover it up with a cough. "Sorry bro, take heart", he mocked.

I giggled sticking my own tongue out watching him speechless.

"Seriously guys, you're so noisy and loud", Myles commented removing his hoodies from his head.

I stopped and turned my head to face Myles who was grinning not even annoyed, that's new to see.

"Hmm... I'm sorry I didn't mean so"

"No prob and nice to meet you too"

"Erm I'm Kaylee Bridget-",

"You don't need to introduce yourself I know who you are", he replied before I finished my introduction.

"Ooh okay"

"That's all you're going to say", he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I gave him a puzzled look wondering what his questions meant. "I-I thought since you didn't say a word to me for the past an hour you didn't want to speak to me, I didn't bother introducing myself", I admitted honestly hoping it was the answer to his question.

"It wasn't like that, you see Mr grumpy here doesn't like to talk a lot all he does is sleeping. Let's just say he likes his own privacy more", Jason explained to me. Finally understanding why he didn't talk to me.

My mouth unconsciously formed an 'O', and muttered "But he is such a cutie with his fans".

"He is not really that but he truly loves his fan more than us if that helps", Jason retorted and Myles shrugged.

"Hey beautiful, I haven't introduced myself don't mind my disrespect", he extended his hand and I shook it instantly. He turned my hand and kissed it. "I sure love your golden eyes, it say so much about you", Myles complimented and I was a blushing mess, my cheeks are so hot.

"Stupid girl, you actually blushed for that cheesy lines", Jayden mocked his voice lacing in anger or jealousy nah it's the first reason.

If I didn't know better from his attitude towards me I would have thought he is jealous cause of Myles words.

"Awwnnnn it seems Myles likes you, in any minute from now he will soon be protective of you", Jason chuckled grinning.

"Of course, she is my little angel and sister and so cute I'll be protective of her against those idiotic boys", he replied almost proudly releasing my hand.

Oh my my, Myles called me his angel. I can't believe this is happening.

"I Will be honoured to be your little sister", I declaimed proudly, I have always wanted an elder brother.

If only that big headed idiot would stop taunting me, my wish will be completed. But he is kind off handsome and sexy--- ok okay fine he's super hot, sexy and handsome.

"Kaylee, where are you staying at?. I heard you came to Australia for a vacation", Myles asked.

"Ah yes, I was supposed to come with my friends but they backed out last minute for some personal reasons and I'm staying at-", I went through my bag to search for the address of our apartment. The one Irene, Eve, Ellen and I rented last week. "Yeah at ****, that's where I'm staying and don't worry I informed Ryan about it he told the driver already", I said returning the paper into my bag.

"That's good, now we can entrust that you're safe", Jason stated.

"Yes, but I'm sad you're leaving the country. I can't wait for your comeback album and concerts, I won't miss it for the world", I said with a dreamy smile.

I hope I can really attend their concert !!!! I want to so bad.

"We can't also wait to meet our fans", Jason replied nearly sad. "What are you going to do in Australia, you're new to this country right?".

"Yes, about that I've searched for some sightseeing and fun places like Great Ocean Road and I made few arrangement to visit them with my friends, they will be here in two weeks time. And it looks like I'm on my own for the next two weeks", I shrugged smiling.

"I have a wonderful idea, why don't we keep you company for the next two weeks before your friends arrive", Jason suggested, he is so cute and sweet, super nice.

"WHAT THE HELL!!", Jayden yelled out and frowned at Jason's suggestion. "Never I mean never will I have to spent an entire week with an obsessed fan. It's not going to work", he groaned angrily.

"I would really really really appreciate that but it's seem that someone isn't fond of such idea", I replied eyeing Jayden for ruining that great suggestion.

"No pretty, ignore him. I will love to keep you company for the next two week. I am always free when it comes to my angel", Myles answered and I beamed at the thought of spending two weeks with my favorite boy band.

"Are you always nice to the fans you meet?", I asked curiously.

"It's our duties especially to those who are beautiful and fragile like you". Myles said cutely.

"Will you do that for me?", I asked Myles cautiously with a little blushed on my cheek.

"Yes I will do anything for my little sister who is so sweet",he replied cupping my cheeks with his hands.

"I told you, he likes you and it's showing already", Jason commented laughing a little bit.

They are so friendly and charming. I'm proud to be their fan.

I wished for an elder brother and I found one. A good and sweet one, my dreams are almost perfect.

"I don't see the reason for them loving her so much. She is just stupid, truly a stupid girl", he murmured half asleep next to me.

"Dumbass, why are you so rude to Lee, do you have a rational reason?", Myles asked flipping Jayden's forehead. "She is special and have a good heart, being a jerk to her isn't helping the situation. You are still in denial that you like her ehn". He asked raising his eyebrows, Jayden gasped in shock.

"Wh-what do you mean by denial, I will never like this-", he opened his eyes, facing and pointing at me and continued "never in a lifetime", he confessed to my face which sent a deep strike to my heart, as I felt my heart broke gradually.

That's hurt like shit and I can't cry....




Subsequently, the argument or should it be a confession I haven't utter a word as I had nothing else to say. We arrived at my apartment, Jason helped in carrying of my traveling bag and I insisted for them to come inside to officially thank them for their company.

Myles informed the members of the idea of staying with me for two weeks though I didn't want them to bother but they plainly refused and said they were cool about it. Even excited about it, Harvey seems to see me as his beloved daughter.

"What's wrong Kaylee, why do you look so pale and quiet?", Theo questioned worriedly, Jason and Myles giving a death stare to Jayden

"No- No.... nothing is wrong. I feel a little tired that's all", I answered. "You guys are the best idols ever and I'm very grateful for your help, company and time. I want to always see you all happy and together", I stood up from the love shaped couch and bowed in respect for their time and effort.

"Kaylee, don't be so formal. You didn't have to thanks us", Lenny replied and I sat back down on the couch.

"Lee, do you have any suggestions of where you want to go for sightseeing in Australia", Harvey asked sitting next to Lenny.

"Yeah, I have some. I will love to go to Ocean Road and Fraser island I've heard it has a pleasant weather", I  stated.

"Okay, if you need any help you can ask Theo here he is great at tourists attraction", Justin pointed to Theodore.

"Thanks guys, thanks so much for your help".

"We all need to go back to our dorm, we'll meet you on Friday",Ryan announced to the member and have me a hug.

Theo stood and gave me a tight hug same with Justin, Harvey gave me a peck on my forehead and murmured 'Good day', Jason turned to me and gave me a tight hug and pecked my forehead also, Myles who was almost asleep as usual gave me a hug too, Lenny wished me a good day and lastly Jayden didn't bother to look back at me as he left for the van. 

"It looks like I'm going to have a long day to myself", I said to no one but myself. "I forgot to call mom and Isabelle they must be pissed but I'm so tired I will call them when I wake up later", I headed to my room, without looking around I slumped into my bed. 

Author's Note

Chapter Nine Updated and Edited, I'm sure you all have questions, ask in the comment section. Don't forget to Vote and Follow.

Who's your favorite boy band or artist???

Love <3
